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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

07-07-2012 , 09:45 PM
Sick crash right now in daytona. My boy Jimmie Johnson got tapped from the back and hit the inside wall hard. 3 DNF's in restricter plate races this year.
07-07-2012 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by AmazonPrime
IDK, Old men love to slowplay AA against young aggressive kids.
The fact that he would play AK oop that way outweighs the times he will play AA like that. For the most part their thinking I'm oop with AA I need to raise pre. I'm not saying your wrong and I'm right. Its just one of those situations that's hard to analyze unless I'm there.
07-07-2012 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by AmazonPrime
IDK, Old men love to slowplay AA against young aggressive kids.
Reminds me of a really funny hand I had once.

CO limps. I'm button and raise to $25 with 97o. BB flats, and CO calls.

Flop comes J-7-7 rainbow

They both check, I bet $40 into $77.

Now things get crazy. BB calls $40. CO check-raises to $165. I call $125. BB moves all-in for like $400. CO reluctantly folds (obv he didn't have a 7). I call another $235 or something.

Turn Q
River K

I scoop.

BB slowplayed AA. CO slowplayed QQ and then folded after my flat and BB's shove. BB's shove won me the pot because CO would have hit the turn. LMAO.
07-07-2012 , 09:52 PM
Not saying that I could have ever avoided such cooler, but I was just saying that I have seen old men slowplaying AA more than a handful of times.
07-07-2012 , 09:53 PM
Speaking of which, I l/rr AA and scooped $150 pot pre-flop today.
07-07-2012 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
I screwed up big time last night and almost cost myself 700.

I've been moody lately at the tables, going off on people for berating other players, flagging Internet nerds for excessive hand analysis, etc... so I got more annoyed at villain than I should have.

5/5 game. Villain is tight-ish and doesn't get too out of line. He has about 1350 and I barely cover

A few hands ago villain bet a paired flop and checked turn (checked around multiway). I bet 60 (last to act) when I caught top pair on the river. He did a bit of hollywooding and 'reluctantly' c/r to 200. His acting job was so bad it was an easy turbomuck, but I found myself irritated at him for playing the hand so badly. He obviously flopped trips and risked getting the last two streets checked through (including river when he filled up) because he was FPSing.

So there are a couple limpers, he raises to 25 or 30, gets a caller, and I call in SB with TT. One limper folds.

Flop is KKT. He cbets 60 (half pot) and I c/r to 200, figuring he'll fold and that will be that. He tanks and calls, so I'm pretty sure he has AK, with AA not being out of the question, but any underpair he mucks.

Turn is a blank. I bet turn 400. He tanks again, giving the same 'reluctant' look that makes me think he's contemplating a shove, but he just calls. Now I don't think he has anything but AK or a rare KK. I guess he could also have KQs, but I doubt he raises that after limpers.

River is a Q.

Here's where I do one of the dumbest things I've done at a poker table in quite a long time, and that's saying something. I check river. Don't ask me why, but part of it was I just wanted to see him tank and act reluctant one more time. He obliges before finally shoving his last 700. I call, thanking the poker gods that he didn't check back, worried about me having KQ. I win a 2800 pot that could have only been 1400 because I checked the river after showing tons of strength.

On the plus side, I had my annual eye exam today. 20/20 vision in my right eye, 20/15 in my left.... and I'm over 40, bitches!
Originally Posted by ikestoys
He's writing about he ****ed up. Thanks for being a condescending douche.
Im confused, you like it when Im a douche?

I thought he was saying his only mistake was the river action, but the whole HH was full of mistakes

Originally Posted by masaraksh
Lol... Just happened:

- I open QJo to 40 over 2 limpers. BTN calls, BB calls, and limpers call.
- Flop: Q95ss. I cbet 150, BTN and 1 limper call.
- Turn: 3o. I bet 460, BTN 1080 (w/ 700 more behind), limper folds, I ship and BTN calls

I'm good, obv. Guy had 77

Omfg does this make realize how awesome it is to play LAGGY
Originally Posted by 1ns71nct
Was confused why you bet so large OtT
value from draws imo, better Qx c/r flop or 3b pre imo?
07-07-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by AmazonPrime
Not saying that I could have ever avoided such cooler, but I was just saying that I have seen old men slowplaying AA more than a handful of times.
It really depends. Body language and timing tells you could find a fold. Situations like that I usually try and get a read. I spend too much time reading psychology articles to not use that skill I have gained.
07-07-2012 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
It really depends. Body language and timing tells you could find a fold. Situations like that I usually try and get a read. I spend too much time reading psychology articles to not use that skill I have gained.
It won't help in such case, unless you could have picked up a read pre-flop, because old man is probably viewing AT as the nuts as well.

On a side note, tells are great...but they're really really too much work, plus most of the times they're really only good for very narrow spots, and I don't run into too many of those on a daily basis.
07-07-2012 , 10:01 PM
@Amazonprime I know your like lol tells. But in a pressure situation I will tank. Go over in my head: eyes, shoulders and facial expression's. To try and gather something. Its a lot of work but when the money is on the line I have to use my abilities.
07-07-2012 , 10:08 PM
I do read tells, and I have probably studied them more than most of the people in this forum, which led to my conclusion that it's very hard work to utilize tells.
07-07-2012 , 10:10 PM
My last trip to vegas:

250 bbs deep with SB.

Folds to button who raises to 5 bbs, sb calls, and I call from bb with 55.

Flop: 5/2/10 rainbow and sb donks close to pot, I flat hoping that button raises or at least comes along, but he folds.

Turn: 2 sb donks again, I raise, he shoves and I call, and he spikes KK down like it's the nuts, I show my 5s.

River: K

Great spot to slowplay.
07-07-2012 , 10:13 PM
My point is its not as hard as you think. Because we play against inexperienced players who don't study psychology. Have you read articles on all the main points: eyes, shoulders and facial expressions. I do agree that its hard to tell which is which when you first start utilizing it. But after a couple of years it becomes second nature for a live player. I'm only telling you this stuff because I don't mind exchanging tips with you. On 2+2 its always lmao tells are stupid.
07-07-2012 , 10:15 PM
You're actually oversimplifying tells.

They are not universal even against donkeys. The important part of observing tells is correlation, which requires a lot of work in studying your opponents behaviors, both relaxed and tense moments.

A lot of work I am telling you.
07-07-2012 , 10:17 PM
quite a few tells are universal
07-07-2012 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
On 2+2 its always lmao tells are stupid.
You hear this from online players mainly because they are amused/ irritated/ have given up on low stakes players who are looking for tricks, black and white rules and magic physical tells to replace the hard work of grinding pokerstove or flopzilla away from the table and thinking in ranges at the table.

"ZOMG, he twitched his left eyelid" is much easier than, "well, I have x equity against y range and his bet offers z odds..."
07-07-2012 , 10:22 PM
07-07-2012 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
quite a few tells are universal
Those that display those can easily be beaten without having to read tells.
07-07-2012 , 10:26 PM
right I could probably beat them by never 3 betting either, whats your point?

Solid plays aren't going to show huge tells.
07-07-2012 , 10:27 PM
In my experience "strong means weak" is almost always true.
07-07-2012 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
right I could probably beat them by never 3 betting either, whats your point?

Solid plays aren't going to show huge tells.
Actually, what is YOUR point?
07-07-2012 , 10:30 PM
If anything, I have shown more respect to reading tells by acknowledging the amount of work it requires.
07-07-2012 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
@DueceKicker if the read you wrote was right. A player who is berating players and talking internet lingo. Checking the river was the right play against an aggressive maybe savvy player. When you c/r flop and bomb turn you're repping a big king. Your hand is face up and you won't get paid on a river 3barrel in a re raised pot postflop. When you check the river pot is too big for him to check back and let you win with AK. When he bets he is expecting you to fold unless he had AK. But if he has a weaker king it was a merge to get you to fold.
No, I was not clear in my post. I didn't mean the villain was berating others. I was saying that I've been pissy at the tables lately and I've been defending the fish and telling Internet nerds to shut the hell up. I think because of the bad mood I've been in, when he did his ridiculous hollywood act on an earlier hand, a part of me wanted to stick it to him. In doing so, I did a dumb thing that could have cost me almost a buy-in. I was lucky he didn't check behind on the river.

Bottom line, checking river was great move accidentally. Your reason for checking doesn't add up. You put him on KQ and still called. A lot of players do that in llsnl. I see failed bluffs from players who level themselves. I would have been laughing in my head at the table. Good **** man!
He and I are both very straightforward players. He knows by my actions that I have TT, KT, or a worse King than his. After he calls a large turn bet, I know by his actions that he basically couldn't have anything but AK or KK.

I didn't put him on KQ, but it's possible he could put me on KQ, which makes my check even worse--it increases the chance that he checks behind. But, yes, you would have been laughing your ass off when you saw the hands. It was a butchered hand.
07-07-2012 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
You hear this from online players mainly because they are amused/ irritated/ have given up on low stakes players who are looking for tricks, black and white rules and magic physical tells to replace the hard work of grinding pokerstove or flopzilla away from the table and thinking in ranges at the table.

"ZOMG, he twitched his left eyelid" is much easier than, "well, I have x equity against y range and his bet offers z odds..."
This post is funny. Both of them are hard work. I'm like an athlete I work on all aspect's of my game. I think ranges is easier than psychology. That's why internet players are omg their stupid.

I have many many hours of reading and writing notes on eyes, shoulders and micro expression's. Idk if it has made me a better player. But it doesn't hurt to work on all aspects.
07-07-2012 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by AmazonPrime
You're actually oversimplifying tells.

They are not universal even against donkeys.
The point is this is false.

Originally Posted by AmazonPrime
Those that display those can easily be beaten without having to read tells.
Which you seem to agree with in this post, but you say that you don't need tells to beat donkeys, which is pretty obviously true. You can handicap yourself in several other ways as well and still be able to beat them... so I don't see your point.
07-07-2012 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
The point is this is false.

Which you seem to agree with in this post, but you say that you don't need tells to beat donkeys, which is pretty obviously true. You can handicap yourself in several other ways as well and still be able to beat them... so I don't see your point.
If you have actually done your work in studying tells, you would actually understand the point that tells aren't universal, and of course some are, but I wouldn't make stack decision off those.

I have never under-valued tells, only stated that utilizing them is hard work.

Ps. To say that my point that tells aren't universal is false is literally stating that all tells are universal.
