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06-21-2012 , 10:05 AM
played last night with a guy that plays almost every hand, open raising most. cbets 100%, 1/3 - 1/4th type bets into 4-5 players, etc. But not huge bet sizing tells. Still better than the field.

He would basically talk to me about every hand I played with him, giving me his hand reading analysis of what I could have. He had an accuracy of 0%

He got the last laugh by flush over flush over flushing me and another guy.
06-21-2012 , 10:18 AM
^ against these types i like to sit to their left and 3bet my entire range that I'd play vs. their opens.
06-21-2012 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
He's mostly loose passive and tends to call wide rather than squeeze.

And he folds to obvious strength. If I 4-bet there he would have folded.
06-21-2012 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by SABR42
well obv I don't beat any of his value range, and he doesn't get here with bluffs that often (he's still mostly passive and would call pre-flop with 88 like 90% of the time).

so it was a hero-call in the sense that my hand is a bluff-catcher and only beats random spazz, but my spidey sense told me to call because I felt he wanted me to fold
Yeah I've be more inclined to 4b oop but being ip I like a flat
06-21-2012 , 10:58 AM
Another semi-interesting hand from last night.

I have KK UTG.

I almost never do this, but BB in this hand raised out of turn, thinking he was UTG. BB is also a massive calling station fish. Chases anything, but raises if he's got it. I limp. 5 more players limp, and BB checks. Oops.

Flop K87 (pot $35)

Well I really wish I raised now, lol.

I bet $25, folds to everyone except BB fish, who thinks a bit and calls. His range here is any pair, any draw (gutters). If he had two pair or better he would have raised because he's check-raised all flopped and turned strong hands so far.

Turn J (pot $85)

He checks. I bet $50. I bet on the small side because a lot of hands got there, and I want to keep his weaker hands in. If I bomb for pot I think I get folds from 1-pair hands. There's also a ton of money behind so I don't mind getting c/r with top set. He thinks a while a calls.

River 7 (pot $185)

He checks, I bet $150. I'm about to jizz my pants when he minraises to $300. Obv I'm re-raising, but how much?

There's like $1.2K behind for both of us. Just go for the slam and shove? I don't put him on quads because he would have check-raised the flop. He also would have raised K7 most likely. So what boat does he really have? J7? JJ? 87 maybe? I think he'd check-raise a flush on the turn, but you never know.

If he does somehow have a flush I think he pays off $300 more but folds to the jam because it's so much. A full house probably calls a jam.

I went with the jam.
06-21-2012 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by SABR42
If he had two pair or better he would have raised because he's check-raised...
Just wanted to point out that he didn't check-raise the turn either, so it seems like he deviated fro mthis behavior.

Anyway, I think a shove is fine.
06-21-2012 , 11:15 AM
In other news, I am the fattest I have ever been.

My peak a few years ago was 182 lbs and I went on a pretty good jogging kick + eating better and actually plummeted to a crazy 160 lbs (wow, that's like, high school). Then up to 165 lbs which I was fine with, but soon settled on a respectable 170lbs that I was ok with (I'm just over 5'10" and I don't have a muscle in my body). Anyhoo, my eating habits have been horrible lately, and I've just gotten up to 183 lbs or so. Ug.

I'm guessing once we hit middle age that it's even more difficult to keep the belly off?

06-21-2012 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
In other news, I am the fattest I have ever been.

My peak a few years ago was 182 lbs and I went on a pretty good jogging kick + eating better and actually plummeted to a crazy 160 lbs (wow, that's like, high school). Then up to 165 lbs which I was fine with, but soon settled on a respectable 170lbs that I was ok with (I'm just over 5'10" and I don't have a muscle in my body). Anyhoo, my eating habits have been horrible lately, and I've just gotten up to 183 lbs or so. Ug.

I'm guessing once we hit middle age that it's even more difficult to keep the belly off?

More fiber, wholegrains, organic vegetables and fruit. Lay off the fat.
06-21-2012 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by 1ns71nct
More fiber, wholegrains, organic vegetables and fruit. Lay off the fat.
Yuck. I once made the move to brown / wholegrain bread for my lunch sandwiches (I've been a white bread kid forever). I pulled it off for about 2 months. Then finally one day I realized how much I hated my lunch. Absolutely hated it. Couldn't eat it. So went back to white bread. Ditto for even something like salad dressing; did the light stuff for a while and then realized I simply hated the salad I was eating and found it uneatable.

Fruit I like. Some raw veggies. Probably gotta size my portions better too. And get out for jogging more. And cut down on the bad food after hockey in the bar.

06-21-2012 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Yuck. I once made the move to brown / wholegrain bread for my lunch sandwiches (I've been a white bread kid forever). I pulled it off for about 2 months. Then finally one day I realized how much I hated my lunch. Absolutely hated it. Couldn't eat it. So went back to white bread. Ditto for even something like salad dressing; did the light stuff for a while and then realized I simply hated the salad I was eating and found it uneatable.

Fruit I like. Some raw veggies. Probably gotta size my portions better too. And get out for jogging more. And cut down on the bad food after hockey in the bar.

Quit raping your joints, buy a bike.

Also do you ever mix your sandwiches up or do you just eat meat cheese sandwiches? Try a avocado sandwich

Up until about a year ago I never ate a full salad, I hated them. I love them now. You know that anti tilt thing people do, it is the same thing with food. Control your mind or fall short of looking and feeling how you want.
06-21-2012 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by 1ns71nct
Quit raping your joints, buy a bike.

Also do you ever mix your sandwiches up or do you just eat meat cheese sandwiches? Try a avocado sandwich

Up until about a year ago I never ate a full salad, I hated them. I love them know, you know that anti tilt thing people do, it is the same thing with food. Control your mind or fall short of looking and feeling how you want.
Joints are maintaining fairly good, so I can still handle the jog. It's too difficult to get to an area that would offer interesting / safe biking, and I find I just don't work up any real sweat when biking around the neighbourhood (not like jogging at least).

Avocado, is that what makes gaucomole? I love guacomole. Maybe I'll try that. Typically, I just have a very simple meat / mustard sandwich for lunch.
06-21-2012 , 11:44 AM
eat more fruit, especially apples, they have tons of fiber which keeps you full. Make sure you eat some berries, an apple, a bananna etc daily. Then of course the usual crap, don't eat like an *******, portion size etc.
06-21-2012 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by PardoG
eat more fruit, especially apples, they have tons of fiber which keeps you full. Make sure you eat some berries, an apple, a bananna etc daily. Then of course the usual crap, don't eat like an *******, portion size etc.
Don't eat non organic apples ffs

Avocado is used for guac.

Recommend organic pineapple, **** is crack.

Try snacking fruit between meals.
06-21-2012 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by madlondoner
Won 800 today despite biffing one hand.

AQss UTG, raise to 20, 3 callers. Flop AdThTd
Bet 40 button calls.
Turn Kh
Bet 100 button raises to 200 after some really bad acting
River Jh
Check button acts mad then bets 190.

Pretty sure river is a fold.

Pretty sure turn is a snap fold unless I'm missed something.
Yeah you are, there are two aces on the board, not two tens. Oops.
06-21-2012 , 01:06 PM
^ avocado is good. indeed. guacamole is good with chicken, chips, burritos, all kinds of stuff. even good on its own.

also good - hummus. you gotta find the right type though (some brands are horrible) and fresh pita bread.

Anyway, chugged a red bull... running out to play 1 more session before my week and half vacation.
06-21-2012 , 01:08 PM
One of my fav things to eat

heat tortilla or pita bread in a pan

apply hummus over one side

spread half an avocado

lots of sriracha sauce

fold into a burrito and ENJOY
06-21-2012 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by masaraksh
^ against these types i like to sit to their left and 3bet my entire range that I'd play vs. their opens.
I 3 bet him a bunch. But only once I moved to have position on him.

One memorable hand:

We are about $300 eff.

UTG limps, LAG raises to $8, I 3bet J8ss to $25, folds to UTG who calls, LAG calls.

UTG was somewhat unknown. I was worried about his call, but didn't know enough about him to know if he can have 99, or AQ type hands.

Flop is Q22 one spade. Checks through. I didn't bet cause of UTG.

Turn Ts. check, LAG bets $18 or something, I make it $75, UTG folds, LAG tanks folds.

Says he folded QJ lol, I believed him. Said I had to have KK. I asked, what about picking up a spade draw? Nope, you just call.
06-21-2012 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
I 3 bet him a bunch. But only once I moved to have position on him.

One memorable hand:

We are about $300 eff.

UTG limps, LAG raises to $8, I 3bet J8ss to $25, folds to UTG who calls, LAG calls.

UTG was somewhat unknown. I was worried about his call, but didn't know enough about him to know if he can have 99, or AQ type hands.

Flop is Q22 one spade. Checks through. I didn't bet cause of UTG.

Turn Ts. check, LAG bets $18 or something, I make it $75, UTG folds, LAG tanks folds.

Says he folded QJ lol, I believed him. Said I had to have KK. I asked, what about picking up a spade draw? Nope, you just call.
Must think you are a donk
06-21-2012 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by masaraksh
also good - hummus. you gotta find the right type though (some brands are horrible) and fresh pita bread.
My wife loves the hummus / pita bread (she's Greek).
06-21-2012 , 01:22 PM
Damn that sounds good!

I never really liked lettuce in sandwiches and stuff. It always takes up a lot of space, falls out, and doesn't really have much or a taste. Avocado is real good tho.

SABR, go for the whole stack... Ship...
06-21-2012 , 01:24 PM
Some of my favorite joints around town are Greek, love the sourly garlic taste.
06-21-2012 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by masaraksh
SABR, go for the whole stack... Ship...
Yeah I did. He looked at his stack and then looked at mine and said "must be a boat" (at this point I'm thinking he doesn't have one himself and can't call) and then folded.

Maybe he had a flush somehow, which is why I was re-considering my sizing. Also possible he was making a move and wasn't calling regardless of sizing though.
06-21-2012 , 01:30 PM
Does anyone think that the type of musc you listen to will affect your play?

- I usually don't listen to much music
- try to BS as much as possible with players
- I think louder more obnoxious music would make one want to play more aggro.?
06-21-2012 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by SABR42
Yeah I did. He looked at his stack and then looked at mine and said "must be a boat" (at this point I'm thinking he doesn't have one himself and can't call) and then folded.

Maybe he had a flush somehow, which is why I was re-considering my sizing. Also possible he was making a move and wasn't calling regardless of sizing though.
Yeah, typically people whine about how terrible their luck is before they fold if they have a flush. I don't think his calling range really changes much with any reasonable sizing.
06-21-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by masaraksh
Does anyone think that the type of musc you listen to will affect your play?

- I usually don't listen to much music
- try to BS as much as possible with players
- I think louder more obnoxious music would make one want to play more aggro.?
I like trance/electro. Was my online grind music
