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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

06-05-2012 , 04:31 PM
@LolPony featured in WIRED magazine!
06-05-2012 , 04:51 PM
omg there's a bronie at work. I sent him the link. lol
06-05-2012 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Getting ready to take my polygraph. I hope they dont ask about the one time in band camp! GL me.
Many years ago when I took my first polygraph, the special agent angled me by saying (without exactly lying about it because of well trained wording) that I'd failed to get me to freak out and see if I'd admit anything. Of course, I was young and dumb then and thought that I'd really failed the thing and freaked out because I was going to lose my clearance for no reason.

So my NCO sat me down to calm me down and explain the angle-shots those guys use etc. He told me about his friend who gives them, and all the tricks they use... Then he mentions that poly's actually measure discomfort, not falsehood, and his buddy told him that men who have had prostate exams tend to do poorly on questions about homosexuality (this was before DADT, much less open service).

So my NCO is taking a lifestyle poly for the NSA, and the administrator says "you had a bit of a problem on one section, care to guess which one?" And my NCO thinks about what his buddy told him and how he'd had his first prostate exam that year and "like an idiot, I said 'homosexuality?'" Next thing he knew he says he's getting half-an-hour of questions like "have you ever inserted a hamster into your rectum? any other animal?" etc.

Since then I have learned, volunteer nothing to those guys, don't try to explain anything, don't ask anything, etc.
06-05-2012 , 06:00 PM
Now he tells me... Sheesh.

Anyone else going to brave the sunlight and look at the Transit of Venus? ILCD is still recovering from the eclipse so he's out. 9 more minutes.
06-05-2012 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by High Time John
omg there's a brownie at work. I ate the whole thing. Being on my period suck. It gives me the munchies. lol
06-05-2012 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Many years ago when I took my first polygraph, the special agent angled me by saying (without exactly lying about it because of well trained wording) that I'd failed to get me to freak out and see if I'd admit anything. Of course, I was young and dumb then and thought that I'd really failed the thing and freaked out because I was going to lose my clearance for no reason.

So my NCO sat me down to calm me down and explain the angle-shots those guys use etc. He told me about his friend who gives them, and all the tricks they use... Then he mentions that poly's actually measure discomfort, not falsehood, and his buddy told him that men who have had prostate exams tend to do poorly on questions about homosexuality (this was before DADT, much less open service).

So my NCO is taking a lifestyle poly for the NSA, and the administrator says "you had a bit of a problem on one section, care to guess which one?" And my NCO thinks about what his buddy told him and how he'd had his first prostate exam that year and "like an idiot, I said 'homosexuality?'" Next thing he knew he says he's getting half-an-hour of questions like "have you ever inserted a hamster into your rectum? any other animal?" etc.

Since then I have learned, volunteer nothing to those guys, don't try to explain anything, don't ask anything, etc.
The full-scope polys (lifestyle + CI) are much less intrusive now than they used to be but the individuals administering the exam still pull those same tactics at the end of the screening.

Your advice is spot-on. Yes or no answers only, finish as quickly as possible and leave.

I've never failed but I've had a couple of "inconclusives" - at least that's what they told me during the post-screening phase of the exams but then when we ran through them again, I passed.

Last edited by DeadMoney_J; 06-05-2012 at 06:29 PM.
06-05-2012 , 06:15 PM
LOL DeadMoneyJWalking
06-05-2012 , 06:16 PM
My flight leaves for chicago in 2 hours. I left work at 11 to run some errands, got them done early and went to the casino planning to put in a 4 hour session. Two tables of 2/5 running, with a main game and a must move. Put in a 3 hour session before the must move broke and finished up 1k and said f it, time to go to the airport instead of waiting for a seat.

Gonna be a good vacation I think.
06-05-2012 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Anyone else going to brave the sunlight and look at the Transit of Venus? ILCD is still recovering from the eclipse so he's out. 9 more minutes.
Welding glasses FTW!
06-05-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Welding glasses FTW!
Bout to go borrow some!

Been leveling myself all day since the poly. He asked me how I think I did to which I said, "I told the truth and thats all I could do.." He responded with, "I think you told the truth also. Good luck with the rest of it." After reading everyone elses responses on how the examiner tried to mess with them now I am scared because he didn't mess with me. He may have leveled me into thinking I passed. He said I think not it looks good on the graph.

Huge levelments over here. I think it's the process. It's been long and there is a lot of competition. I think I am over analyzing it to the max. This thing is just so huge and important to me. Someone please confirm I am leveling here.
06-05-2012 , 06:35 PM
You're leveling. If they think they can get something out of you, they dig. If they don't dig or make you repeat a section, you did fine.
06-05-2012 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Many years ago when I took my first polygraph, the special agent angled me by saying (without exactly lying about it because of well trained wording) that I'd failed to get me to freak out and see if I'd admit anything. Of course, I was young and dumb then and thought that I'd really failed the thing and freaked out because I was going to lose my clearance for no reason.

So my NCO sat me down to calm me down and explain the angle-shots those guys use etc. He told me about his friend who gives them, and all the tricks they use... Then he mentions that poly's actually measure discomfort, not falsehood, and his buddy told him that men who have had prostate exams tend to do poorly on questions about homosexuality (this was before DADT, much less open service).

So my NCO is taking a lifestyle poly for the NSA, and the administrator says "you had a bit of a problem on one section, care to guess which one?" And my NCO thinks about what his buddy told him and how he'd had his first prostate exam that year and "like an idiot, I said 'homosexuality?'" Next thing he knew he says he's getting half-an-hour of questions like "have you ever inserted a hamster into your rectum? any other animal?" etc.

Since then I have learned, volunteer nothing to those guys, don't try to explain anything, don't ask anything, etc.
Jeez I get one of these once a week.
06-05-2012 , 06:46 PM
APD you a cop? You look like cops.
06-05-2012 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Bout to go borrow some!

Been leveling myself all day since the poly. He asked me how I think I did to which I said, "I told the truth and thats all I could do.." He responded with, "I think you told the truth also. Good luck with the rest of it." After reading everyone elses responses on how the examiner tried to mess with them now I am scared because he didn't mess with me. He may have leveled me into thinking I passed. He said I think not it looks good on the graph.

Huge levelments over here. I think it's the process. It's been long and there is a lot of competition. I think I am over analyzing it to the max. This thing is just so huge and important to me. Someone please confirm I am leveling here.

I had a friend who did polys for the FBI. He used me and some other friends to practice a couple of times (years ago, I think the tech is better now). Turns out I was his toughest read, or as he said, I may be a sociopath and believe everything once I say it.
06-05-2012 , 06:50 PM
Thanks guys! Lol.

Got the welding glasses did not see Venus.
06-05-2012 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Thanks guys! Lol.

Got the welding glasses did not see Venus.
You wanna twirl then?
06-05-2012 , 07:08 PM
If my math is correct, should be just now starting. is 3pm West coast now, correct?

Edit: No, it's 4. Should still be going on for another couple of hours though

Last edited by Garick; 06-05-2012 at 07:10 PM. Reason: timezoneaments
06-05-2012 , 07:22 PM
I lied, I did see Venus. I am watching the feed right now and where I thought I seen it is exactly where NASA is showing it. I wrote it off and thought maybe I was tripping when I spotted something, but I did in fact see it. Go me. It's a lucky Venus.
06-05-2012 , 07:29 PM
Top-right of sun? I think I sees it!
06-05-2012 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Top-right of sun? I think I sees it!

I was looking bottom left and then I spotted something top right. I was like nah that cant be it and figured I didnt see it. Log onto NASA feed and sho nuff top right.
06-05-2012 , 08:18 PM
@ the people complaining about strat discussion in here:

I just had a really terrible poop. Didn't want to come out, finally when it did I was pooping for literally 5 minutes. Now my toilet won't flush. Any one have solid recommendations for laxitives and plungers?

06-05-2012 , 08:25 PM
What is going on with this Jamest guy? I haven't ever seen so many boring hands/veiled bad beat stories from one person.
06-05-2012 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by High Time John
LOL DeadMoneyJWalking
In the end there can be only one.
06-05-2012 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
What is going on with this Jamest guy? I haven't ever seen so many boring hands/veiled bad beat stories from one person.
I was thinking the same thing

Probably shouldn't be playing 1/2 if you need help with every other hand you play
06-05-2012 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
What is going on with this Jamest guy? I haven't ever seen so many boring hands/veiled bad beat stories from one person.
Oh hey there jamest!
