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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

03-29-2012 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by jack492505
Its probably +EV to show because you don't give up any information really and people will assume that you are tilted.

You must have meant "Its probably +EV to not show...", at least that's how I logically arrive at your reasoning. Showing gives information and doesn't show that you're tilted, just getting coolered.
03-29-2012 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird

You must have meant "Its probably +EV to not show...", at least that's how I logically arrive at your reasoning. Showing gives information and doesn't show that you're tilted, just getting coolered.
As illogical as it tends to be people usually assume you're more tilted when you get coolered. Doesn't really matter either way.

And that you call an all-in with a set isn't very useful information.
03-29-2012 , 03:52 PM
I told my wife to never show, especially after being coolered.
03-29-2012 , 04:00 PM
I vote to cross post this hh in one of the mtt forums. Folding KQ here with 6bb 4 handed is bad and I think adding to the "random 1/2 nl player" comments might help.
03-29-2012 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
A) he is never ahead of anything I have here. Not sure where the very very wide range came from, but I sort of expect that kind of thing here. Imaginary ranges is a 2+2 ( especially llsnl) thing to do. Fwiw, given table dynamics and chip stacks he is rarely ahead of anyones shoving range. It was playing that tight.

B) calling a shove and shoving are two completely different things.

Had he open shoved or even raised more (raising more is ghey though) its w/e. He folds though his chips still have value especially given the table dynamics. My .02.

In the world of $3 online tournents though, I fully understand why people say what they say.
You should be shoving a wide range but even if you are not raise folding here is horrible. It doesn't matter if you guys have all folded to bb the past 5 orbits.
03-29-2012 , 04:15 PM
People vehemently arguing for either side are being dumb and/or close-minded.

The only dumb move in the whole HH was his preflop raising size, which should have been 16k, and even that isn't really a big deal. Everything after his preflop raise is 100% reasonable for both players. This late in the tournament, if everyone is reasonably solid, the hands play themselves because the stack sizes are too damn short to do much of anything.
03-29-2012 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by TAOxEaglex
People vehemently arguing for either side are being dumb and close-minded.
Right, and here comes the voice of reasoning by calling everyone dumb.
03-29-2012 , 05:57 PM
my first in the pot shoving range is going to be wide. My shoving over a raisr is going to be much tighter. I think some are grouping these together. They are not the same. Not even close to the same.
03-29-2012 , 05:58 PM
So you're folding 66?
03-29-2012 , 06:01 PM
what is your re-shoving range in that spot, APD?
03-29-2012 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
what is your re-shoving range in that spot, APD?
Against this villain at this specific tourney... Its very tight, lets put it that way.

To answer the 66 question.... Its close. I may find a fold though. Im feeling a ton better around the 88/99+ area.

This guy wasn't opening all that wide. He has shown many of his hands and even found a fold with a decent Ace vs a shove for a lot less than what he had where I thought it was closer to a call than not. Kid that shoved showed KQ in that spot.
03-29-2012 , 06:48 PM
When I was first in the pot I was shoving 22+, any suited Ace, any broadway, and a few gappers (One to be exact, J9). I raised 86 once OTB at 6 handed play and cbet a KJ6sss board and took it, no showdown obv.

Only time I 3bet or shoved was with AK, 88 v a short stack, and AA. Shoved over a few limpers with hands like AQ and QQ. My hand should be pretty face up when I shoved with AA. I've only had the goods in those spots.
03-29-2012 , 06:54 PM
you play too tight. And even so, he was still right to call you.
03-29-2012 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
When I was first in the pot I was shoving 22+, any suited Ace, any broadway, and a few gappers (One to be exact, J9). I raised 86 once OTB at 6 handed play and cbet a KJ6sss board and took it, no showdown obv.
So if villain is raising the same range as above, wouldn't you reshove with a range that only has to be slightly better, especially at 6bb?

So if that's the case, then KQ would be like a dead given call, even though it's actually pointless because no one should ever fold KQ at 6bb 4-handed, unless 3 other players all went all in before you.
03-29-2012 , 07:05 PM
Is this the live low stakes tournament thread?
03-29-2012 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
you play too tight. And even so, he was still right to call you.
When its final stages of the tourney and everyone else is going to play with a wide range and bomb themselves out of it... Why not? I gamble and play fast up front. I conserve and try to move up in money in the back. I've gone out way too often when it matters trying by playing an imaginary game against people that don't play the "proper" way of playing poker. Sarcasm on the proper. At this table, this structure, dynamics, etc there are different adjustments to be made. In $3 world kamikaze works... I guess. (fwiw every "big" tournament I played online where it was made up of online pros they all played a pretty tight non-$3 tournament style)
03-29-2012 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by High Time John
Is this the live low stakes tournament thread?
Yes! Now get outta here.

Just wanted to add.. Im the first one with over 1k posts in the chat thread. I win the internet.
03-29-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
When its final stages of the tourney and everyone else is going to play with a wide range and bomb themselves out of it... Why not? I gamble and play fast up front. I conserve and try to move up in money in the back. I've gone out way too often when it matters trying by playing an imaginary game against people that don't play the "proper" way of playing poker. Sarcasm on the proper. At this table, this structure, dynamics, etc there are different adjustments to be made. In $3 world kamikaze works... I guess. (fwiw every "big" tournament I played online where it was made up of online pros they all played a pretty tight non-$3 tournament style)
Wouldn't it be really easy to rob the guys conserving/trying to move up the money late at the table you described?
03-29-2012 , 08:27 PM
I just realised that I never posted my indoor cricket update.

Actually kind of a cool story, because I got all the haters mad...



The only important part of the game was the last 3 balls of the game. We batted first, made 140, and were now losing by 6 points with only three balls left in the game, so we needed to get two wickets of -5 points each (or one of the last ball, because that is worth -10 to them) to win the game.

In cricket, there is a concept known as backing up, which is very similar to a baseball player on first standing a few feet off the base, to get a headstart to reaching second best. Normally, a player might be about one step off the crease, but in this game they were a running a long way outside the crease as I was preparing to deliver the ball, which was in a way cheating.

However, unlike baseball, there isnt really socially acceptable to do what is our equivilent to pitching to first base. It can be done, but is generally frowned upon even though it is legal.

Anyway, 3 balls to go, and I "Mankaded" the guy (named after the first person to do it). I had given warning, they hadnt listened, and I had planned to fake do it as a warning, but since the other player was almost halfway down the field, I felt obliged to complete the "run-out" and the wicket was given. FWIW it is far more acceptable to do this in indoor cricket then outdoor, but still not exactly commonplace.

For the rest of the match the other team was giving me a lot of **** for being a scumbag etc... even though they were the ones cheating

We needed one more wicket to win the game, which we didnt get which meant we lost the match

Anyway, an example of an outdoor Mankad. Interestingly, this decision was withdrawn, and the batter was allowed to keep playing.

So, we lost, and I am a dick. What can you do...
03-29-2012 , 09:39 PM
tripled up in my first orbit at $2/5 today

2.5 hours later I wasn't doing any better and table was playing very tight so I racked up and left

3 hours +$1280 all good though
03-29-2012 , 10:01 PM
Lol, the wsop its in town but I'm stuck moving.fml.
03-29-2012 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Clarkwt
Wouldn't it be really easy to rob the guys conserving/trying to move up the money late at the table you described?
Sort of. Make your first in shove range wide-ish, but also try not to look like a maniac. I like to show my shoves where I have strong hands to try and reinforce it in their minds that I have the goods when I shove. Get that winners image. Like I said though you can't get too crazy because of stack sizes.
03-29-2012 , 10:47 PM
I really like how upset the announcers are in that cricket clip
03-29-2012 , 11:44 PM
Got 5 milly swaps on this Mega Millions tonight. Bout to hit this and change my life forever.
03-30-2012 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Got 5 milly swaps on this Mega Millions tonight. Bout to hit this and change my life forever.
I have 5% of 1000 tickets, lol.

I also have a new dog, which my wife adopted today from the Henderson Animal Control Shelter. LLLNL, meet JoJo, who the shelter believes is a whippet/pit bull mix:

Last edited by mpethybridge; 03-30-2012 at 12:57 AM.
