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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

02-20-2012 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
lol you have got to be kidding me
No bro I'm serious, 300$ max buyin, stacks are super deep on the table. It sucks dropping from 1200>300 starting stack. But of course I make all my +EV decision's. Vs this type of villain it was a snap shove and live with variance. But it sucks, my stack would have 2600 if I won the hand. If your not mad about that opportunity loss. Then you just don't like money.
02-20-2012 , 06:28 PM
People don't notice that stuff. Whenever my seat sucks (loose people to my left) I ask for the seat change button and camp on it. If anybody asks just say "I like that seat" and most people don't go any further.

For what its worth the most important thing is that you talk to the floor and make sure its okay with them first.
02-20-2012 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
The truth of the matter is that we are rarely the smartest person at the table, we might just have put more time and effort into a gambling game.
i agree. thinking in derogatory terms about your customers is wrong thinking, and is also bad for business.

you suck it up. (or try to)
we've all been there.
youre not special cuz a beat got put on you.
move on.

pokerblows, your thinking is wrong as well in terms of poker results.

the result is that you got it in as about a 4:1 favorite. (backdoor str8 and flush draws, two paur, trips draws).
end of story. thats the result. the result is when you got it in, (the flop). the river is a different story.
think of that as the result and be happy.

who gets the pot isnt a poker result, its a financial result.

if that $ is so important to you, then you should have already cashed it out if youre covered by a wild player.
so the blame is really on you, not on villian, who was doing you a favor.

Last edited by stampler; 02-20-2012 at 06:38 PM.
02-20-2012 , 06:38 PM
Unfortunate pokah blows your bluff didn't work...

Yes you are basically bluffing if the second worst hand to yours gets it in vs you and you are upset he called...
02-20-2012 , 06:42 PM
I'm not upset he called you guys. I just posted the hand because of the rich guy conversation. Its a stadard stackoff vs a rich guy. When he c/r raises aggressive theorem says he can't fold, shove easy game. I'm not turning my hand into a bluff. Its a raise for value.
02-20-2012 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Kratman
No sweat. Google Alert alerts me and, if it looks interesting, I pop in accompanied by the usual sulphurous cloud.

All about? Noooo...I think I wrote a little more on the subject of Germans of the day (about 12 years ago), above, than about the Waffen SS.

(actually, I popped in mostly because this was proof that mpethy's still alive, something one could not count on from - are you listening, mpethy? - HIS COMPLETE FRIGGING INABILITY TO KEEP IN TOUCH! HARRUMPH.) [/U]
Oh, hi, Tom. Did I mention we moved to Vegas?

Love to the family; hope everyone is well.

Last edited by venice10; 02-21-2012 at 09:57 AM. Reason: I know, but no real names
02-20-2012 , 06:45 PM
also, your hand isnt as far ahead as you would like to think.
its gambling, remember??

try losing a 3k pot in PLO to a drooler as a 9:1 favorite (almost impossible to do in a game where being 60/40 is a big edge) when he makes a move with air into a set by catching runners to a str8 (had no flush draws). (you dont make moves in that game)
i thought at the time i was a 20:1 favorite, and was tilted as hell.
put it in the odds calc, and it was 9:1 (which is still way beyond monster).
then dude leaves town the next day.
no chance to get it back...
02-20-2012 , 06:48 PM
the problem here is that you need to move up to where they respect your raises
02-20-2012 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by stampler
also, your hand isnt as far ahead as you would like to think.
its gambling, remember??

try losing a 3k pot in PLO to a drooler as a 9:1 favorite (almost impossible to do in a game where being 60/40 is a big edge) when he makes a move with air into a set by catching runners to a str8 (had no flush draws). (you dont make moves in that game)
i thought at the time i was a 20:1 favorite, and was tilted as hell.
put it in the odds calc, and it was 9:1 (which is still way beyond monster).
then dude leaves town the next day.
no chance to get it back...
I lost a 2600$ pot sir, that's almost 3k and its nlholdem not plo, had him dominated otf, and 70/30 ott.
02-20-2012 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
the problem here is that you need to move up to where they respect your raises
sometimes i tire of this running joke, but its lol funny this time. (no pun intended, running, lol)

a 8 year pro in vegas the other day was whining to me that he just wished that when he was a %85 favorite, he would win %85 of the time. ( a tourist called it off on the turn w/ OE and hit, not even getting terrible odds, actually)

professional idiot more like it....
but he somehow eeks out a living having ass-backwards poker thinking...
thanks to the bright lights and tourism industry of las vegas.....
funny how they totally take everything for granted, and feel entitled to win cuz they are the 'pro', even though if they were a dentist, or a chef, or something, with their skill level, they would be out of a job...
02-20-2012 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by PokahBlows
Check out this hand. After I lost my first buyin of 300. I buy back in and run my stack up to 1200.

LAG opens for 25, 2 callers, I 3bet to 125 OTB with QQ, "RG" calls in sb he has 3k, LAG calls he has 1500.

Flop J 9 6

Hero bets 150, "RG" raises to 450$, lag folds, I snap shove.

Turn 8 rich guys says. "Heart"

River 3

Rich guy from big bear says I got there turns over K J

I almost puked, I said "you lucky bitch, how can you make that play" he says, "I needed to see where I was at", I lol in his face. Dude was ******ed but also used poker cruncher at the table, smh.
How v
can u make that play?

Sounds mad to me
02-20-2012 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by PokahBlows
I'm not upset he called you guys. I just posted the hand because of the rich guy conversation. Its a stadard stackoff vs a rich guy. When he c/r raises aggressive theorem says he can't fold, shove easy game. I'm not turning my hand into a bluff. Its a raise for value.
You called him a bitch. It's problem
02-20-2012 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by pointguard
You called him a bitch. It's problem
I'm mad the board ran out the way it did. I was ****in pissed who raises a j vs a TAG to 450$. He is a rich bitch, period.
02-20-2012 , 06:56 PM
Yeah insulting people at the table is an action killer
02-20-2012 , 06:58 PM
Dude you are doing it wrong
02-20-2012 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by PokahBlows
I lost a 2600$ pot sir, that's almost 3k and its nlholdem not plo, had him dominated otf, and 70/30 ott.
you were 3:1 favotite OTF.

what are you complaining about??

like i said, if the $ means that much to you, dont gamble it.

if you wait til you have them drawing dead to put a chip in the pot
you will get no action.
then you have something to complain about.
02-20-2012 , 07:01 PM
try calling a random a 'bitch' in a dark alley and see what happens.

thats gambling.

call someone that at the table, (where there is security to protect you), and you prolly just lost a customer.
02-20-2012 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by stampler
you were 3:1 favotite OTF.

what are you complaining about??

like i said, if the $ means that much to you, dont gamble it.

if you wait til you have them drawing dead to put a chip in the pot
you will get no action.
then you have something to complain about.
Its a cooler bro, I just posted the hand because of the rich guy taking out the pro. Its poker man, Its just a normal hand vs a rich guy that I didn't win. I posted for laughs from you. Not to talk about equity or anything. I know my odds I use pokerstove. I knew rich guy was making a play and that's why I shoved for value.
02-20-2012 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by stampler
try calling a random a 'bitch' in a dark alley and see what happens.

thats gambling.

call someone that at the table, (where there is security to protect you), and you prolly just lost a customer.
I'm not who you think I am stampler. Ill call anybody a bitch I just know the consequences. I didn't say it as fighting words. Just in the form of "you lucky bitch". He knew I was not trying to fight or want to fight him. Its poker not boxing. The dude was nice, he said "sorry" for bad beating me.

After that, I said nice hand and walked out the poker room.
02-20-2012 , 07:12 PM
Who cares about the hand, your chat at the table is unreal bad.
02-20-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by stampler
try calling a random a 'bitch' in a dark alley and see what happens.

thats gambling.

call someone that at the table, (where there is security to protect you), and you prolly just lost a customer.
And the rest of the fish at the table will likely tighten up or leave to avoid beration.
02-20-2012 , 07:15 PM
Then I came back and he stacked the hyper lag who flopped a set of kings and the rich guy hit a flush to take his stack. He racked up over 6k in a 300$ buyin game. Your talking about customers. Dude was obviously the best player at the table. He has put beats on thousands of players probably.
02-20-2012 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Oh, hi, Tom. Did I mention we moved to Vegas?
Moved to Vegas? By the sounds of it, he'd be surprised that you got married.

Please tell Tom to Tell Mr. Ringo to tell David Weber to stop writing. Just pass his story ideas to someone who can write a character with two dimensions (3D would be a bonus). Weber seems to have all these neat plots and story ideas, but his characters are sooooo bad. Honor Harrington is the only female character he's ever written that isn't a terrible cookie-cutter female, and even she borders on it most of the time.

I can't even read Ringo because of his association with Weber, so I've never been exposed to any of Kratman's work (though I guess he's done enough solo work that it's not an excuse).
02-20-2012 , 07:26 PM
Pokah blows you got it in with one pair

you got out played imo
02-20-2012 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by ashley12
Pokah blows you got it in with one pair

you got out played imo
You can't be serious.
