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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

05-24-2011 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
The real frustrating part is that I have made a few mistakes along the way that if I would have avoided, I would be up for the month instead of down.
This shouldnt be frustrating. It means you can beat the game. If you were down, and thought you had done everything right and couldnt pull out of the tailspin, thats frustrating, because either it means that losing is the best you could do (bad) or that youre playing incorrectly, but too stupid to figure out what youre doing wrong (worse).
05-24-2011 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
FML. Hit my first set in 40 hours of play. 1-3, $6 straddle from the button, playing 6 handed. Limps to me on the CO, I call with my pocket 3s and my $420 stack.
A-9-3 rainbow. Checks to me, and I check. Turn is an 8, putting out straight and flush draws. SB (bad aggressive, will stack off with 2 pair) leads for pot, I raise, he repops.
Right then all I am thinking about is Johnny Chan and the ****ing Mirage. This hands smells like A-9 or even a big draw. I ship, he snaps, and I see visions of myself driving a delivery truck as I work my way through school.
Brick river. I show my lowly set, and he shows AA that limped in pre.

F-M-L. I know it was the right play against this villain, but damn. Just damn.
What was your thinking in checking the flop in last-but-one position with a stack of ~14x pot? In general that's going to be a pretty dubious play, esp. with bottom set on an ace-high flop, although certain reads might make it OK.

You want to stack off against top pair too, not just pray that he has A9 or A8. It's much easier to do that when you bet the flop.

Last edited by AKQJ10; 05-24-2011 at 07:54 AM.
05-24-2011 , 08:07 AM
My poor friend had a pretty sick hand a few days ago. It was kinda late on a Friday evening and alot of guys having a night out at the casino were drinking and spewing at the $1/$2. There was one guy who was the literal definition of a calling station. As in he literally couldnt find the fold button, or the raise button, but would exclusively call everything. Any hand he entered, 100% showdown. So ofc i doubled him up after i flop bottom 2pair and he flops top 2pair and i value-own myself for 3 innocuous looking streets. I quit and my friend and I were gonna leave for dinner anyway. Friend has been card-dead and imo on tilt after having his set cracked by runner runner straight. He insists on one last hand before time-charge, an im adamant abt letting him stay in case he decides to bluff out villain. Then this hand comes down:

Buddy has 33 on btn. 7 limpers go to a flop, including villain (ldo). Flop is K39r. Random EP leads, villain obv calls, buddy raises PSB, folds back to flatting villain. Turn is a 9. Villain c/c's another PSB. River is a K. Villain checks. My buddy only has abt a 1/2 PSB remaining, but he has that 'FK THiS' look on his face. He shoves and gets snapped off by 92o.

Needless to say, train-ride home was just us heaping expletives on live calling station donk, spewtards that run like God.
05-24-2011 , 10:23 AM
hypothetical spot.

3/5 1000 eff stacks.

Hero has KK
Vil has AA

after PF action lets say 500 in pot leaving 750 behind for both

flop comes A K x with bad beat jackpot over 100k with 40% going to losing hand. do you call a shove on flop to hit the one outer?
05-24-2011 , 10:34 AM
Are the AA's hole cards accidentally face up? If not, it's probably an easy call because very few people are shoving top set here. If cards are face up, it's an easily quantifiable answer once we know the bad beat jackpot qualifier[s]. I'll let you do the math because i'd rather answer other questions.

Aside: The big BBJ at Motor City Casino got hit twice in succession, so the "little" JP (AAAKK beaten) is now bigger than the "big" one (quads). But it's still better to lose with quads than to win over AAAKK because of the %ages.

Last edited by AKQJ10; 05-24-2011 at 10:42 AM.
05-24-2011 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by MK7749
hypothetical spot.

3/5 1000 eff stacks.

Hero has KK
Vil has AA

after PF action lets say 500 in pot leaving 750 behind for both

flop comes A K x with bad beat jackpot over 100k with 40% going to losing hand. do you call a shove on flop to hit the one outer?
you have about 4.5% equity in $41.25k... so you would call up to around $1856
05-24-2011 , 10:56 AM
really, so you guys would call for the one outer? and yes since this is a hypothetical spot, hole cards are known.

do you take into consideration the K might not be there?
05-24-2011 , 11:06 AM
Yes, pot odds always need to be interpreted with reference to the size of the pot. There's nothing inherently wrong with a "one-outer" if the payoff justifies the long odds.

Card elimination only matters when other players are marked with higher-than-usual probability of the card[s] in question. Without such a read, their cards are as random as the cards in the stub.

Please make an attempt to study some basic poker-related probability concepts before continuing to ask similar questions. Both these concepts are fairly basic. If you do some reading and have problems understanding it, i'd be happy to help (in the Beginners or Probability forums).
05-24-2011 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by AKQJ10
Of course, pot odds always depend on the size of the pot. Card elimination only matters when other players are marked with higher-than-likely probability of the card[s] in question. Without such a read, their cards are as random as the cards in the stub.

Please make an attempt to study some basic poker-related probability concepts before continuing to ask similar questions. Both these concepts are fairly basic. If you do some reading and have problems understanding it, i'd be happy to help (in the Beginners or Probability forums).
hahah ok smart guy i get it ur a poker machine where all your decisions are math based, completely infallible. hahha wow, obv this is more of psychology question, i highly doubt a lot of people would put say 300BB more looking for a 1 outer cause of pot odds to the BBJ.

look human abacus, who doesnt understand the math? you think most people are dumb and cant understand basic probabilities, something thats taught at all HS just about?

if a mod can make a poll id like to see what the consensus would be and to see if there is a difference between people who play casually and pros.
05-24-2011 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by AKQJ10
What was your thinking in checking the flop in last-but-one position with a stack of ~14x pot? In general that's going to be a pretty dubious play, esp. with bottom set on an ace-high flop, although certain reads might make it OK.

You want to stack off against top pair too, not just pray that he has A9 or A8. It's much easier to do that when you bet the flop.
The button had been very active and going after most orphan pots. My thought at the time was that someone may be laying back for him with a weak ace, and I decided to take the chance that he would bet and start building the pot for me. The board was so dry on the flop that this seemed like the best way to get at least something out of the set. I probably bet this flop 9 times out of 10, but the game dynamics tempted me to try the slow play.
05-24-2011 , 11:16 AM
@MK7449: Please don't expect the forum to answer questions if you're not willing to do background learning (including review, because we don't all retain 100% of everything we ever learned) on your own.

That's fine that you see this as a psychology question but you didn't pose the question that way, and you seem offended that i suggested further study based on the question you posed.

Best wishes and good luck at the tables.

Last edited by AKQJ10; 05-24-2011 at 11:22 AM.
05-24-2011 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by AKQJ10
@MK7449: Please don't expect the forum to answer questions if you're not willing to do background learning (including review, because we don't all retain 100% of everything we ever learned) on your own. Best wishes and good luck at the tables.
mwahahah akqj10 i hope u get everything from poker since
im sorry you have to take every single question as something serious and cant take anything on a lighter level.

look i can edit as well.

its funny how people act on these boards. I post on 3 boards and the other 2 also have famous people who post, not poker though, and still the egos and attitudes are like nothing that is seen on 2p2.
05-24-2011 , 01:49 PM
05-24-2011 , 01:55 PM
Venice I tried sending you 2 pms that I spent like 10mins on each. No success on going through.
05-24-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by MK7749
mwahahah akqj10 i hope u get everything from poker since
im sorry you have to take every single question as something serious and cant take anything on a lighter level.

look i can edit as well.

its funny how people act on these boards. I post on 3 boards and the other 2 also have famous people who post, not poker though, and still the egos and attitudes are like nothing that is seen on 2p2.
His replies were perfectly reasonable lol... you phrased the question incorrectly and he made a perfectly reasonable assumption that you didn't know how to work it out.

Unless you specify whether people actually would call, replies are going to assume that you are playing fully rolled and willing to embrace the variance for a gain in EV (and here you more than double your $750 in the long run, so its not even a marginal gain).

Admittedly you posted in the chat thread so its less serious but yeh, relax.

I'd probably call unless I was shot taking.
05-24-2011 , 06:40 PM
LOL, I am in make-up from all of the run bad I suffered through last trip out here and earlier in this trip.

I've been running like God for the last 3 sessions. Basically every hand I am getting is holding up and most of them are getting paid. It's pretty sick. +8 buy ins in my last 14 hours of play.

Definitely enjoying it while it lasts.
05-24-2011 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by papagavin
I'd probably call unless I was shot taking.
shot-takers gonna shot-take
05-24-2011 , 10:35 PM
^ lol
05-25-2011 , 02:48 AM
All the sponsored pros are moving out of the country after the WSOP. I wonder where Ivey would move? Mike matusow says south france maybe? It has to be somewhere with live/online.
05-25-2011 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
All the sponsored pros are moving out of the country after the WSOP. I wonder where Ivey would move? Mike matusow says south france maybe? It has to be somewhere with live/online.
france has some kind of goofball system for online poker which is teh suck.

Costa Rica is probably the most likely destination for them as it has always been a haven for internet gaming insiders

except if they live in CR theyll have to play against


05-25-2011 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by DanielKim
My poor friend had a pretty sick hand a few days ago. It was kinda late on a Friday evening and alot of guys having a night out at the casino were drinking and spewing at the $1/$2. There was one guy who was the literal definition of a calling station. As in he literally couldnt find the fold button, or the raise button, but would exclusively call everything. Any hand he entered, 100% showdown. So ofc i doubled him up after i flop bottom 2pair and he flops top 2pair and i value-own myself for 3 innocuous looking streets. I quit and my friend and I were gonna leave for dinner anyway. Friend has been card-dead and imo on tilt after having his set cracked by runner runner straight. He insists on one last hand before time-charge, an im adamant abt letting him stay in case he decides to bluff out villain. Then this hand comes down:

Buddy has 33 on btn. 7 limpers go to a flop, including villain (ldo). Flop is K39r. Random EP leads, villain obv calls, buddy raises PSB, folds back to flatting villain. Turn is a 9. Villain c/c's another PSB. River is a K. Villain checks. My buddy only has abt a 1/2 PSB remaining, but he has that 'FK THiS' look on his face. He shoves and gets snapped off by 92o.

Needless to say, train-ride home was just us heaping expletives on live calling station donk, spewtards that run like God.

I mean your friend got unlucky in the end, but he could've saved a lot of money by not shoving. Why would he shove on the second worst card in the deck? c/f. ez game.
05-25-2011 , 03:15 AM
He should have saved his cheezburgers.
05-25-2011 , 09:39 AM
So last night I was playing at the Venetian and this senior citizen walks in. He is wearing a ball cap, and he has pinned to the ball cap a pretty impressive collection of Viet Nam era service devices--he has miniatures of his medals and service badges. I offer him my hand, say, "your cap tells a pretty impressive story--thank you for your service." He says, "thank you, but this is even more impressive," and hands me a business card. It reads:

F---- D----
Have Dick, Will Travel

65 years old, 5'4", 160 lbs., 6". Old, ugly fat scarred man. Scars are war wounds. Lump L chest from pacemaker. Answered ad for adult job, surprised I got the job. Did many scenes with money shots. Very interesting, so checking around. AIM's ready. No toys in me, no boys, animals or excrement. Rest open.
I told him that I disagreed on which was more impressive, but that I was glad he had a fun new job to pursue.
05-25-2011 , 09:56 AM
that is incredible
05-25-2011 , 10:05 AM
^ Agreed, that's pretty cool.

Also, MK7749, what a pain you are.
