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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

10-30-2012 , 06:34 AM
I'm still amazed at the hand where Gee went out. 3 barreling through with 88! It was some high level thining because the draw got there but neither had it
10-30-2012 , 06:38 AM
You coming down? Promise not to mug me and you can stay there for a bit if need be. It's waaay too big/baller for me. All I need is 1 table and a decent internet connection, and a bed that is half clean (I am skinny, half is enough, or maybe 3/4).

Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Looks like a baller apartment to not be at because you're grinding poker at the casino every day.
Touche touche.
10-30-2012 , 07:24 AM
[QUOTE=Sol Reader;35513349]You coming down? Promise not to mug me and you can stay there for a bit if need be. It's waaay too big/baller for me. All I need is 1 table and a decent internet connection, and a bed that is half clean

I have a deal at the Hilton South Wharf when I come down on business, which is about 200m from Crown, right next to the Convention Centre.

a few of my friends were down last week for ANZPT and we've talked about renting something for a few weeks over Aussie Millions in Jan. I'm very keen but not sure I'll get permission from my wife. I'd need to walk back through the front door with 6 figures if I was to spend two weeks away playing cards
10-30-2012 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
have decided to teach myself multi table tourneys.

have loaded up an account on stars and am going to grind $10 45 and 180 player turbos.

any advice/brilliant threads?

and learn to play husngs
10-30-2012 , 07:51 AM
LOL my mother is worried when I go to Macau I'd get kidnapped and she'd never hear from me again. I said, that's a very bad kidnapping attempt if the person's family never hears about it.
10-30-2012 , 08:33 AM
Going through a bit of a healthy downswing right now... Anyone want to give me some moral support/ ways you cope with this? I usually accept and embrace this as it always makes me a stronger player, but I just keep losing one medium pot after another, running into the top of villains ranges. Temporarily discouraged.
10-30-2012 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
Going through a bit of a healthy downswing right now... Anyone want to give me some moral support/ ways you cope with this? I usually accept and embrace this as it always makes me a stronger player, but I just keep losing one medium pot after another, running into the top of villains ranges. Temporarily discouraged.
If you can afford it take a little break, and always make sure you have something totally unrelated you can thrown yourself into for a few days - if not find a hobby that you can mildly obsess about pretty damn quick. It won't take long before you're back and firing, but it's impossible not to lose heart when you haemorrage money over a period of time.

I was taught poker by Quesuerte who used to post on here, and he used to have legendary peaks and troughs in his relationship with the game. We drunkly lost a shared 5 figure online bankroll, that we ran up in 2 months, in one night due to runbad-induced tilt(ending with runner runner flush defeat in a 2k HUSNG leaving the balance on €0.01) Don't let the downs eat you.

Last edited by Czech Rays; 10-30-2012 at 09:24 AM.
10-30-2012 , 09:27 AM
He was one of my fav posters, what happened to him?
10-30-2012 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
He was one of my fav posters, what happened to him?
He would make a bunch online, take hiatuses, then go back to the game.

He is a natural born poker player, but he hated the fact that poker is so narcissistic, and that as a pro you are or no use to anyone, and the world would simply be a better place without you.

He has just started another hiatus. But I have no doubt he'll be back.
10-30-2012 , 09:42 AM
Great live coach too. Genuine love of the game, and a true degen. Somehow a witty and intelligent person on the side.
10-30-2012 , 09:50 AM
Yup, I could tell he was intelligent. I get the same feeling often about being a "pro". I played poker as my sole income source last year while in school, and I would feel pretty ****ty every now and then, with similar feelings as quesuerte. I still have a genuine passion for the game.
10-30-2012 , 10:03 AM
Lol i think macau is safer than hk.

Great response too i am sure that made her feel better.

When do you leave hk?
10-30-2012 , 10:45 AM
10th I think but I'm going to Macau for Acop for a few days. My friend is in that million dollar prop bet thing.

Surely HK is way safer than macau? HK is much safer than mainland, in any case.
10-30-2012 , 10:49 AM
Lol at this dragon ash poster on ak utg thread... Someone please back me up on this if you agree
10-30-2012 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
I have made the most money in that time span. 4-6 is optimal for me according to my records.
I just posted my stats on 10+ hour sessions in the winrates thread. Lol sample size for sure (only 13 sessions for 138.3 hours), but so far bottom line is that I do TWICE as good in my long sessions.

10-30-2012 , 10:54 AM
if I was playing poker full time I'd probably be volunteering for some non profit like 15 to 20 hours a week or trying to do something good with some free time.
10-30-2012 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
I blew up at another fish today.
Story behind this?

You know this is HORRIBLE, right M? I mean, really really really, I-would-like-to-reach-across-the-table-and-strangle-you terrible bad, right?

A couple of sessions I played with a guy who was so-so, but he wasn't ******ed, and I think he knew what he was doing (although he made some extremely questionable plays imo). Whatever. The point is his table manner was HORRIBLE.

He berated a friendly old man fish who was playing for his 2nd time in a casino (I've been friendly chatting it up with him since moving to his left). Douche raises with KK, old man fish calls with AK with 50 BBs. A high flop, douche bets (bad play imo), fish shoves, douche folds face up. Fish is confused and politely asks "Are you folding?". Douche gets all douchey, "Of course I'm folding. Calling would be the worst f**king play in the world. You hit a 3 outer sir. Well played." in as sarcastic tone as possible. Friendly old man fish leaves a little while later. Chances of him ever playing a 3rd live session? Pretty slim, methinks.

A while later, I've moved to get position on a deepstack noob fish. I flop top set AAA, and bet the ~pot on the turn, which is a huge $300 into a $360 pot, trying to set things up where I can go after all of fishies chips on the river. Fish tanks for 10 seconds, finally declaring he has the nut flush draw plus a gutshot. He then tells me, "I'm up good for the night, so I'm going to fold. Do you mind if I rabbit hunt?". I keep thinks friendly, and tell him "sure, that would be fun", and he mucks. Now enter Douche, who says, "No rabbit hunting. Let's keep this game going." It would have been a 2 second delay to keep the fish happy and friendly (the first time he's asked to rabbit hunt), and meanwhile douche kills the mood. I just look at fish and apologize sincerely, "super lame man, sorry, super lame" (I actually get into it with the Douche while coming to the defense of the Fish, came *this* close to genuinely calling security when Douche seemed to invite me outside). Anyoo, the fish leaves a little while later. He's taken money off the Douche, but in turn I've probably taken $500 from the fish. His reaction? When Fish gets up from table, he turns to me (the guy who has taken most of his money), smiles, and politely says "I hope you take all his [Douches] money. Nice playing with you man."

10-30-2012 , 12:24 PM
Most everything in Macau happens in casinos which are incredibly safe. Much less busy pace too. I doubt you're going to get kidnapped in either city or anything.

I am debating going for ACOP, the owner of the game here is going and wants me to go. Not really sure yet.
10-30-2012 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
I deleted the last two messages because of the nature of them. There is a forum for Xfers along with disclaimers and everything else. I feel much more comfortable if you leave it there. Krumb Snatcha could be some balla a** balla who is str8 up legit, but I dont know that and like I said there is a better forum for it. No offense or anything bruh. (I deleted yours, dhcg, because it quoted his... only reason)
Understandable. But I figured there are more LV grinders reading this thread than there are reading the transfer thread. Not only that, but most ppl are not looking to trade PayPal for cash, I am really just hoping someone will be courteous enough to help a fellow poker player out.

Originally Posted by dhcg86
No worries. Krumb is one of my fav posters. No idea why he showed up here. Was likely trolling
Not trolling!
10-30-2012 , 12:36 PM

ETA: lol @GG
10-30-2012 , 12:51 PM
Hhhhhmmmm...just got a really nice check from a basketball clinic I worked (like 2x what I expected). What to do...what to do...could use it to replace the last several BIs I lost from my bankroll...maybe start playing a little again...oh the temptation!
10-30-2012 , 01:19 PM
GG, the story on my blow up isn't very interesting, tbh. The fish had hit, I dunno, several draws on me. There was one hand where he flopped a draw to the straight that I flopped, and got there and we chopped. There was another where I flopped two pair, bet the flop and he binked a flush on the turn. That one was cheap, anyway. There were several others--he had hit 5 or 6 against me in a row. He literally hit 100% of his draws against me, and he's showing them all when I check/fold like "see, I've really got it, I'm not bluffing you."

So I get AA UTG+1, $320 or so in my stack, UTG limps, I raise to $10, fish covers me and calls in HJ, BB calls, limper calls. $40 in pot, flop is Ks 8s 2d. I sigh, here we go again. $37 in pot, I bet $35, fish calls, others fold. Turn is Kc, I bet $85, fish calls. River is 2s, I think about shoving, decide I don't have any FE to bluff with, so I check. Fish tanks for 30 seconds and checks back Qs6s.

I go, "you're good again. Jesus Christ."

He says, "you got lucky it was the 2 of spades and I couldn't bet it on the end."

The accumulated frustration was just too much, and I said "**** you, luckbox. The only spade I was giving you action on was the ace, you stupid ****."

I'm never happy to blow up at a fish, but I was particularly upset with myself for this one because it was basically a 0 out of 10 on style points. But it was a genuine loss of temper; I had zero self control left. When the dealer told me to watch my language and not insult other players, I went off on him, too, and when he called the floor I yelled at the floor, too.

Truthfully, they SHOULD have thrown me out, and would have thrown out some random without even thinking about it, but they cut me slack because I'm a reg. The floor manager just stood there listening to me rant for a full minute and then says "you done? Good, calm down and don't insult other players, and don't abuse my dealers."

And, yeah, no lectures, please. I KNOW I'm acting like an ass, but I have been running so bad for so long without any let up that the accumulated frustration of it just has my fuse really, really short. I mean, how many sessions have you ever played where a player hits 6 or 7 30% draws in a row on you after you've built big pots charging him? That, or something like that, has been happening about 8-10 sessions a month for the past 3 months, and probably 4-5 times per month since I started grinding full time. 16 months now, and I have run ridiculously bad in every one of them. I'm not talking about a suck out here and there. I'm talking about literally losing to 6 or 7 30% draws in a row like yesterday, or the day I posted about a week or so back when I was HU against 5 dominated top pair hands and they all hit their 3 outer on the river, and having 2 out of every 5 sessions go like that.

Funny story from yesterday. The fish has sucked out on me, I dunno, 3 or 4 times at this point, and I've been noticeably grumpy. He and a couple others fold, several limpers, I am OTB with KQo, I raise to $15, get 2 callers. Flop is Ks Jd 9s, I have no spade. Checks to me, I bet $35, one caller. Turn is the Js, caller checks, I check. River is 9h, villain leads $85, I fold and say, "you've got me beat." Villain shakes his head "no" and tables 8h7h. Two or three heads at the table turn to see my reaction, and I say, "whoa, sick bluff. Nice hand, sir." villain says "thanks," and the guy next to me says "I was expecting you to blow up." Regular next to him says, "yeah, me too." I go "no, why would I blow up? He just flat outplayed me, he didn't suck out."
10-30-2012 , 01:19 PM
what stakes/games does krumb play?
10-30-2012 , 01:29 PM
Start running better Mpethy
10-30-2012 , 01:32 PM
my advice mpethy, stop thinking of or calling people "fish"
