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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

10-24-2012 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
To ensure you pass the FE you need to study about 1 hour every day for a month

just an FYI
how about 3 hours a day for a week?
10-24-2012 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by DoyJivision

What do you say to that? And who tells some random guy they've known for 10 minutes all this ****?
It sucks you have whatever disease, but c'mon, don't bring me down with you
Ha, IME, senior citizens are absolutely shameless about talking about their medical issues.

On the subject of upcoming tests/procedures, I usually say "I hope everything turns out well." it doesn't give them the same invitation to keep talking as asking what's wrong. But it doesn't always work, either.

That said, I much prefer the people I meet in the casino to having clients. And I usually prefer the people I meet to the people who were my clients when I practiced law.

I make a lot less money than I did, and permanent doom switch mode is very frustrating, but my daily interactions with other people are a definite positive change in my life since I quit practicing.
10-24-2012 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I'm wondering wtf to do about Tulane. Interview is on a Friday in the middle of January. I think I should schedule my flight on Wednesday, because flying out of Chicago can be a bitch in the middle of winter and I can't reschedule.

Means an extra day in the big easy, which doesn't seem too bad.
The lady I coach who played the Ts7s hand I made a thread about last month texted me a few days ago super excited about how juicy the games were in New Orleans.
10-24-2012 , 11:13 AM
This flu has been kicking my ass. Only felt good enough to go play last Saturday.

Feeling a bit better today, so I'm planning on a session, but it's going to have to be a day shift because I still haven't dealt with my headlight being out.
10-24-2012 , 11:14 AM
They are going to show the ME Final table on Monday and Tuesday. But when it is going to be played? Will it be streamed?
10-24-2012 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by DoyJivision
And then I'm just listening to his medical history for 2 hours, these horror stories, and how the Doc has given him like 16 months to live.

What do you say to that?
Tell him that if he doesn't stfu that his doctor will have overestimated his life expectancy by 16 months?

10-24-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
owner and MD of a recruitment firm.
I'm going to guess you're commission based and take some non-exclusive work as well. That would suck pretty bad.

I've seen companies internally say, "Yeah, old Joe is probably the right guy, but let's see if the headhunter can find someone so spectacular and cheap we can hire him instead. Doesn't cost us any money."
10-24-2012 , 12:13 PM
Hope you get better soon mpethy.

Best of luck ike.

Today i got invited to a new game by one of the regulars from my old game. I was out of town for the last three days and apparently the regular game was not running the entire time.

Well i get to this guys car dealership and there are seven people in the back playing... all regs from the other game. My first pot i get all in with tpmk against an underpair to the board and eatch the dealer figure out the pot. I notice she coumts out 700 and then starts figuring out the rest which ends up being an extra 50.

So apparently they just split the player pool to move to a worse place, with no food, no cap on the rake, and far less safe. Wtf.
10-24-2012 , 12:32 PM
Anyone have recs on things to do in Vegas from 10-4? I'm here to grind 1/2, but I assume it'll be nothing but old man coffees and nitball salads during the day.
10-24-2012 , 12:34 PM
10-24-2012 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by JLtrooper
Anyone have recs on things to do in Vegas from 10-4? I'm here to grind 1/2, but I assume it'll be nothing but old man coffees and nitball salads during the day.
This can be a fun game as long as they buy in for full. Lets you LAG it up.
If you're not used to it, it's good practice, cause their.... nits.
10-24-2012 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by LolPony

2 limps to me AK otb I raise to 45 lagtard calls. Flop AK8 Vil checks, I check back knowing I never get more than 2 streets of value and I want to keep air weak aces in his range. Turn 3 he bets 90 I call again no value in raising. River 7 He bets 320. Snap snap doesn't show and mucks.

After about 2 hours 2.5k eff stacks
Tag that I've played with in lower games straddles. Folds to me in CO I raise 75 to 45 folds to TAG he re-raises 150. I feel like his 3b from straddle is 99+ AJo+ ATs+ I figure he folds everything but QQ+ and maybe AK I 4b to 400, he tank calls. AK QQ or KK imo. Flop 73Q he checks I bet 580 he folds, so either AK or folded KK putting me on QQ or AA. Or he was spazzing pre who knows.

Old man raises in EP to 40 gets 4 callers I call in LP ironically enough with 75.
Flop 864 Old man bets 200 (1k eff) one caller I ship old man calls other guy folds. Turn Q River 2 Old man tables QQ like it's the nuts. Ship it.

Nothing else very cool, Had to get Aces in on a 98J against a shorty, didn't feel too good about it but he had TT and missed.
Hand one is bad. I think pre sizing isnt great but debatable. I much prefer 65. If you are going to trap then raise river.

Hand 2 is bad too.

Hand 3 is fine with pot size raise.
10-24-2012 , 01:17 PM
I actually agree with calling in hand one as played.

As played we let two extra combos of set hit. Thats the danger of slowplaying. If hero thinks we arent getting three streets of calue with top two we just value cut ourselves by jamming river.

I think his bet size otr is nuts or air as well.
10-24-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by JLtrooper
Anyone have recs on things to do in Vegas from 10-4? I'm here to grind 1/2, but I assume it'll be nothing but old man coffees and nitball salads during the day.
Sleep, or do stupid tourists tricks.. Spend too much on drinks, go shopping, eat at Earl of Sandwhich... Man this 2 weeks or going by slow. I can't wait!
10-24-2012 , 02:42 PM
Guys; should I vol for next cotm; on style switching and table dynamics? W everyone thinking about it this week, it seems a good time.
10-24-2012 , 03:44 PM
Overbetting; how to get max value on the turn and preflop
10-24-2012 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
I'm going to guess you're commission based and take some non-exclusive work as well. That would suck pretty bad.

I've seen companies internally say, "Yeah, old Joe is probably the right guy, but let's see if the headhunter can find someone so spectacular and cheap we can hire him instead. Doesn't cost us any money."

yes, we often work on competitive briefs.

money is often very good but flip side are the cancelled briefs at 11.59pm of the process, ridiculous judgements, people they bring out of their arse from internal means after we've worked on something for weeks.

Am looking for a MD for a firm right now and the Korean CEO is an utter disgrace. We've done 8 references on a candidate who has one of the best track records in the country for what he does. CEO chose to reject him after asking junior people in his office if they have heard of the candidate.....because whether a 25 year old has heard of an MD is clearly the most important determinant of success
10-24-2012 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by JLtrooper
Anyone have recs on things to do in Vegas from 10-4? I'm here to grind 1/2, but I assume it'll be nothing but old man coffees and nitball salads during the day.
I play full time in vegas...i try and maintain a normal lifestyle and do not like staying up late any more. I play from 12:00pm-8 pm. The games are fine during those hrs - get in there and mix it up
10-24-2012 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
how about 3 hours a day for a week?
You won't go in there feeling prepared

Do the general in the afternoon imo

Think of it like this though: you need to basically be able to do all the calc/chemistry/physics/statics/dynamics etc that you've ever learned really quickly.

Do you think you can go over every calc and diff eq problem you've taken in 3 hours?
10-24-2012 , 04:34 PM
I'd also plan on spending 2 full days before it studying and working on being able to pound out problems
10-24-2012 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Interview in 26 hours 18 minutes.

GL ike. The nerves are good. They'll keep you focused. Just be professional with enough of a personality that they be willing to be around you for 80 hours a week.
10-24-2012 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
I'd also plan on spending 2 full days before it studying and working on being able to pound out problems
Big thing would be setting aside time on those days to do practice exams, too. Get used to the timed setting and variation of questions between topics.

(Actuary here, I know the pain of taking detailed post-graduate exams).
10-24-2012 , 05:14 PM
always nice to write a good post for someone, then have them call you a fish
10-24-2012 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
always nice to write a good post for someone, then have them call you a fish
Is this in reference to me? I didn't call lolpony a fish.
10-24-2012 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
Big thing would be setting aside time on those days to do practice exams, too. Get used to the timed setting and variation of questions between topics.

(Actuary here, I know the pain of taking detailed post-graduate exams).
Yeah like about 2 months before I took the exam I took a practice test, and worked thru it and took notes on where I was rusty. I then studied that stuff, took another exam then made a schedule to work through basically everything i ever learned and study it again.

I still felt unprepared although I knew I was going to pass (it is pass/fail)
