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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

09-11-2012 , 07:33 PM
Nah they weren't stealth attacks. Both Hiroshima and dresden were fly in bomb and leave
09-11-2012 , 07:55 PM
dresden is very very bad

but since we did it, must not be terrorism! right?

Last edited by dhcg86; 09-11-2012 at 08:06 PM.
09-11-2012 , 08:10 PM
they allies were smart. they would bomb the cities, stop for an hr, and then start again

why the hr long pause?

to allow emergency workers to enter the kill zone,and subsequently die in the next round of bombs
09-11-2012 , 08:21 PM
Yeah Dresden and those bombings were massacres but not terrorism.
09-11-2012 , 08:43 PM
Terrorism is usually defined as acts of terror not necessarily secret or non government funded; your definition of the word is skewed by media. Dhcg is, for once in his life, correct here.

What Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, did, even the scts that were done openly, can be considered terrorism.
09-11-2012 , 08:46 PM
lol openly killing civilians in massacres and genocides is not "terror"? You realize the term is not coined by recent governments even if they do seem to love throwing it around right?

The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
09-11-2012 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by madlondoner
Yeah Dresden and those bombings were massacres but not terrorism.
I bet you would care to differ if you were near-by.
a entire city being flooded with surplus white phosphorous has gotta be kinda terrifying. whoever wasnt incinerated died of asphyxiation. It was definitely meant to send a message, like Hiroshima, and Nagasaki were.
thats the essence of terrorism, to manipulate peoples minds, and break them down, and the ever-presence of violence, and the fear it instills is used as a form of propaganda, or mind-control.
It's called trauma based mind-control.
the bombing of London, and Hamburg, and Berlin were also terrorism in my book. The night time aerial bombing was intentionally targeted against civilians in order to terrify them. It was psychological warfare, and there was really no military strategic use for those bombings. the strategic part of Hamburg, the port, was the virtually the only part of the city to not be bombed and destroyed.
The Tavistock institute did studies on people who survived in both London and Hamburg, and their psychology.
I actually lived in Hamburg as a teenager in the 80s, and lived with a german family.
I heard stories from the grandmother, and parents in the family about what it was like going to bed each night wondering if you would see tomorrow. How everyone was literally starving and freezing.
you werent allowed to have a light on at night, and everyone huddled in the dark in fear every night.
how is that not terrorism, when it's done on purpose??
the whole point was that you didnt know when to anticipate an attack, so there was a constant state of fear created in the mind of the public.

targeting civilian populations, and calling it 'war' was never the agenda of warfare in europe up to this point in history.
war was conducted between military forces, and going after civilians was not considered judicious. (the hundred years war may be an exception?).
even in the middle ages, soldiers on both sides of a battle would take a break from killing each other and sit down and have lunch together. there was a code of what was fair, and civilized. soldiers didnt kill women and children. that was considered 'beyond the pale'.
In a way, we have devolved even from the middle ages, in terms of our sense of humanity to man, imo.

Last edited by stampler; 09-11-2012 at 09:18 PM.
09-11-2012 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
Terrorism is usually defined as acts of terror not necessarily secret or non government funded; your definition of the word is skewed by media. Dhcg is, for once in his life, correct here.

What Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, did, even the scts that were done openly, can be considered terrorism.

09-11-2012 , 09:04 PM
That said even then people didn't follow the code of honor, and rape and pillaging was fairly common too.
09-11-2012 , 09:08 PM
Well some of what they did were; certainly both nanjing and hiroshima/Nagasaki are.

It's hilarious that people give Japan so much **** for Pearl Harbour when Nagasaki/Hiroshima is soooooo much worse.

Guys we get it it was a sneak attack against a military base. It's sneaky, but it's not killing civilians to force a fast surrender to gain a stronger foothold and more bargaining chips in the coming cold war. Anyone who seriously thinks pearl harbour is more than a bit bad relative to all the things that happen regularly in wars is stupid.
09-11-2012 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
I'm a libertarian.
09-11-2012 , 09:29 PM
Fiction and delusions taking over ITT.
09-11-2012 , 09:31 PM
the bones of one grenadier are more valuable than all the towns in germany

words from a commander of some sort in regards to the intentional targeting of civilians. He said that it would encourage them to end the war sooner.

paraphrased from an article regarding dresden
09-11-2012 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Fiction and delusions taking over ITT.
ignorance is bliss eh?
09-11-2012 , 09:46 PM
In 1923 the "rules of aerial war" were drafted at the Hague conference and adopted as international law. They prohibited "aerial bombardment for the purpose of terrorizing the civilian population, of destroying or damaging property not of a military nature."

apparently, it had been done with balloons as early as 1850.
09-11-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by stampler
ya, if youre not willing to rep AA/ KK after the flop, don't 3 bet??
youre not playing to hit a hand when you take the initiative w/ AK;
of course, all hugely dependent on villian tendancies, stack sizes, your image, ect...
cbetting any of the flops would have been spew
09-11-2012 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by High Time John
So Tommy was totally cool. He met Ed Miller and Matt Flynn on 2+2 back in 2000 before any of them were poker writers. They would just post hands back then and now they are all good friends.

He gave me some good advice on moving up to 5-5-T and some other stuff which will remain secret.
I hope you didn't direct him to this thread.
09-11-2012 , 10:13 PM
I can't comment on the Dresden bombings, but Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not acts of terror. Japan was engaged in a total war, just about every citizen was working on supplying the army, and manufacturing for the army. Also if you look at Japan's previous policies during the island hopping campaign, you can see that surrender was not an option, and it was very likely that these "civilians" would be forced to fight as well. If you don't believe the resilience of the Japanese and their willingness to fight, then just look at the two days of Tokyo firebombings, which were larger in scale and casualties.

Hiroshima and Nagaski saved lives, and not just on the Allies side.

Also judging WW2 by today's standards is pretty lolbad anyways.

As an aside: my friend's grandfather is a certified badass. He was a marine during Okinawa and was scheduled to be one of the first in the invasion of Japan. He told me that during the briefings they were told to expect 97% casualty rate and then he added "but it's not as bad as it sounds because casualty can also mean that you get injured but don't die."
09-11-2012 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
cbetting any of the flops would have been spew
thats what I figured, which is why I didn't comment.

I mean flops of 789cc are the nut easiest to play....c/f
09-11-2012 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
lol openly killing civilians in massacres and genocides is not "terror"? You realize the term is not coined by recent governments even if they do seem to love throwing it around right?

The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
isnt that kind of the definition of "war" too
09-11-2012 , 10:18 PM
If it was a common occurrence for me to 3bet ak and then c/f I wouldn't find it worthy of posting here because I had to do it 3 times in a single session.
09-11-2012 , 10:33 PM
Poker god was slightly nicer to me today. It did start off really really shaky, and I was ready to punch the wall.

Donkey bets then another donkey shoves into two tone QQ6 board before my turn and I have AQ. And of course I lose to 87 flush draw.

Last edited by AmazonPrime; 09-11-2012 at 10:49 PM.
09-11-2012 , 11:34 PM

several $20/40 limit regs were at my casino but they didn't have enough to start a game, same with $2/5 no-limit

We decided to play half/half. 30 minutes of $20/40, then 30 minutes of $5/5 NL, uncapped.

I was stuck $3.3K (lost a QQ vs AKo preflop flip, and also spewed off $1160 on a 3-barrel with air).

Somehow went on a heater and came back even. Won $60 after 7 hours of variance.

I'm a nit at heart and hate variance.
09-11-2012 , 11:35 PM

340hp pretty sweet looking wagon, too bad its GayMatic tho..
09-11-2012 , 11:42 PM
lol slushboxes, and that is a ton of miles

honestly, if you are dead set on a wagon, get like a 08-09 STi

you really don't want an old German car, the maintenance will break you
