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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

09-07-2012 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by IhaveBTN
But there's just the same or at least a similar economic demand to have someone to play poker against for $, no?
No and the reason is because no actual wealth is produced in the process of playing poker in either the form of a fungible asset or a good or a service. Yes, entertainment is produced/consumed but it is produced with or without you winning money.

I mean in many ways being an actor or a sports star or an entertainer is far more productive than being a poker player because people aren't paying to play with you they are paying to watch you play.
09-07-2012 , 05:18 PM
I'm with 11t here.
09-07-2012 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by jrr63
But the one good difference is that with most regular jobs they don't take money away from you when you have a bad day.
that doesn't matter much anymore.
09-07-2012 , 05:25 PM
I can see some of the statements in that quote having a bit of basis but I'm having a tough time understanding how "doctors destroy health." Sure there will be inept or corrupt members of any profession but a blanket statement like that is so far off it's ridiculous.


Last edited by shpanko; 09-07-2012 at 05:32 PM.
09-07-2012 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by shpanko
I can see some of the statements in that quote having a bit of basis but I'm having a tough time understanding how "doctors destroy health"

seems the thinnest of the bunch to me as well, but there's always the prescription drug abuse to point to. my sister-in-laws mother is addicted to them for example. if you doctor shop enough you WILL find a doctor that will write you a prescription for addictive painkillers/anti-anxiety meds, etc. unwarranted.
09-07-2012 , 05:30 PM
I think he is more or less referring to the medical system and the education system and not individual professionals within those fields.
09-07-2012 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
Yeah he took a pretty dickish tone in the thread and I think he is a troll so he can get ****ed imo

Also his advice sucks
09-07-2012 , 05:33 PM
That picture is more fitting for pokah.
09-07-2012 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by IhaveBTN
seems the thinnest of the bunch to me as well, but there's always the prescription drug abuse to point to. my sister-in-laws mother is addicted to them for example. if you doctor shop enough you WILL find a doctor that will write you a prescription for addictive painkillers/anti-anxiety meds, etc. unwarranted.
Medicinal marijuana is the perfect example of a completely legitimate need being destroyed by bad doctors imo. Prescribing marijuana for mental illness should be grounds for prosection.
09-07-2012 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by AmazonPrime
That picture is more fitting for pokah.
Racist ban!
09-07-2012 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
Firstly, I liked the quote I just though it would be an information graphic. I also agree with a lot of what you said about college.

Playing poker, to me, is just a way of making money. That isn't to say you can't contribute to society in other ways. I am saying that while you are at the table you aren't doing much to benefit mankind or whatever other BS we want to define as "contributing to society".

Playing poker is fun, and we can make a lot of money doing it, but just don't delude yourself into thinking you are doing something at the tables when you aren't.
I don't think anyone tried to argue we are? Who exactly was that comment directed against?

Also why do live players love to c/c donk shove river with turned flushes so much? I bomb turn with two pair 2nd nfd planning to call off but instead I get to fold lol.
09-07-2012 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
I don't think anyone tried to argue we are? Who exactly was that comment directed against?

Also why do live players love to c/c donk shove river with turned flushes so much? I bomb turn with two pair 2nd nfd planning to call off but instead I get to fold lol.
IHaveBTN and I were just debating, no need to get heated!
09-07-2012 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
Medicinal marijuana is the perfect example of a completely legitimate need being destroyed by bad doctors imo. Prescribing marijuana for mental illness should be grounds for prosecution.
09-07-2012 , 05:46 PM
Poker allows me to do things outside of poker that cobtribute to society. Anything from tax to my personal life and the good things I do in it. I have a cynical view towards charity but because of poker I've likely donated more of my own money than the majority of people, certainly those at my age, and as corrupt as the charity system is, that's undeniably "some" good.
09-07-2012 , 05:49 PM
I don't think "providing entertainment whilst at the table" is a viable argument fwiw, so I am with you on that one.
09-07-2012 , 05:50 PM
Oddly enough, was just called for an interview at a casino 1hr+ away with a poker room (I was playing at yesterday) to be their graphic artist, create their marketing materials, etc.

Is this better than playing poker?
09-07-2012 , 05:52 PM
^ funnier when he spelled it prosection
09-07-2012 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
I don't think "providing entertainment whilst at the table" is a viable argument fwiw, so I am with you on that one.
if i had to guess an old man limping with J9o in EP and getting 10x'ed by me in LP must be wildly entertaining to him..... his face shows it everytime......
09-07-2012 , 05:55 PM
11t always saying someones advice is horrible. Forums please dont mind that guy, he will never get optimal play let alone out of the **** hole he calls the mid west or what I call it farm country.

As for helping society, you can contribute in many ways, everyday no matter what you do for a living you can help someone and that includes being a poker player. So all that hooplah that poker is a waste in helping people is bs. Those people think in black and white and quite frankly are not that good at poker.

In all professions there is good and bad. No profession is all good, I love the example of colleges.
09-07-2012 , 05:56 PM
Yeah is walking around the beach to show off your bod good too then? What about playing computer games online and getting beaten a lot?

If so I am a huge contributor to society.

Due to the latter only unfortunately.
09-07-2012 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
Poker allows me to do things outside of poker that cobtribute to society. Anything from tax to my personal life and the good things I do in it. I have a cynical view towards charity but because of poker I've likely donated more of my own money than the majority of people, certainly those at my age, and as corrupt as the charity system is, that's undeniably "some" good.
yeah I mean you can get into some really technical arguments about this stuff, but the gist of what I'm saying is that most of your productive capacity is put into an unproductive task with regards to its benefit to society and while you may donate money to charity/pay taxes you aren't really making up for that lost capacity. Even your average person who is building roads is doing something for society far more than paying a lot of taxes because not only does he build something that a disproportionate amount of people will use, he also expends his labor, pays taxes, risks life and limb, etc...

however, you aren't a slave to society and should do what makes you happy. i always try to ship natural disasters some money although I never donate to the red cross or the salvation army due to their political stances. what I am saying is that there is nothing wrong with playing poker but most people find it more fulfilling to spend more time working on things productive to society than playing cards.

if you look at something like maslow's heirarchy of needs self actualization (the need to control your own life) is met right after you can meet all of your life's needs (food/shelter/kids etc...) and self fulfillment is often found after self actualization.
09-07-2012 , 06:01 PM
lol chris hedges....
09-07-2012 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
Yeah is walking around the beach to show off your bod good too then? What about playing computer games online and getting beaten a lot?

If so I am a huge contributor to society.

Due to the latter only unfortunately.
If you made any of those things a profession you are contributing to society.
09-07-2012 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
Yeah is walking around the beach to show off your bod good too then? What about playing computer games online and getting beaten a lot?

If so I am a huge contributor to society.

Due to the latter only unfortunately.
Haha, somebody who cleans a beach or maintains it or does life gaurding would be fulfilling an economic need but showing off your body doesn't. Anyway since most beaches are public just paying taxes and not going to one is a push. That being said, being a professional body builder where people pay to see you show off your body is basically what you described and can be classified as contributing to society in the same manner an actor does.

Producing a computer game and selling something people want to buy also produces a fungible asset which can be bought and sold also contributes to society and purchasing one that you enjoy playing keeps somebody employed which is also productive.

Basically contributing to society makes you a productive member of society and any good or service that fills an economic need contributes to society. Many charities etc... fill economic needs (feeding/clothing the poor for instance) and can be classified as productive.
09-07-2012 , 06:08 PM
fwiw this is all marxism if people haven't caught on but i'm no commie!

edit: well it is more of a redux since marx would disagree about a lot of the entertainment stuff.
