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Official IPoker Thread Official IPoker Thread

09-30-2009 , 11:46 AM
Somethings definitely up. The client works and the server clock is ticking, but the two banner ads in the client don't work, and the website isn't working right now either.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
09-30-2009 , 06:01 PM
Site down?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
09-30-2009 , 06:02 PM
seems so
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 01:13 PM
I also got messages from VC telling me to stop playing for periods..
Is there many other which plays on VC here?
Some feedback on this I-poker site?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 01:43 PM
umn if my site would tell me to play less or else Id get kicked I wouldnt need any further feedback..
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 05:35 PM
hey guys, how are the HU cash games on iPoker? dry/reg filled or relatively better than ps/ftp?

also, would there be trouble depositing/withdrawing as a Canadan?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 06:19 PM
anyone having problems w/ software after the new update?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 06:24 PM
How much do u people win to be told to stop playing? In essence, which $ barrier do I need to break to get these messages?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by phantom_lord
anyone having problems w/ software after the new update?
I have had quite some problems with the client the last 3 days I think...
Had some issues with the reload function as well as logging in to the poker software
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 09:40 PM
Good old iPoker i guess.
Alwauys some ****ing problems with that ****ing ****network
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 09:52 PM
Ship the auto rebuy finally, shame it has f***ked all of my mods though. It's all well and dandy for computer whizzes like eggegg and cptafricano but it's nightmare for a mere mortal such as myself.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 10:02 PM
ok need new skin my RB guy didnt come through. want a reputable guy to fix me up.. what the %s you guys working with these days? PM moiiii
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 10:18 PM
I have heard from an inside source that both autor rebuy and resizable tables are coming in the near future so just wait and when its here... ENJOY
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-01-2009 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by PIPAN69
I have heard from an inside source that both autor rebuy and resizable tables are coming in the near future so just wait and when its here... ENJOY
this is extremely good news.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 05:54 AM
Can anyone give me a breakdown of the pros and cons of Ipoker?...i basically play 50/1 and 1/2 on FTP and Stars 8-10 tables... I am hearing mixed comments on IPoker....cant resize tables? no auto reload?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 08:29 AM
yep cannot resize, no auto reload, alot of shortstackers
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 09:00 AM
I want VC to tell me that I can't play with them anymore ! I wanna be a big winning player one time plz
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 09:11 AM
Sick beat that propaganda has to change network after i have an upswing of my life. I made 26k in 38hours. Anyone play there also?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by subandi
umn if my site would tell me to play less or else Id get kicked I wouldnt need any further feedback..
I've always been under the impression that VC Poker is very reliable. Since it's under the name of Victor Chandler they can't possibly have any liquidity problems or whatsoever, right?

But obv not being able to play even if u want sucks hardcore balls. Poker being so unregulated etc etc has it's downsizes and this is one of them. Networks and to some extent skins can do pretty much what they want without any real consequences.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 09:57 AM
Do Anyone have Problems with cashing out at VCPoker lately? Requested a cahout last Friday but nothing happend at my Moneybookers account so far.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 10:22 AM
Anyone here use Click2Pay?

Those guys are ****ing ******ed.

My account got hacked, and they said they'd reimburse me if I got them a police report.
I get them police report, and they claim it's not official.
The local police department faxes them and calls them, yet they claim they have not recieved an official enquiry from the police.

BAHHHHH!!! damn you Click2Pay

Edit: this is over the span of like 5 months BTW, which I have been back and forth with them
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 12:30 PM
Not played much on ipoker for a while now .

Is there any movement by ipoker to add auto rebuy and auto cascade etc ?

I like ipoker but not having these options puts me on multi tabling tilt !

Im surprised ipoker have not yet taken a look at Stars and FTP and realised this would help the multi tablers and sorted it out .

Is there any software i could buy that would help in either or both of these options in the mean time ?
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by PIPAN69
I have heard from an inside source that both autor rebuy and resizable tables are coming in the near future so just wait and when its here... ENJOY
auto rebuy is already live

Originally Posted by Jos

Is there any movement by ipoker to add auto rebuy
see above

Originally Posted by Jos
.Im surprised ipoker have not yet taken a look at Stars and FTP and realised this would help the multi tablers and sorted it out .
the guys who develop the software for iPoker work behind a firewall which does not permit them to download FTP or Stars - pity really, if only they knew what was available out there in poker software
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 01:09 PM
Imo ipoker seems to be really interested in upgrading their software lately.

Autorebuy is already integrated (called Auto-Topup) in the new version.
Some skins like bet365, paddy, will hill, bluesq, pokerocean and maybe more already updated their software and the others will follow.

A Titan rep posted this feature list at
New Features in V9.3:

* Improved Lobby Design and functionality
* Auto top-up tool
* Rejoin table with last stack (Part of Auto-Topup)
* Tournament Time Bank added
* Faster Lobby Refresh Rate
* Turbo tables filter option on search in lobby
* Buddy List
* Hand-for-Hand Mode in Late Tournament Phase
* Larger Player Notes
* Multi-Currency option at micro limits
And, even more interesting, he gave this list for the next version, expected for winter:

(resizable tables !!!)
(Best) Upcoming Features 9.6 - Winter 2009

* New Table Design
* Resizable Table (obsoletes minitables)
* Select Preferred Table Orientation
* Auto post remains after rebuy
* Larger numbers in the raise bar
* Faster Lobby Refresh Rate
* Larger Player Notes
Of course they are still far behind the top softwares, but in the last 2 year ive played at ipoker, there where never such big changes.
we can just hope that they will really bring these features.
but tbh the software can only get better...
Official IPoker Thread Quote
10-02-2009 , 03:14 PM
Preferred seating would make me very happy. Being in the same seat at every table is a big help for me when multi tabling.
Official IPoker Thread Quote
