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***Official Full Tilt Regs Thread*** ***Official Full Tilt Regs Thread***

10-16-2009 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
I added Combos, rice krispy treats and oberto smoked meat sticks to the snack stockpile.

As a segue...

You're going to find this hard to believe, but I am feeling really out of shape. At least when I worked in an office and lived in NYC, I would have to walk a little bit. Now, I sit for 8+ hours at a time and drive everywhere. So I'm thinking of getting an elliptical machine for the office. I figure I can work out while I'm watching poker videos or sports. I know most of you guys only "work" like 2 hours a day, but do any of you work out while doing anything poker-related? Just thinking I could kill 2 birds w 1 stone.
just get a pull up bar, some resistance bands, a jump rope, and a pair of decent running shoes. ellipticals and treadmills are waste of space and money. if you want to run go outside. if you want to do resistance training all you need is a pull up bar and some bands.

just set aside 30-60 minutes a day and get your ass moving. you'll feel a million times better.
10-16-2009 , 11:30 PM
why is there 11 waitnig list on 3/6 deep.. bum hunters or what
10-17-2009 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by Andrew Song
why is there 11 waitnig list on 3/6 deep.. bum hunters or what
You got a problem with bumhunting? Cause if you do, and you wanna see who better man is, who's the bigger shark, I say we go toe to toe. Sit down at a table and see who wins.

Of course it would have to be nine-handed, and there would have to be a fish. Actually maybe two depending on whether it's a full on fish or just a couple losing regs. Also I would leave if we got too deep. Or if the fish leaves, come to think of it.

EDIT: I would also leave if I didn't feel like playing.

Last edited by Williegb; 10-17-2009 at 05:09 AM. Reason: .
10-17-2009 , 09:34 AM
I just realized there's no need for me to play 1/2 during the wee hours (when there aren't enough tables) - I should play 2/4 6max. Duh.
10-17-2009 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by thepizzlefosho
just get a pull up bar, some resistance bands, a jump rope, and a pair of decent running shoes. ellipticals and treadmills are waste of space and money. if you want to run go outside. if you want to do resistance training all you need is a pull up bar and some bands.

just set aside 30-60 minutes a day and get your ass moving. you'll feel a million times better.
I'm going to try an exercise 5 days a week. I don't mind spending the money, and my office is pretty big. Unfortunately, I've pretty much been letting myself go since college, and I think something low-impact would be better - at least until I shed some tonnage.

I was more wondering if any of you guys worked out while doing something poker-related - like watch videos, watch shows, read, play, etc.
10-17-2009 , 10:19 AM
people work out?
10-17-2009 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
I'm going to try an exercise 5 days a week. I don't mind spending the money, and my office is pretty big. Unfortunately, I've pretty much been letting myself go since college, and I think something low-impact would be better - at least until I shed some tonnage.

I was more wondering if any of you guys worked out while doing something poker-related - like watch videos, watch shows, read, play, etc.
you'd be surprised how low impact resistance bands are. you can get them at all settings and there is no chance of injury like with free weights. I guess an elliptical is lower impact than running, but you can always just start with walking jogging and work your way up. The reason I think those things are a waste is that you'll enjoy your workout more if you get out of the house. I get the feeling you live in the suburbs so you should have plenty of places to walk/run. Especially since you grind so many hours it is like a nice break to get out of the apt.

I do almost all of my resistance workouts (push ups, pull ups, resistance bands etc) in my apt and usually watch tv while doing it. I typically don't watch poker vids though since you have to pay relatively close attention to the action to follow along and I like being able to move around. my usual workout shows are ATH and PTI on ESPN in the evenings
10-17-2009 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Williegb
You got a problem with bumhunting? Cause if you do, and you wanna see who better man is, who's the bigger shark, I say we go toe to toe. Sit down at a table and see who wins.

Of course it would have to be nine-handed, and there would have to be a fish. Actually maybe two depending on whether it's a full on fish or just a couple losing regs. Also I would leave if we got too deep. Or if the fish leaves, come to think of it.

EDIT: I would also leave if I didn't feel like playing.
haha yea, i just thought it's strange how theres two 3/6 deep tables running with 11 waiting list and one with none.

bumhunting is just not my thing. i know it's smart thing to do and ive attempted to try as well but it's just too much work(for me). i'd rather keep it simple and just join all the waiting list for non-SS tables. Although money became our priority, i do enjoy playing vs good players long as im not losing =p. I think it's the mass-multitabling that has ruined our spirit of the game that we all once had. I mean c'mon, i'm sure most of u had big hopes and dream of becoming the next online superstar crushing the biggest stakes. It's just that we got older and money became more important. I've made alot of dumb moves in chase of nosebleed reg status early on in my career.

Last edited by Andrew Song; 10-17-2009 at 01:44 PM.
10-17-2009 , 01:45 PM one oldster to another.....

The eliptical is my machine of choice right now. What the "kids" fail to realize is as the body ages, the impact of running is very hard on the skeletal system. (I went to college on a track scholarship- hurdles).

However the problem you will quickly run into is to effectively make gains, having one machine won't "do it". Crosstraining with a stairs machine, rowing machine etc, will make it possible to continue making progress. Using only one machine will only get you so far until you reach a plateau....with little gains after. Maintain..yes,,,

What I have be "thinging" about is to take a laptop to the gym and watch download videos while I workout. Poker vids would be great as I think the porn (my first choice) would raise more than a few eyebrows.
10-17-2009 , 02:44 PM
dfly, why dont u get an eyewear display? It's sturdy enough to be able to run with it on. Good ones cost around 200-300. U should google it
10-17-2009 , 04:51 PM
Is there value in the river? No reads. Now that I see the HH, his turn bet looks more like a blocker than anything else. Thoughts?

Full Tilt Poker $3/$6 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players
Hero (MP): $600.00
CO: $1442.25
BTN: $1342.00
SB: $600.00
BB: $810.30
UTG: $1479.00
UTG+1: $429.35

Pre Flop: ($9.00) Hero is MP with T K
2 folds, Hero raises to $18, 3 folds, BB calls $12

Flop: ($39.00) T T 3 (2 players)
BB bets $12, Hero raises to $36, BB calls $24

Turn: ($111.00) 2 (2 players)
BB bets $24, Hero calls $24

River: ($159.00) Q (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Final Pot: $159.00
Hero shows T K (three of a kind, Tens)
BB shows T 5 (three of a kind, Tens)
Hero wins $156.00
10-17-2009 , 05:22 PM
seems like a really easy bet on river, would have been better without results though
10-17-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Andrew Song
haha yea, i just thought it's strange how theres two 3/6 deep tables running with 11 waiting list and one with none.

bumhunting is just not my thing. i know it's smart thing to do and ive attempted to try as well but it's just too much work(for me). i'd rather keep it simple and just join all the waiting list for non-SS tables. Although money became our priority, i do enjoy playing vs good players long as im not losing =p. I think it's the mass-multitabling that has ruined our spirit of the game that we all once had. I mean c'mon, i'm sure most of u had big hopes and dream of becoming the next online superstar crushing the biggest stakes. It's just that we got older and money became more important. I've made alot of dumb moves in chase of nosebleed reg status early on in my career.
Yeah, I agree with a lot of this. Bumhunting and mega tabling are extremely profitable, and we all know it. I mean c'mon we're full ring players, some people would say we're all guilty of this already. But the truth is that playing max tables encourages people not to pay attention, not to adjust, and not to experiment. Which means that in the long term you don't improve at the same rate. I suppose it's really a difference in philosophy, whether you want to invest in an uncertain better long term, or a guaranteed okay short term.

EDIT: yeah bet/fold river. It's just so rare that villain has anything that beats you with that line.
10-17-2009 , 09:40 PM
why don't you raise the turn? seems like we are msising a ton of value from Ahx Khx and 10x and possibly even like 99 with a heart
10-18-2009 , 02:42 AM
PF, I agree with most of what you said. I guess it's easier for me to work out if I can do something else simultaneously - even if it's just mentally reviewing my session. Maybe that's why I multitable. :-)

Also, it's starting to get chilly here (altho not as chilly as where you are). I would either be exercising before or after my session (9pm or 6am), so my outdoor options are pretty limited.

Andrew, never heard of the eyewear before, but I think I'll wait until it's been out for a while. Maybe I've seen Steve Martin's "The Jerk" one too many times, but my vision's not perfect to begin with, and I'm not sure I want to putz around with something that new.

But it sounds like the perfect way for KS to watch his porn at the gym. :-). Actually KS, before Andrew's suggestion, I was going to suggest you get an itouch from the store. I downloaded a bunch of 1-table poker videos and watch it if I know I'll have some time to kill waiting (like taking Mrs DFly to the mall, waiting for my kid's bus, etc). The only thing is, you may get tired of holding it, but that can be part of the exercise!
10-18-2009 , 02:56 AM
AK, I started not offering feedback to people on hands if I don't know their SN. Yeah, my advice usually blows, but you can always do the opposite of what I say, so it's still useful info. :-). So feel free to PM me. ;-)

Since I gave the Swedish guy a freebie earlier in the week... I think you have to bet/fold the river. Esp since if you had a boat (or flush), you probably go for some small value, right? Even if the guy has a flush and that tiny turn bet was to induce a raise, he's probably not getting that crazy on a paired board. Of course if the guy is capable of bluff raising you on the river, I'd be just a little less inclined to go for value (but I'd snap him off from time to time too). I'll probably catch him when I have a boat, so I don't feel too bad.

Joop in da house! Welcome.
10-18-2009 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by Andrew Song
bumhunting is just not my thing. i know it's smart thing to do and ive attempted to try as well but it's just too much work(for me). i'd rather keep it simple and just join all the waiting list for non-SS tables. Although money became our priority, i do enjoy playing vs good players long as im not losing =p. I think it's the mass-multitabling that has ruined our spirit of the game that we all once had. I mean c'mon, i'm sure most of u had big hopes and dream of becoming the next online superstar crushing the biggest stakes. It's just that we got older and money became more important. I've made alot of dumb moves in chase of nosebleed reg status early on in my career.
I think of multitabling FR as a stepping stone to bigger things. Even tho I've been playing for a year, I'm aware of the fact that I'm not a great player. I keep a list of things I want to work on (there are like a dozen things on the list now). Eventually, I want to add 6max, and play 5/10+ more regularly. For now, I see mass multitabling as a way to expose myself to different situations. I'm usually putzing around with a few things at a time, and I need the hands to evaluate.

But I do agree that mass multi-tabling (12+ tables) at some point is detrimental to getting better (because you just notice a lot less of what's going on at the tables). You never know who might be tilting, who may be getting repeatedly iso-reraised by who, etc. So I just lose a feel for what's going on at the tables (esp when you are not involved in the hand). So by committing to multitabling, I can't play my best poker. But I think it allows me to work on some more glaring weaknesses in my game. Which I guess is another way to say hourly > win rate. But after a while it makes more sense to focus on win rate, because when you get good enough, you'll still be making enough money playing fewer tables. Then you can see where that takes you.

As for the table-selection/bumhunting or whatever you want to call it, all things being equal, if you're not fully paying attention (because you're playing the max tables) and other good regs (and SSers) are paying attention (playing fewer tables, better concentration from doing it longer/better, SSer push/fold, etc), seems like that's just going to be a neutral ev situation at best. Considering I can't give those tables my full attention, I prefer to balance working on my weaknesses and making money. I think the time to focus on playing regs is when you get to 5/10+, when your table choices are more limited and you are playing fewer tables (and can focus more).

This was pretty rambly, but since it looks like I'm going to stick with poker, I've been thinking more about longer-term goals and how to get there. I also want to throw in some donkaments, and plo but that's another long ramble, and my excitement from watching the yankee game is wearing off. :-)
10-18-2009 , 05:31 AM
ive been like 15+ tabling forever and generally dispute the fact you wouldn't learn as well as you would playing less.
10-18-2009 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
Joop in da house! Welcome.
Been around for some time but mostly hang in ssfr/ufr.
10-18-2009 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by too eazy
ive been like 15+ tabling forever and generally dispute the fact you wouldn't learn as well as you would playing less.
Yeah, I think we talked a fair bit about this over the summer.

That and made fun of the two to four tabling 10/20 HU regs who sit around forever waiting for action and have smaller hourlys than the good 400 fr regs.
10-18-2009 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Ricky1231
That and made fun of the two to four tabling 10/20 HU regs who sit around forever waiting for action and have smaller hourlys than the good 400 fr regs.
Who are the 10/20 HU regs who are making less than good 2/4 FR regs?
10-18-2009 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Rivers
Who are the 10/20 HU regs who are making less than good 2/4 FR regs?
Nick, obviously the good regulars are excellent players and are making a ton of money but there are still a bunch of players at those stakes who are making less, either because the competition they're playing against is much better than they are or because of the shear amount of time they have to spend sitting around to get action.

Although, maybe the players who are comparatively weaker at 10/20 6m would be better for the example.
10-18-2009 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Ricky1231
Nick, obviously the good regulars are excellent players and are making a ton of money but there are still a bunch of players at those stakes who are making less, either because the competition they're playing against is much better than they are or because of the shear amount of time they have to spend sitting around to get action.

Although, maybe the players who are comparatively weaker at 10/20 6m would be better for the example.
yeah people forget sometimes that bumhunters can have really great hourlys, but if they spend 6-8 hours a night sitting around waiting for action in front of their computer I would count that as work time.
10-18-2009 , 07:33 PM
When are they gonna kill the SS'ers?
Avg table today 4/5/6/7 I mean come on.....
Even the nl2k what was running earlier had 6....
10-18-2009 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by peterk9
When are they gonna kill the SS'ers?
Avg table today 4/5/6/7 I mean come on.....
Even the nl2k what was running earlier had 6....
well that's 4/5/6/7 people generating rake at each table... so i'm gonna go with never. changing it won't bring any more money into the site and it could possibly cause people to leave it. so i'm not holding my breath
