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***Official December Chat Thread: A Place for EPiPeN to Endlessly Bitch and Moan*** ***Official December Chat Thread: A Place for EPiPeN to Endlessly Bitch and Moan***

12-05-2008 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by costanza_g
i see none of this
according to another thread it was available briefly and then gone again
12-05-2008 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by spooky shadows
tableratings gone

i noticed the_main in my winners/losers list and clicked on his profile

500k hands -700 dollars imo
sample size
12-05-2008 , 03:38 PM
Does anyone have money on Stars they're interested in trading for FT money? I'm looking for up to 10K, I'm willing to pay a vig. PM if you're interested.
12-05-2008 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by too eazy
tableratings works for stars now

this site is such ****ing bull****, they need to get this **** shut down such a violation of privacy.

can feel my action dying already
So you playing HU mostly now?
12-05-2008 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by soah
1.8 million hands at 1000 hands per hour comes out to <5 hours a day

and that's only 15 tabling

at 1200 hands per hour it's just 30 hours per week for 50 weeks

it's not fun but it's not insane either (as long as you are comfortable playing so many tables)
I got my lazy self over the the PS web site, and I just wanted to check a few things:
* so 1.8mm hands equals 1.0 million VPPs more or less?
* once you reach SNE (say you're in the second year), on an ongoing basis another 1mm VPPs would get you $50K in milestone bonuses ($10K every 250K VPPs, plus $10K for 1mm)? Plus you would have 4mm FPPs (1mm VPPs x SNE multiplier of 4), which you can cash in at the store for $64k? So that would be 114K annually. Plus you get some freerolls which are worth a few thousand a year.

At FT, I think we get like $2K in rakeback per 50K hands (more or less), which is 72K annually for 1.8mm hands. Plus you get around 3mm FTPs, which I guess are worth around 0.4 cents each, so that's $8K (around 12K less rake adjustment). Plus you get Ironman medals, which I'm guessing is worth like $6K per year (complete guess). And if you sign up thru a rakeback affiliate with a rake race, 1.8mm hands should get you another 18K a year. So that's around 104K annually.

So the two are roughly the same, no? I keep hearing that with SNE, PokerStars is *much* better, but I'm not seeing it. Am I missing something with the rewards on either site?
12-05-2008 , 05:47 PM
I don't know many specifics but had this saved

there is someone an entire breakdown on 2p2 of ps vs ftp, ps comes out better all i kno
12-05-2008 , 05:47 PM
playing 1.8MM hands on stars isnt equal to playing 1.8MM hands on tilt (unless you dont/cant play more than 16 tables at once)
12-05-2008 , 06:00 PM
I think it is better to play 60k/month and win 3BB/100 with good table selection, fresh mind and a lot of work on your game than to play 200k hands by month at 1BB/100, tired, on ****ty tables and don't improve at all in one year.

1) 60k hands, 3BB/100 = 1800BB = 21600BB/year (in NL400 = 172k) + 50k in rackeback.
2 hours/day, a lot of improving, a lot of happiness.

2) 200k hands, 1BB/100 = 2000BB = 240000BB/100 (192k) + 114k in RB.
7 hours/day, zero improvement, hate poker after two months.

OK, you will make more if you are SNE (84k more), but you you will work 3.5 times more.
12-05-2008 , 06:15 PM
thanks Vinny. That was really helpful. So right away, one error I made was thinking that 1mm VPPs was 4mm, when in fact it's 5mm. so the new PS summary would be:

* once you reach SNE (say you're in the second year), on an ongoing basis another 1mm VPPs would get you $50K in milestone bonuses ($10K every 250K VPPs, plus $10K for 1mm)? Plus you would have 5mm FPPs (1mm VPPs x SNE multiplier of 5), which you can cash in at the store for $80k? So that would be 130K annually. Plus you get some freerolls which are worth a few thousand a year.

The article is saying that SNEs get 67% back. Still seems high. I guess the rest of the difference must be in what assumptions they used for # of hands required to get to SNe and/or VPPs per hand.
12-05-2008 , 06:42 PM
biggest winners/losers on stars since sept i think
12-05-2008 , 07:40 PM
Can a few people let me know how many hands it took you to get to SN or SNE? Preferably 2/4 FR. This way we can just double-check our main assumption (we're assuming 360K and 1.8mm). It wouldn't surprise me if 2+2 erred on the side of being more generous when they did this analysis for their sponsor. Just like you never get as much rakeback as the calculators on the rakeback sites say. :-(
12-05-2008 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by 13_Xerxes
I think it is better to play 60k/month and win 3BB/100 with good table selection, fresh mind and a lot of work on your game than to play 200k hands by month at 1BB/100, tired, on ****ty tables and don't improve at all in one year.

1) 60k hands, 3BB/100 = 1800BB = 21600BB/year (in NL400 = 172k) + 50k in rackeback.
2 hours/day, a lot of improving, a lot of happiness.

2) 200k hands, 1BB/100 = 2000BB = 240000BB/100 (192k) + 114k in RB.
7 hours/day, zero improvement, hate poker after two months.

OK, you will make more if you are SNE (84k more), but you you will work 3.5 times more.
I totally agree with this. But I may be close (based on my goals for next year), and I just wanted to get a firmer idea of what we're talking about in terms of bonuses.
12-05-2008 , 08:48 PM
dfly, you need to put more time in the game before you set goals.

in my humble opinion.

you just entered the jungle man, get accustomed to the surroundings.
12-05-2008 , 09:04 PM
So here are other considerations if you are trying to decide between FT and PS for next year:

* you can probably play 15-20% more tables ay PS because all those mega-multi-tablers slow down the game. At least this was true the last time I looked - there are more hands/hr at FT, so if you want to make a certain number of decisions per hour, you need to play more tables at PS than FT
* a chunk of FT's "bonus" is in the form of FTPs, which after say 1mm, are pretty useless. I mean how many flat screen tvs and coffee mugs do you need? I really don't care to take hat and hoodie orders every month to get rid of them.
* your rakeback provider may not have a great rake race, in which case PS looks much better.
* I'm not a big fan of PS's "make sure you play a certain minimum every month but 1, or start from zero" approach. Sometimes, I'm going to want to take a few months off a year.

Let me know if you think of others. We only have a few week to decide. I'm leaning towards playing on FT and maybe doing SN on PS.
12-05-2008 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by too eazy
dfly, you need to put more time in the game before you set goals.

in my humble opinion.

you just entered the jungle man, get accustomed to the surroundings.
Yeah. I think you're right about my just having gotten started and needing to get used to the surroundings. But I do like to set goals for myself - just so I know where I want to go. I've been trying to play more hands for a bunch of reasons: I love poker; I like working on new things and I can't tell if it's working unless I get a lot of hands in; and I don't have enough things to think about 6 tabling.

When you play 6 tables, you're really just playing 1 hand (since you're folding the other 5 on average), and a lot of hands just aren't that interesting. Since I was going to play more anyway after the holidays, I just wanted to pick a main site for Jan (which coincidentally is when PS starts its SN + SNE). It's probably way too early for me to seriously consider SNE, but I just want to get all the info. And I think discussing it could be helpful to others who are thinking about it.

Btw, isn't it ******ed that the PS system works from Jan - Dec, when they should just count any rolling 12 months - they make you play 11 out of the next 12 months anyway, so what difference does it make?
12-06-2008 , 12:02 AM
I think it's just easier for them to keep track that way DFly, a logistics thing.

As far as splitting between FTP/PS, I don't think it's the worst idea, however. If it takes you 9-10 months to get SN on PS, then you'd want to make sure you put in 10kvpp per month thereafter so you maintain the 3.5x FPP multiplier. Part of the value in attaining SN is that as long as you maintain it you get 3.5x FPP. It wouldn't be worth it if you got SNE then lost it a few months later, as you'd be getting much worse RB as a Goldstar or whatever than you would with FTP RB (disc: i'm making a presumption here, i could be wrong).

Personally, I put in enough volume to maintain Ironman + SN. I may go for SNE next year just so I feel more focused, but I'm not sure it's the best idea $ wise. I originally was stars only until midway through this year, and I decided to chop the roll solely to game select better. Thus far I think it was a good decision for me, but definitely a personal decision. If you're going to 6-9 table or whatever, game selection is much less important, because when I say "game select" I'm talking about finding 12-20 of the best tables. It's easy to find 6-10 good tables on either site at 2/4 anyways imo.
12-06-2008 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by the_main
biggest winners/losers on stars since sept i think

wtf? doesn't he play NL200?

did he win a donkament and jump stakes or something?
12-06-2008 , 02:04 AM
are you thinking about OSUgreg19xx?
12-06-2008 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Body Man D

wtf? doesn't he play NL200?

did he win a donkament and jump stakes or something?
no, he's not.

yeah, greg used to play 1/2 and 2/4 6m mostly, some full ring. he was a huge nit.

i noticed recently he was playing 25/50 and 10/20 a lot, thought it was odd.

i know he's friends and lived with a certain poker player who recently had some huge MTT scores and is balling out of control

i presume there's a good chance it wasnt the "real" greg playing those stakes, possibly.

edit: this is all speculation, and huge speculation at that. i'm not accusing greg of anything or whatever, he coulda been taking a shot. hes been playing forever so he most likely had the roll to do so. haha i should keep stuff like this to myself. greg probably lurks, so sorry to jump to conclusions brah
12-06-2008 , 02:13 AM
i have 3k hands in my DB, but i just checked and most of them were from NL200 last year.

This year I only have a 100 or so hands at NL600. Here's his graph from my db though.

12-06-2008 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
thanks Vinny. That was really helpful. So right away, one error I made was thinking that 1mm VPPs was 4mm, when in fact it's 5mm. so the new PS summary would be:

* once you reach SNE (say you're in the second year), on an ongoing basis another 1mm VPPs would get you $50K in milestone bonuses ($10K every 250K VPPs, plus $10K for 1mm)? Plus you would have 5mm FPPs (1mm VPPs x SNE multiplier of 5), which you can cash in at the store for $80k? So that would be 130K annually. Plus you get some freerolls which are worth a few thousand a year.

The article is saying that SNEs get 67% back. Still seems high. I guess the rest of the difference must be in what assumptions they used for # of hands required to get to SNe and/or VPPs per hand.
Are you assuming that the SNE milestone bonuses (the ones you get after 1m hands) can be obtained the year after you get SNE? I thought you had to accumale the 1.25m, 1.5m, etc within the same year. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
12-07-2008 , 05:29 PM
Why no PS regs thread? I heard that's where the epic **** talk use to happen
12-07-2008 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by VINNY VT
Why no PS regs thread? I heard that's where the epic **** talk use to happen
mods weren't a fan...

which is interesting because every other forum/site gets one

this is basically the regs thread anyways since most of the regs just want to shoot the **** and dont really want to discuss the pokers
12-07-2008 , 11:41 PM
pretty sure the PS regs thread died because no one posted in it
