Playing 1-2 super (100 to 500 buy in)
I had two hands that I played kind of odd because both players (different sessions) were very nit regulars.
The first hand was against a regular who always buys in for the max 500, tips with $1 coins (the only time I every see the American $1 coin) I guess so he can keep his huge stack. Pretty patient guy often playing 12 hour sessions (He's been there when I arived..I play for 5 hours...take off for 3 and he's often still there when I come back)
Anyway he limps somewhat wide...will raises AK AA-JJ usually large, and limp folds a lot...calls raises with small pairs AK AQ maybe some suited Aces and suited broadway... When I'm in position...I Isolate him with larger (for me bets) and take the pot away on the flop with a wide range. He seems to be on a bad run, complaining a little bit..
I probably have a rep as being a tagy player.. I remember one time when I raised a couple of limpers and one of the limpers folded KQ...He said to me You probably have him beet most players only raise KQ+. Another hand I played with him went 6 way I had A9o in the bb....A high flop checks through on the blank turn he bets 12, I call and on the river (another blank) he bets 12 again I check raised him to $40...and he through his hand down face up cursing his bad luck.
In this hand I have about $300......
A loose call players limps for $2 I look down see AK and make it 10 from mid position...($10 bets were often getting me 2 or 3 way...and no point in putting in more money against this guy till I hit equity)...
but My nitty villain calls on the btn as does the bb and the loose player folds...
Flop...3 players $30 ish....


BB checks....I bet out $20...nit calls and BB folds...
Now AQ boards are not my favorite when I have AK especially against a nitty player...
Turn $70
Well he can't have a lot of flush draws with the A

on the board, so what am I going to get value from if I keep betting any size...KQ



maybe some suited connectors....possibly the AJs...I'm behind K


AQ ATs 77...and tie AK...
I choose to bet small $25 (probably too small)...he this point I don't really put him on the big hands...but don't expect to get much from him on any of the hands I know beat...and its possable that with position he is slow playing...
River... $120
A low blank....
At this point I think AK is his most likely hand...but maybe I can get small value from a week Ace really only AJs...or really small bet might get KQ or QJ of clubs to call...
I bet $25 again ?????
thoughts appreciated...
The second hand played the next day is against a nitty Indian guy..
Ive seen this guy not riase AJs and AQ...though he may do it at times...
His preflop raises tend to be very big...$18 or $20 over a limper is not uncommon...though often smaller with AK... can't remember him ever getting 3 bet...(in most of my games I'm the only player who ever 3 bets...almost)....
I have seen him pot control second pair....In this session he has been loosing...he showed me and AJs he had limped with after he missed the flop "again" as he mucked... Again he is a player wh likes to buy in deep often $300 or $400....
He tends to play with his phone rather the watch the game...(today he was playing gin rummy against his phone) will limp a bit but folds to raises more then the first villain...probably has a tighter limping and limp calling range...your true set mining nit....
he probably sees me as a winning tag who's capable of bluffing...though who knows if he adjust to anyone...I have about $300
One limper....villain makes it $18....I look down and see AA...Now I'm not sure if he will fold QQ or JJ to a big 3 bet and or will get KK in for stacks here...add that to the fact that the worst poker player I have ever seen is sitting to my left with about $250 stack...I elect to smooth call...
Well the loose player gets away and it goes HU....
My plan is to play my AA very aggressive...probably over shoving any low flop with a flush draw...expecting my nitty friend to stack off enough (against my flush draw) to make it a very profitable line.
flop 2 players....$35 ish...


and he checks to thinking is trip queens or JJ maybe TT...posably AK giving up (if he even plays it this way pre flop)....
I make it $25..and he snap calls.....My plan now is to check back most turns...and make a small value bet on the river....or call his reasonable bet on the river...(of course if an A or a J comes on the turn I'm changing my plan)
Last edited by Little_blue; 09-23-2013 at 02:59 PM.