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11-05-2008 , 05:09 PM
Religion forum is that way ---------->
11-05-2008 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Black Mamba
please answer this question. why do you think there is a god?
im not getting into this conversation. its pretty obvious epipen made his first comment to start the "is religion/god real" or whatever argument, and that argument goes nowhere. basically, people believe what they want, and the way i use religion, it affects no one else in any way whatsoever.

Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
why not? I am moral as in I help out my family/friends, don't rob/kill people etc.

Now I am not 100% moral as I get into arguments on here and in person, and I do dislike a decent amount of people, but I def have moral values and i'm sure other people who don't believe in God have high morals as well.

Also I think i'm a good person as well, and i'm sure there are tons of people who are better people than I am who don't believe in God.

Also let me clarify, it's not that I don't believe in God, but I realize I don't know if there is one or isn't one (and no one does know this for certain). A lot of people believe in God because they want to have an answer for everything so they said God created the world etc. I am smart enough to realize I won't have an answer for everything and can admit I have no clue if God exists or not although in my estimation odds are he doesn't exist.
I dont know why. what i do know is that if i were to believe there was no higher power, i am sure i would treat people worse. i would steal more, lie more, etc. the fact that i believe in god, therefore, is inherently a good thing for everyone i think, as long as i dont push what i believe on other people. i know for a fact im a nicer person on sundays after i go to church. if nothing else, this makes me believing in god a good thing FOR EVERYONE.

in general, people do things for rewards. many people give to charity to be seen giving to charity. many people are nice to someone because they think in return, that person will be nice back. AND, many people are "good" people because they believe that after they die, they are going to be rewarded or punished for how they lived their life. in this way, belief is a good thing i think.

i bolded your last paragraph because its perfect and makes perfect sense. im not 100% sure, or even anywhere near 100% sure god is real, its just what i believe. im right there with you, only i think there is a better chance there is a god than not. and my last point: where's the risk? i guess i would waste an hour on sundays and some night time prayers if it turns out there is no god, but the way it makes me feel now more than makes up for that. i have a friends mom who escaped a seemingly inescapable childhood of abusive parents with no money in the ghetto. she started with religion, and turned her life around, while her 4 siblings didnt, and they all are in the same situation they grew up in. where's the harm in believing? sometimes, what we forget is that we have such a nice life that believing isnt necessary to survival like it is for some people. for some people, religion keeps them sane and keeps them knowing that there is a reason for living
11-05-2008 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by pattay
im not getting into this conversation. its pretty obvious epipen made his first comment to start the "is religion/god real" or whatever argument, and that argument goes nowhere. basically, people believe what they want, and the way i use religion, it affects no one else in any way whatsoever.
eh tbh I didn't think any reg poster on here was hardcore into religion and that it would get a few laughs and +1's and that would be that.

Originally Posted by pattay
I dont know why. what i do know is that if i were to believe there was no higher power, i am sure i would treat people worse. i would steal more, lie more, etc. the fact that i believe in god, therefore, is inherently a good thing for everyone i think, as long as i dont push what i believe on other people. i know for a fact im a nicer person on sundays after i go to church. if nothing else, this makes me believing in god a good thing FOR EVERYONE.

in general, people do things for rewards. many people give to charity to be seen giving to charity. many people are nice to someone because they think in return, that person will be nice back. AND, many people are "good" people because they believe that after they die, they are going to be rewarded or punished for how they lived their life. in this way, belief is a good thing i think.

i bolded your last paragraph because its perfect and makes perfect sense. im not 100% sure, or even anywhere near 100% sure god is real, its just what i believe. im right there with you, only i think there is a better chance there is a god than not. and my last point: where's the risk? i guess i would waste an hour on sundays and some night time prayers if it turns out there is no god, but the way it makes me feel now more than makes up for that. i have a friends mom who escaped a seemingly inescapable childhood of abusive parents with no money in the ghetto. she started with religion, and turned her life around, while her 4 siblings didnt, and they all are in the same situation they grew up in. where's the harm in believing? sometimes, what we forget is that we have such a nice life that believing isnt necessary to survival like it is for some people. for some people, religion keeps them sane and keeps them knowing that there is a reason for living
eh I see what ur saying, but there are still people with morals who don't believe in God, and people who are good people because it's the right thing to do, not because of God.

And do u think God is going to be pleased with what u wrote/think? Like u really think hes not going to be pissed at u because ur only being good because u want to have a nice afterlife, and that if u didn't believe in God u would be a lot worse of a person?
11-05-2008 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
eh I see what ur saying, but there are still people with morals who don't believe in God, and people who are good people because it's the right thing to do, not because of God.

And do u think God is going to be pleased with what u wrote/think? Like u really think hes not going to be pissed at u because ur only being good because u want to have a nice afterlife, and that if u didn't believe in God u would be a lot worse of a person?
1st paragraph: obviously its not a direct correlation, but there is a connection i think.

2nd: im sorry for it, and forgiveness is a hell of a drug
11-05-2008 , 06:02 PM
Im one of the rare souls who has a ton of morals and no defined religion, I doubt people want to be like me, srsly, im incredibly unhappy that i dont have a heavan to look forward to. I also feel incredibly insignifigant. Ignorance is bliss imo.
11-05-2008 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by costanza_g
wat....why would anybody not have a muffler on their car? And i dont need a K&N cuz the stock one works just fine.
K and Ns will add a couple horses, and give you better gasmileage, they are also reusable. THe nuts imo.

Mufflers will just make you sound cool =)
11-05-2008 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by oldschool
K and Ns will add a couple horses, and give you better gasmileage, they are also reusable. THe nuts imo.

Mufflers will just make you sound cool =)
If you think sounding like a pissed off weed wacker is cool.
K&n's are worth the money but your not gonna notice the small HP gains you will get and it's very rare for them change the gas mileage a whole lot. I think what little do gain compared with the fact it's last's the life of the vehicle makes them well worth it.


If your gonna put wheels/tires on your car let me know I can suggest a few good places online. I shopped around and got a way better price online than I could local. They came shipped mounted and ready to go all I had to do was slap them on. If you do buy online don't forget to have the tire pressure sensor's put in. I did and now I gotta ride around with a TPS warning all the time cause I'm too lazy to take it the shop and have them put in.
11-05-2008 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by pattay
1st paragraph: obviously its not a direct correlation, but there is a connection i think.

2nd: im sorry for it, and forgiveness is a hell of a drug
ok but why won't god forgive me then (or anyone else) if I am a good person and realize that even tho I think he could exist I didn't go to church or other things
11-05-2008 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by costanza_g
Religion forum is that way ---------->
11-05-2008 , 10:23 PM
Being a better person because you think there is a God isn't the religious way anyways.

You are supposed to want to be that good of a person, and God just guides you or whatever.

Being religious because you are scared of the consequences otherwise isn't really being religious at all, it is being scared of consequences and being scared into following something. Religious people truly believe they should do right, not because they know the consequences of wrong but because they are good people.

Oh, and according to like >50% of the world you are likely going to hell, regardless of your religion lol.
11-05-2008 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
ok but why won't god forgive me then (or anyone else) if I am a good person and realize that even tho I think he could exist I didn't go to church or other things
if you're sorry for it he would forgive just like anyone else

Originally Posted by Schwallie
Being a better person because you think there is a God isn't the religious way anyways.

You are supposed to want to be that good of a person, and God just guides you or whatever.

Being religious because you are scared of the consequences otherwise isn't really being religious at all, it is being scared of consequences and being scared into following something. Religious people truly believe they should do right, not because they know the consequences of wrong but because they are good people.

Oh, and according to like >50% of the world you are likely going to hell, regardless of your religion lol.
agreed that that's the ideal, i just dont think people are completely thinking that way all the time. i think i kinda gave off the wrong impression because i definitely do good things most of the time without thinking that "hey, later im going to be rewarded for that," but my point was that people are going to do good things more often if there's some kind of incentive. its a flaw in humans, but its just the reality for many people i think.
11-05-2008 , 10:42 PM
lol i think people who saw these posts of mine for the first time would get a pretty different picture of me than people who've seen all the **** ive posted before
11-06-2008 , 04:10 AM
sorry to interrupt the religion discussion but i just wanted to show this graph since i showed one about my horrible downswing. Also just want to thank patty and pterodactyl for pep talk/advice when i had lost all confidence i owe u both a couple of dinners in vegas in 09 to say the least.

[IMG] [/IMG]

fwiw on the way down was 90% 3/6 and the way back up was 100% 2/4

Last edited by billzfan86; 11-06-2008 at 04:11 AM. Reason: forgot image
11-06-2008 , 04:32 AM
dude, that is a sick graph, congrats on getting out of the downswing and even more props for the mental strength to keep playing.
11-06-2008 , 04:38 AM
11-06-2008 , 04:41 AM
and jake good job man, congrats. i mean it, and i dont give out my congrats easily
11-06-2008 , 04:56 PM
that graph is so ****ing sick, i want to make it myt desktop background and just put HOPE in big lettes above it ors omething
11-06-2008 , 05:04 PM
NICE GRAph!. I had my heart broken yesterday as i played my first marathon session and lost 2500$ for it. You really feel satisfied when you finally get up the courage and play for a 12 hour session and get results like these. I pretty much had a 5 min laughing fit to keep from tears, LOL. You have added to my mental stability, TY. =)
11-06-2008 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by billzfan86
sorry to interrupt the religion discussion but i just wanted to show this graph since i showed one about my horrible downswing. Also just want to thank patty and pterodactyl for pep talk/advice when i had lost all confidence i owe u both a couple of dinners in vegas in 09 to say the least.

[IMG] [/IMG]

fwiw on the way down was 90% 3/6 and the way back up was 100% 2/4
sick man
11-06-2008 , 06:07 PM
I hate to bring up the religion discussion again, which I'm not really going to do. But I was wondering what the 2p2 demographic(probably above average intelligence) thinks about the meaning and purpose of life? I can understand Pattay's belief in god, it secures meaning, purpose, afterlife etc.

For those agnostics or even perhaps atheists, what keeps you going in life? Is it a game to try to make the most money, leave a legacy, change the world or history in some way? Is it just to have as much fun as possible before you die? Sometimes it just feels like we are animals, only meant to procreate and I get depressed cause there's no real point of anything. This is not good during suicide watch sessions.

I personally don't find meaning in changing history or having an impact in life, although I'm sure many do, but I'm kind of weird that way. I so desperately want God to be real, yet I find myself giving many reasons as to why he probably doesn't exist. Thus the search for meaning and purpose continues.
11-06-2008 , 06:19 PM
Basically my meaning right now is getting enough money to be able to have the meaning I want to have.

The meaning I want to have is simply being as happy as possible and letting all those I care about also be as happy as they can be, and to some extent, that needs quite a bit of money.

I will almost be lost when I have millions and nothing to do with it, but I think then I will go into coaching my high school soccer team or something that is time consuming but is also fulfilling and fun, thus making me even happier.

But yea, my "meaning" is just being as happy as possible and having all those around me the same way

*Don't mistake happiness for "fun" or partying.
11-06-2008 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by ShoCae
I hate to bring up the religion discussion again, which I'm not really going to do. But I was wondering what the 2p2 demographic(probably above average intelligence) thinks about the meaning and purpose of life? I can understand Pattay's belief in god, it secures meaning, purpose, afterlife etc.

For those agnostics or even perhaps atheists, what keeps you going in life? Is it a game to try to make the most money, leave a legacy, change the world or history in some way? Is it just to have as much fun as possible before you die? Sometimes it just feels like we are animals, only meant to procreate and I get depressed cause there's no real point of anything. This is not good during suicide watch sessions.

I personally don't find meaning in changing history or having an impact in life, although I'm sure many do, but I'm kind of weird that way. I so desperately want God to be real, yet I find myself giving many reasons as to why he probably doesn't exist. Thus the search for meaning and purpose continues.
happiness is the #1 thing in life and nothing else comes close imo.

I don't understand why people think we have to have some sort of purpose in life, why can't we just live our lives how we want to and be happy?

EDIT: ya I agree with Schwallie
11-06-2008 , 06:34 PM
College dorm discussion thread. =)
11-06-2008 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
happiness is the #1 thing in life and nothing else comes close imo.

I don't understand why people think we have to have some sort of purpose in life, why can't we just live our lives how we want to and be happy?

EDIT: ya I agree with Schwallie
yea, I guess this is where I differ from most people. I don't figure happiness to be much in the end game, in the scheme of eternity. Yea stupid huh, I know.

As childish as it sounds, I tell myself, what's the point in being happy if it ends when we die anyways. Which is why I mentioned leaving some sense of impact on the world(ie making friends and family happy, having good memories to share) as a common belief.

I'm a big all or nothing kind of guy. Don't get me wrong, the life I do lead is striving for happiness and comfort, but when I dwell on it I come up short of completion. Anywho, was just curious as to how you guys live your lives and what keeps you going. Thanks for the genuine comments, feel free to keep them coming from you other 2p2 regs.
11-06-2008 , 07:49 PM
im a scientologist
