Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 230
5/5/10, 8 handed.
Villain (MP, $3000) is a reg, raises somewhat wide preflop, plays pretty standard post flop. I am the straddle ($900) with AQo, have been playing relatively tight so far.
Villain raises to $25, only I call. Flop 66Jr. Check, check. Turn 4r. Villain bets $50, I call. River is a 9. Final board: 66J49 Villain bets $235.
Turn call is ok but not great in my opinion. Board is pretty dry, my hand is likely good. I was planning to call a non-broadway river bet, but he ended up overbetting pretty big. FWIW, villain's standard raise sizes preflop have been $30.
Still not sure what villain had. Anyone been in this kind of spot before? What is villain repping?