[LOW] NL2/3. Preflop decisions of two hands
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 353
I have played with the villains in the two hands for only several orbits.
UTG1/UTG2 (stack 100BB) opens to 4BB. I (stack 100BB) call at LJ w AQo. BU (good reg, about 38BB) 3bets to 10BB. UTG2 showed her hand to hier neighbor and fold it facedown (that proves something as below stated...). Hero calls.
Hero understands that AQo doesn't play well against EP opener and Hero's call here very possibly induces a multiway pot. However for some reasons I don't feel that UTG2 opening a particular snug range. On the other hand I don't want to put myself in a messy situation. So, I probably picked a worst option by calling...
Additionally 4BB open isn't that big at the table. Usually 6BB, between 5BB and 7BB).
I called the BU's 3bet because the low sizing again.
How do you like my call two times here?
In general how do you decide to call an open or 3bet IP/OOP with AQo?
All players in this hand have a stack of 100BB.
8 handed. UTG straddles to 2BB. BU raises to 8BB. Hero at SB w 99. 3Bet?
Should Hero still use raise or fold (no call) strategy again BU in the spot?
If I have a 3bet range here against BU, with the straddle present, how different will my SB 3bet range be, compare to no straddle one? My guess is that it should be tighter. If so, hands like what to drop?
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 2,216
H1 I would always 3bet AQo here, mever flatting. At equilibrium it is probably actually a 3bet or fold. As played, I wouldn't fold to the tiny 3bet when you are closing the action.
H2 yes I would 3bet 100% here.
Honestly both spots are arguably going to be 3bet or fold with range, meaning you don't ever cold call with any hand in those positions.
GTO Wizard for straddle pots does have 99 flat 13% of the time facing BU open from SB, but rhay is with antes and ultra low rake. Only 1.7% of hands flat in that spot vs 12.3% of hands that 3bet. No hands are pure calls, they are all mixing fold and/or 3bet. It just makes life easier to only have a 3bet range here and not have a flatting range. The RV difference is going to be minimal.