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NIT Fold? NIT Fold?

05-20-2021 , 08:40 AM
1/2 NH poker room - midweek afternoon game.

H is around 175
V is young kid (mid-20s) who has been at the table for about 2 orbits and covers.

Table on the whole is very tight/passive. Since I have been there there has not been a single 3B and most opens are in the 7-8 dollar range...


H looks down at QQ in the BB. V in HJ makes it 10, 2 Vs make the call, and H elects to raise it to 45. V then Jams.

Easy Snap Call due to stack size or is this always KK/AA MAYBEEE AK/JJ?
NIT Fold? Quote
05-20-2021 , 08:54 AM
Calling given stack size. 2 orbits is nothing to make a tight/loose read. That's 10 - 15 hands.

When they get 2 callers it looks like a great spot for a squeeze from you, so they should beb4 betting wider than just KK+.

Also, you're getting just about 2:1 on your money. Doesn't take much in the way of combos of AKs/JJ for this to be a call.
NIT Fold? Quote
05-20-2021 , 09:30 AM
I would have gone bigger pre, but that's moot. I can't fold here because AK/JJ or some random hand (you never know) should definitely be part if his range.
NIT Fold? Quote
05-20-2021 , 09:49 AM
Pot is currently $240 after V puts you all in and it costs you $130 to call, for a little worse than 2-1 odds. You will suck out on V 20% of the time against AA or KK. You would have to think V has AA or KK over 70% of the time for this to be a fold. For 87 blinds, that's too tight for an unknown V (and 15 hands doesn't tell you much at all).

You have to call.
NIT Fold? Quote
05-20-2021 , 10:45 AM
There do exist opponents who do have KK+ here over 70% of the time and you can fold. But very few of them are young kids. Sorry for your loss.

Last edited by sdfsgf; 05-20-2021 at 10:52 AM.
NIT Fold? Quote
