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need imput on ranges players.. need imput on ranges players..

11-15-2011 , 01:36 PM
Been putting ranges into flopzilla to get a bettor idea of C-bet bluffing double barreling and beyond...

Problem is it depends on what ranges you put players on (garbage in gets garbage out).

You raise your standard loose passive calls ip....

what range is this call, default starting point...I'm assume 30 35%....

It always includes
22-JJ... 5%
2 suited cards above T and above...2%
KQo 1%
t9s to 54s... 2%
t8s-68s..... 1%

Thats about 17% of how the rest of the hands are made up becomes the problem...

Is it Kxs Qxs......5% (not already accounted for)
is it A2o-a9o.......7%..
unsuited Broadway... 5%
suited 3 gap ...2%
other suited hands....(50j% not account for)...5%
Non suited mid connectors....jto...87o....4%

If its all these thats about 45% of hands.... (so supper looser caller thats the range)...also loose limpers range though after a few limpers is higher..

tighter loose caller 30-35...what do you drop....
Low Axo...thats 7 to 5 %....(depending how many you drop)
weaker KXs and Qxs....4%....
The weeker suited hands...thats 4 to 9%....
unsuited lower broadway 5%...

I guess I'm really you think they play the low AXo and week broadway QJo QTo Kjo kto....

Or do they play bad suited hands...
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
11-15-2011 , 01:47 PM
I think the looser the player, the more likely he has something like 106suited, 69suited, T9 off a lot. To me, the looser the calling range preflop, the more Cbet's I get away with otf. The board textures to cbet in are super easy.

Ex. 9 7 5 2 hearts is a board I would never get my hands on when I whiff the flop.
Ex. 448 rainbow, even 448 2 spades is a board I lick my chops to bet. If called, I will double barrel a paint turn card happily. Villain will let me know by the turn usually if he flopped gin anyways.
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
11-15-2011 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
I think the looser the player, the more likely he has something like 106suited, 69suited, T9 off a lot. To me, the looser the calling range preflop, the more Cbet's I get away with otf. The board textures to cbet in are super easy.

Ex. 9 7 5 2 hearts is a board I would never get my hands on when I whiff the flop.
Ex. 448 rainbow, even 448 2 spades is a board I lick my chops to bet. If called, I will double barrel a paint turn card happily. Villain will let me know by the turn usually if he flopped gin anyways.
So your suggesting that the mid loose players have more of the suited hands...and not the dominated A8-a2 type hands and kto type hands...

I agree with your suggestion for boareds, they tend to hit or miss, any 35% range...though the 448 board, often gets floated by overs and and then the one and done approach so loved by live players, is trouble (without showdown hands)...

putting in a range of lots of suited cards, and non suited connectors...a8o+, for a 35% range....assuming they continue on the 448 with a high draws and all pairs..your looking a 60% calling...(half pot bet may still be good but marginal)....on a week turn say off suit 2, they continue with all pairs your looking at about 60% calling...but a high turn that causes them to fold there weakest pairs...drops it down to about 50%...

Last edited by Little_blue; 11-15-2011 at 02:12 PM.
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
11-15-2011 , 02:07 PM
Miller talked about this subject in his latest book.

Bad players have anything.
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
11-15-2011 , 02:27 PM
You might want to take a look at Miller's latest book. E-book only though.
Lagsgeneral ranges are different in 1/2 then in 2/5. Which game do you play.
From what I can see at 2/5 they include many more small suited and gappers and less big card little card. At 1/2 some play almost any K and most Qs (which makes range narrowing more challenging).
How do you copy/paste from Flopzilla??
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
11-15-2011 , 02:30 PM
Depends on the type. For example someone may play all suited Ax and all pocket pairs. Someone else may play all Ax suited or non, but only plays pairs down to 77. With both of them their percentage of hands played is close to the same, but play against each of them is very different depending on your holding and the texture of the board.

This isn't a great example but you get it. Same thing with players that will show up with hands down to 56s but not further down than 98o. It's all player/stake dependent. Some play certain ranges based on position, others don't.

Take the 448 board. How low of suited and non suited connector/spacers have you seen in his range?

If you're looking for a generic range for a weak passive player in a 1/2 game, I dunno what to tell you here. It wouldn't surprise me to see someone with A2o, 46 or something like that, to pairs like 55 and 88.

Figuring out this range is the most important and tedious thing to do in live play. This can also be challenging in low limit soft games, since the villian doesn't even know what their own range is on any given hand.

Last edited by Dicky Smalls; 11-15-2011 at 02:39 PM.
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
11-15-2011 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by basecrdshp
You might want to take a look at Miller's latest book. E-book only though.
Lagsgeneral ranges are different in 1/2 then in 2/5. Which game do you play.
From what I can see at 2/5 they include many more small suited and gappers and less big card little card. At 1/2 some play almost any K and most Qs (which makes range narrowing more challenging).
How do you copy/paste from Flopzilla??
i'm playing 1-2....

may have to check out Ed's book thanks...

to copy paste from flopzilla....hit the range button...then just highlight and copy the range... ( you can then enter the range in other programs like poker stove.
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
11-15-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Little_blue
i'm playing 1-2....

may have to check out Ed's book thanks...

to copy paste from flopzilla....hit the range button...then just highlight and copy the range... ( you can then enter the range in other programs like poker stove.
I meant, how do you copy the statistics. I have seen some pasted in these threads.
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
11-15-2011 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Little_blue
weak broadway QJo QTo Kjo kto....
I'm not going to try and construct a whole fish calling range right now (and it's obviously player dependent), but these hands are definitely in there.
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
11-16-2011 , 01:34 PM
Thanks all,

Got eds book, been reading kind of addresses my question very well...

If Ed's right Ive been putting everyone on much to tight a range....
need imput on ranges players.. Quote
