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My SSNL Hands My SSNL Hands

11-03-2011 , 12:44 AM
Gonna post up all of the hands I'd like to discuss here so I can keep everything tidy. I've been playing SSNL for about a month live. This is my first NL experience in a live environment. I have a bit of experience with 2/4 4/8 limit, but never did very well. I seem to be better at NL. I probably wont be playing above 1/2 with occasional shots with 2/5 until I get a real bankroll going.

Anyways, just starting to read into strategy etc. Before I kind of just played ABC but made a lot of mistakes and didn't really understand much - better than average, but still bad. I'm working on leaks more than anything right now, but am also reading through some books etc.

I will try to update this post after each session rather than a new post every time. I appreciate everyone's help!
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HAND: Table is 1/2, couple fish, one or two LAG, the rest just there passing time apparently. A good table for me - not anyone I'm particularly concerned with.
  • Hero has about 85ish BB in MP with AJo
  • UTG+1(unknown, LAG? appx 50bb) raises to 8, Hero calls, Button calls(unknown, TAG? appx 50bb) and UTG calls(LAGtard, fish appx 100bb).($27)
  • Flop: is AJA rainbow
  • Raiser bets 17, I call, button folds, UTG calls($78)
  • Turn: 7x
  • Check around
  • River: 3x
  • Check to me, I bet $50, UTG calls, Raiser folds($178)
Caller shows AT

Was betting for value while still trying to keep one of them on the line. What do you think? My fist reaction is that I should have bet the turn. They obviously had a piece of the flop(or gutshot?) and probably weren't going anywhere against a bet around 30-40 bucks. Probably cost myself there.

HAND: Same table.
  • Hero: 96o in blinds, about 160bb, 5 limpers appx 50-75bb stacks.($10)
  • Flop: 78A
  • UTG(tight'ish fish) bets 8, UTG+2 calls, I call($34)
  • Turn:T
  • Raiser bets $20, UTG+2 calls, I raise to $60, Raiser shoves, UTG+2 folds, I call(appx 270 pot)
  • River: 3

Raiser shows A7o.

I had good hand, better straight was possible, or flush draw. I put aggressor on two pair. Raised turn to kill FD and to induce AI. Thoughts?

Last edited by Rapini; 11-03-2011 at 09:38 AM. Reason: Moved from B&M to LLNLHE.
My SSNL Hands Quote
11-03-2011 , 11:46 AM
FWIW, you'll get better responses if you limit each thread to one hand.

FWIW#2, 2/4 limit is almost unbeatable due to rake (if you're making $2/hr you're killing the game), so it's understandable if you "never did well".


I fold preflop. Our hand is most likely dominated by any A raising hand, so if an A flops and he has one we're in big trouble. Otherwise, if he doesn't have an A, there are very few hands we are making postflop money against when an A flops unless villain is ******ed. As well, we could also be in trouble on J high flops vs higher overpairs. Plus we are in middle position and could still get some callers behind us; a multiway raised pot in meh position with AJo is yuck, IMO.

I'm fine with the flop call. Would be nice if others want to come along behind us to pad the pot drawing dead, plus no reason to raise out air, plus pot and stacks are such that we'll have no problems getting all the money in on later streets if needed.

We have to bet the turn, IMO, especially with two interested villains. If someone else has an A, we want to continue getting money into the pot so we can easily shove the river. There's broadway gutshots on board, someone still might pay off. I probably got about 1/2 PSB.

Raiser only has a PSB left on the river; anything other than a shove is horrible here as we are leaving money on the table. If he's calling $50, he's calling $75, so we basically just cost ourselves $25 of easy money; that's probably a couple of hours of work down the drain.

IMO, only one street was played correctly.


I wouldn't complete junk if we're in the SB.

We're getting 3:1 on the flop but our 8 outs are dirty (flush / higher straight), so probably 6 outs is a good guesstimate, therefore we'd like 7:1 and thus have to make up 4 bets to breakeven (i.e. $32). My guess is that it's possible to make up these bets since our hand is disguised, so I'd probably also call (might be leaky though?).

I'd probably just donk the turn when my hand gets there for fear of turn checking thru, although if stack sizes are small I don't mind a check/shove. As played, I think our check/raise was far too small as it gave good odds for the flush draw continuing. There's already $75 in the pot, I'd raise to at least $100, but this also depends on remaining stack sizes (and if they are small enough then I think a shove is probably the only play). Obviously we're calling the shove.

As I say, I don't think turn raise kills flush draw (it was offering almost 4:1, but with stack sizes villains know they can easily call cuz no one can fold the river). And I don't like any small raise plan that attempts to induce a re-raise, cuz at these passive stakes that plan usually falls on its face.

My SSNL Hands Quote
11-03-2011 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Noob4Life
Gonna post up all of the hands I'd like to discuss here so I can keep everything tidy. . . .

I will try to update this post after each session rather than a new post every time.
No, you're not. As GG mentioned above, you'll get better responses if you post one HH at a time. Read the FAQs on how to post a good HH. Good HHs will generate 20-30 well thought out responses. In addition, we don't allow "blog" type threads in this forum as you are proposing to do. If you persist, I'll lock the thread.
My SSNL Hands Quote
11-03-2011 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek

I fold preflop.


I wouldn't complete junk if we're in the SB.

you really fold AJo to 4bb bet? when your stack is up to 85bb? Very surprising. The least thing I would have done was call.

And any hand is ok to call with 9:1 pot odds.

Now for analysis,
I do agree with Gclueless about betting the turn. prob around 30-40 range? Which would lead to bigger pot at the river.

Second hand,
I would have played pretty much the same. Except on the turn, I might have raised bit higher ~80-90?
My SSNL Hands Quote
