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MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game

02-02-2020 , 11:23 AM
The game I play in is very loose, you have a mix of people who will just limp 50% of hands from any position, people who will open 5x with 30% of hands, and people who, after they limp, will just call a 5x or 10x raise without thinking twice.

So, my question specifically is about how we should play in middle position after 1 or 2 limpers. There's a decent chance plenty will limp along, but also a chance someone will raise 10x and everyone will call. In a game like this, if two people in early position limp, would you limp along, raise, or fold the following hands?

A9 os
KQ os
MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game Quote
02-02-2020 , 11:31 AM
I used to play in a game just like this pre. In that game, people were also ludicrously sticky post, so my whole strategy revolved around getting ridic value pre with premiums (like 15x), and looking to see a cheap flop with everything else, looking to hit TPGK+ and then get ridic value out of it post.

So these answers are aimed at a dynamic like that. If the post flop game is more fit-or-fold in your game, you probably want to raise more of these hands.

In my deep sticky homegame I would:

A9 os - Usually fold. Occasionally overlimp and fold to any raise if certain mega-fish had already limped
78s - Overlimp. Usually call if someone raises and several people call the raise.
KJs - Mix of raise and overlimp depending on who is in the hand.
A5s - Overlimp.
KQ os Usually raise.
MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game Quote
02-02-2020 , 05:29 PM
over limp
MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:17 AM
with a marginal hand like A9 os, if you were on CO or the button and there were 4 or 5 limpers, would you raise for value / squeeze, or just fold since often you're going to get 3 or 4 callers and your hand has terrible reverse implied odds multiway?
MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:36 AM

MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game Quote
02-03-2020 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by FishAndChipss
with a marginal hand like A9 os, if you were on CO or the button and there were 4 or 5 limpers, would you raise for value / squeeze, or just fold since often you're going to get 3 or 4 callers and your hand has terrible reverse implied odds multiway?
It depends on who is in the hand. I'd fold more often than I'd raise though. Occasionally I'd overlimp if the right target was already in the pot, but I also knew that if I raise to iso him, it won't.
MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game Quote
02-03-2020 , 06:15 PM
A9o isn’t marginal. It’s horrible.

MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game Quote
02-04-2020 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by browni3141
A9o isn’t marginal. It’s horrible.
MP preflop strategy in soft loose home game Quote
