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Moral Dilemma Moral Dilemma

04-09-2015 , 05:04 AM
Hey all, so tonight I found myself in a very weird spot at a live 1/2 game. I was sitting in the 1 seat at full 10 handed table. Seat 10 was an ederly gentleman. He had been running over the table when I got moved to my seat and was sitting w/ over 1k.

I had 450 and they were all straddling so I joined in. I get dealt KQhh and 3 players limp to seat 10 in the bb he makes $25. I flat, 1 other player calls and we see a flop of KsKdQc. I check, seat 5 checks and this is where it gets interesting... Seat 10 begins to tank a bit and I look over at him and he turns up his hand and I see he has AKcc. He then bets $50, I call, seat 5 folds. The turn is the 2c giving him trips with the nut flush draw. I check, he bets $100, I call, river is 3c bringing flush, I check to him again and he insta jams. I roll over the nuts and he takes it like a man.

I only did see his hand for a split second and I had no intentions of duing so, he just exposed his hand. After the hand I felt pretty bad sitting there thinking I was only in for $25 but I did have the nuts. Am I suppose to say something here? It was weird cuz seat 5 was still in the hand when I saw it. Im not sure on this one cuz after all its his fault for not protecting his hand.
04-09-2015 , 05:28 AM
You did not intend to see his hand, it was his responsibility to protect it. Regardless what he had, you had the nuts and calling anyway.

One thing you could do is tell him a few hands later (had he reloaded) that he needs to protect his hand better. No point mentioning about the KQ hand as action would not have changed.
04-09-2015 , 06:52 AM
i understand the dilemma but you didn't do anything wrong. He flashed his hand to you, you didn't angle to see his cards. You flopped the nuts so the hand plays out the same regardless.

Later in the session, give him a warning should he flash them again. After that, well, the poker table is a bad place to be giving off that info but someone is taking his money home and it might as well be you. Warn him once, never angle shoot, maybe even look away when he looks at his hand. But after one warning, if he keeps flashing his cards, just take all his money.
04-09-2015 , 07:06 AM
This is a Brick and Mortar (aka Live Casino Poker) question. They deal with etiquette questions, while this forum is for strategy question. You can post this over there, but the answers will be the same. You did nothing wrong.

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