Originally Posted by maltbarley
Harrington mentions in HOC that shoving the nuts is usually the play with highest expectation. Does depend on situation obv.
Here's a hand I played recently. I have 22, multiway flop comes 872. I bet one calls. Effective stacks are about $400. Turn 5. I bet again he calls. River 8 (pot is abt $100 at this point). I shove abt $350. He says "well I have to call" and instacalls with 68. If he calls $100 100% of the time I make $100. If he calls $350 even just 30% of the time I make more.
thats not remotely relevant to what i said. obviously when someones calling range is WIDE, ie any 8 because they have trips then shoving is better than min raising. in the example i gave above on a paired board with an overcard, its very unlikely a villain is calling a large raise with second pair. the best play is to min raise, and in that situation he grimmaced, bitched and moaned and finally said how the hell can i fold to a min raise, and paid it off.
your example is so clearly not a spot to minraise i think you missed the point of my initial post and the quoted one.
Originally Posted by PokahBlows
Your problem is finding one problem with what I said. Instead of thinking that they're are more reasons why minraising is the incorrect play.
Goes to show you why people hate strat forms. Think before you send kid.
im not finding one problem with what you said. you posted a shallow minded moronic post, which is absolutely incorrect, as there is never a play (except folding the nuts and calling with the nut low) that is ever absolutely correct or incorrect in poker. your narrow mindedness is why some might avoid strat forums, not because i call you out for spouting absurd one liners which are so facepalm.jpg
Instead of thinking that they're are
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