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middle pair facing donk bet OTF middle pair facing donk bet OTF

01-15-2015 , 08:40 PM
This is hand I played last week that really bothers me, given I should have a lot more reads on the villain but I have absolutely nothing because of pure laziness. I guess the no reads part is what tilts me the most.

Villain is a donkey but I seriously cannot describe his game, it's like he accidently balances his god damn range. He is very loose pre, usualy starts the session short but tripled up after cold shoving KTo for 100bbs after a raise and a call. BUT I SAW HIM LIMP CALL AK when shorter?? That moment I realized I have no god damn clue how he thinks. He is usually passive but he is capable of spazzing out postflop and making some horrible bluff. I have no clue how he play draws post... That's all I got, and I must have 20hours played with him. He is a mark but is usualy so short I just mentally ignored him and it cost me my peace of mind.

V has 300, hero covers
On to the hand. V straddles UTG for 5$.
Folsd around (havent seen that in a while) Hero raises to 12 on the BU with Ac8x. V calls.

Kc 8c 3x
Pot 25

V donks 25. Wtf. This represents a monster a lot (88, 33, K8, K3, 83, AK) because I doubt he'd do this with a draw and I would think he is afraid of the fd out there, this should be a pretty standard fold. Don't remember why but I called out of pure confusion.

Kc 8c 3x 6c
Pot 75

V bets 60.

Wtf do I do now? Well I ****ing called lol. Thinking there was no way this V triple barrel air and I got the nfd so why not. I just couldn't put him on many value combos, I have blockers to everything and his line made 0 sense to me back then.

River brick, he fires 100. At this point I'm wondering how I even got here, after I call turn he probably puts me on AK and he still bets OTR, I don't have a read he triples barrel air so I mucked it.

But I think I was good.

Everytime. I just don't see a value hand that does this unless he donks pot OTF with a fd (I had never seen him do this, but HU pots are also very rare). Flop was a god damn easy fold also. But sht. If I could go back I would call all the way.
01-15-2015 , 08:51 PM
fold flop and def fold turn. maybe raise to 15 pf

usually these types of players don't think about waiting for a cbet, they have hand they bet hand.

he's also betting pot and pot fold and fold

Originally Posted by kekeeke

River brick, he fires 100. At this point I'm wondering how I even got here
me too :-/
01-15-2015 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
fold flop and def fold turn. maybe raise to 15 pf

usually these types of players don't think about waiting for a cbet, they have hand they bet hand.

he's also betting pot and pot fold and fold

me too :-/
Yea, my gut feeling made me call, but then I didn't call all the way,no clue what I was doing.

What do you make of the almost pot bet OTT thought? You'd think he'd slow down (bet less) with value combos no?

Also something I forgot to mention was the timing of it all. OTF he insta pots it. OTT he insta bets, OTR he insta bets. Fuuuuuuuu
01-15-2015 , 09:01 PM
I don't see a question here. You know what you should have done and didn't do it. This is a BBV thread.

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