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Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5

02-12-2014 , 06:37 PM
Villain is a super LAG player who will call virtually anything preflop, does large bets in the dark etc. He is competent, but just loves to gamble. He's stuck 4-5k at the time of this hand and playing badly. He knows Hero is capable of playing back at him and occasionally 3 barrels. He has $900 behind.

Earlier in the night I had KK against him, raised UTG, he called then check shoved $400 a T high flop with T9 and turned a T on me.

Hero has villain covered.

Hero has Js10s in MP, villain is on button. 2 limpers, Hero limps, Villain makes it $35. (He's been doing this almost every hand and is tilting). Limpers fold, Hero calls.

Flop: Jd 8d 6c

Hero bets $65, Villain calls.

Turn: Jd 8d 6c 3c

I believe I would have gotten reraised if Villain had a flush draw or open ended, probably any J as well.

Hero bets $200, Villain tank calls.

River: Jd 8d 6c 3c 2h

I felt as if I'm good and none of these cards could have improved his hand, figured he could have an 8 or a hand like 99 at this point. I pondered what to do for a good minute or two. I decided to shove, effectively making it $600 to look like a three barrel.

Hero shoves, Villain tank calls and mucks.

Given the situation, how do you think the hand was played? I usually do not play a hand like this that strong. I may play complete air or the nuts like this, but not a mediocre hand. Long term is this +EV?
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-12-2014 , 08:19 PM
i probably check/call 3 streets, let villain hang himself
don't see what the point of betting is
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-12-2014 , 08:49 PM
Because I'd like to know where I'm at and avoid giving him free cards?
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-12-2014 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by dickliddle
Because I'd like to know where I'm at and avoid giving him free cards?
I'm not sure you can rely on the responses of a super-LAG villain on tilt to be an accurate representation of where you might be at...

With that being said, it looks like you engaged villian's bluffcatch-anything-superlight-because-Imz-on-tilt-and-not-gonna-get-bluffed-off-my-hand tendency which is certainly +EV if you can catch and ride that wave.

Let the haters hate all the chose a perfectly valid alternative line to the more standard 'check + call down as they hang themselves' routine. I just think the provided reasoning isn't copacetic. Cheers.
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-12-2014 , 09:13 PM
I actually do feel like I gained some info...he was to the point of reraising-with-anything-just-try-to-hit. When I didn't get reraised I figured he had a bluff catching type hand and may have figured me on a draw that I bet and bricked all the way down.
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-12-2014 , 10:06 PM
What's your plan on AQK97D turns and/or rivers?

I think when the board runs out like this I'm happy with betting every street, but a lot of times it's a lot harder to bet for value.
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-12-2014 , 10:17 PM
I'd much rather check call the river
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-13-2014 , 12:57 PM
Seems like villain is mostly capped and holding bluff catchers. He probs bas some 2xs 2pr type stuff.

Bomb fold or jam are probs better than c/c or c/r...

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Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-13-2014 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
I'd much rather check call the river
Me too.

OP, if you can get this to work against a specific villain in very specific cases, then more power to ya, but I think raising pre and x/c river is going to be better a very large % of the time.
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-14-2014 , 01:45 PM
Would you have bet the river if stacks were $1K deeper?
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-15-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by IronedSheik
Would you have bet the river if stacks were $1K deeper?
Ooooo that's a good question. Most likely I would have bet flop, bet turn, check call whatever he bet river.
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
02-16-2014 , 03:29 PM
well played.
Marginal hand OOP vs hyper donk 5/5 Quote
