1/2 NLHE (50bb Max)
Villain 1 is a YWG drinking a beer. He hasn't been playing long.
Villain 2 is a butch Lesbian with a shaved head. She's a weak player, but is on a heater and has a large stack.
V1 is UTG and raises to $13
V2 calls in UTG + 1
Folds to Hero on the button who calls with A


BB calls
Pot is $53 with three runners
Flop is KcT


V1 checks, V2 bets $15, I call, BB folds, V1 calls
Pot is $98
Turn is 7

V1 checks, V2 bets $20, Hero calls, V1 folds
Pot is $138
River is A

V2 bets $50
Would you call in this spot? How would you play the hand differently?