Making the online to live switch! Can anyone help?!
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 393
For a little background... I'm a NLHE .05/.10 and .10/.25 6max player with an overall winrate of about 3-3.5BB/100 depending on the given variance. I'm trying to make the transition to $1/2 NLHE 9max (theres no 6max tables at the casinos I go to). I've played probably about 5 or 6 times live with mediocre results... Probably only up about $50 lifetime live due to some 2 outters and a couple coolers (which is probably what i HATE THE MOST would have to be the variance I've experienced live). But to get on with the point, I'm sure a post like this would help me and the influx of people that will also be making the switch (US players like myself ofc) to live poker and browsing this forum daily!
I want to start with a few things that I have noticed.... Would love input/elaboration/explanations etc. As well as any KEY parts of live that you think I've missed!!!
1. Tells
- First I'd like to start by saying this isn't about masking your tells because I think that is a super simple concept. I personally take the Tom Dwan approach when it comes to masking my own tells. Silent when I call, stare at opponent while they bet, pick a card and particular spot to stare at when I bet, always announce the $# amount I'm raising to when I do so. But what I'm trying to figure out is what are some peoples personal experiences when people talk while they're in a hand or ask questions etc? Have people been able to pick up on anythings that they feel are "for sure" tells?!
2. Continuation Bets
- Bottom line in my opinion is GREAT ONLINE TERRIBLE LIVE??!! Am I right or am I crazy? I feel like flops are way more 3-6 people and you can just never get that many people to fold...
3. Pre-flop Play
- Limping is okay... Sounds CRAZY to an online player? But it seems people raise much bigger live and there ranges when they do are usually MUCH STRONGER. I feel like PF raises live is almost always 77+ / A10os+?
4. People overplay their hands?!
- Seen a lot of people make calls on the flop with bottom pairs or with pocket pairs with 2 over cards? Anyone else experience these types of things?
5. Most live players @ $1/$2 just plain suck..?
- A lot of old guys playing off "feel." Or 22 y/o's who HAVEN'T played online and just watch on tv and think they can play cause they watched a few WSOP episodes...
In conclusion:
My most successful session yet I won about $125 in 2 1/2 or 3 hours just playing pretty ABC poker raising with good hands PF not balancing my range really etc... contrary to online limping a lot in LP with "Mehhh" hands (10-9os/7-5s/Q-9os etc) looking to hit 2 pair / straights / flushes etc then just put out my value bets... Is this the way to beat live poker?!
INPUT / SUGGESTIONS / DISAGREEMENTS ETC... ALL WELCOME! Hope this thread can help a lot of online kiddo's like myself. Thanks in advanced!
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 3,191
Verbal declaration of bet is one of the live tells that I use to pick off players.
Try and listen to the difference between a strong declaration and a weak declaration.
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 13
The biggest thing I can tell you - IGNORE everything you have heard about online players having trouble adjusting to live poker.
People are going to suggest you tone down your aggression. People are going to suggest you will be folding to much. Blah Blah Blah.
The key thing is just sit down and play. You will recognize the player types, the table dynamics and if you are going to succeed you will adjust and win. Poker is poker. Live or online, it is the same game. You win by playing well. Don't make blanket adjustments, just sit down and play your game. If you are a winner you will know what to do.
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 770
Reading tells: Think about what they are trying to get you do do/think, Do the opposite. Seems simple yet so true.
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 26,095
Too many questions in one thread.
Start going through the FAQs and reading the various threads in this forum. Post HHs.
FWIW, I've played 10nl and 25nl. Most of those players suck too.