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Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins

01-25-2015 , 12:40 PM
You're probably underestimating how long you are gone and need to stop doing at least one of the following: playing slots, hotboxing, ordering the chili.

Seriously though, if he wants to paint you as a nit, you can have some success by making people believe you are significantly tighter than you are. Just be prepared for those times you raise UTG and six people call you because they think they can stack your aces if they outflop you.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
"The jerk store called and they are all out of you!"
What's the difference? You're they're all-time best seller.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 03:52 PM
Make sure your breaks aren't longer than the max time allowed. If the floor is racking you up before your time is up then call out the floor for making a mistake. If he's calling you out for being tight and he's tighter than you are well that's an easy one, just call him out for being tighter.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 04:02 PM
Just joke back and use the info to your advantage.

In regards to racking up, we have a 20 minute rule where I play and dealers and floor have only racked up people twice when I've been there. Both were gone much longer than 20 minutes. We're talking like 40 min +. Time goes by very fast away from the table.

Man up.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by fizzypants
So there's this big-mouth regular at my local casino who loves to loosen up the games he sits at by starting to go blind, playing a little crazy initially to get action later, calling out on nits, etc. who comes to my table everytime and tries to kill my action by saying I'm the tightest player ever. Also, everytime I'm winning and gone for about 10-20 mins, I come back and see my chips racked up, because the guy probably called the floor manager and said "this guy's been gone for over an hour/is not coming back/etc."

I laugh it off everytime since he's not a bad person or something and even talks to me. But he does this almost everytime.

How do I deal with this situation? I don't want to:

1) request him to stop doing this because he will do it more if he sees I don't like it.
2) go and complain to the floor managers to warn him and create a scene.

Is a solution to start playing looser and show some bluffs to recs when he does this, so they don't believe him? Or should I use this to my advantage and start bluffing more expecting everyone to fold? Regardless, I don't like the constant vengeful behaviour.

Or does his blabbering not affect the fish's decisions anyway and I shouldn't mind it?
Originally Posted by fizzypants
I don't take regular breaks. I get up once in 4-5 hours, when I absolutely need to. Also, I don't expect anyone to stick up for me. Also, let me correct OP, he's done the racking up stuff 2 times so far, each time when I was winning a lot.
Originally Posted by fizzypants
The problem is that the guy is a cocky, loudmouth whereas I hardly speak.

He thinks I'm unethical to table-select or leave when I'm up, whereas he does the EXACT same thing, and is far more nittier than me, but tries to appear that he's not.

The question is: Should I go and complain to the floor manager so that once they warn him, this stops happening forever? But again, we're regulars here, and he will surely ruin my rep even more (behind my back) once this happens.

I'm kind of stuck.
Know the room rules, and be honest with yourself and us.

I don't think loudmouth is drying up your action. Players that haven't noticed your style and adjusted aren't going to change based on one loudmouth commenting.

Chat with the floor away from the table, and see what the procedures actually are. As an occasional walker myself, I'm careful about my timing, or at least making sure that the table knows I'm going to return. I don't play in 3rd man walking rooms (as far as I know).

If you have been racked up twice when ahead, because of him, he is the one sending you (temporarily?) south. If you win a monster pot, then decide to take an extended break... well, then perhaps we have different definitions of 'absolutely need to'.

If you aren't ready to confront him verbally, then a chat with the floor about his behavior is in order. If he is ruining your experience to the point that you really aren't going to return, let the floor know that as well. Don't exaggerate or be a drama queen, just stick to the facts. It's possible that you aren't the only one who has mentioned this guy.

Good Luck
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 04:19 PM
Probably a 3rd man walking rule where you only get half the normal time you're allotted.

Also, it's easier to do this if your break time doesn't span across a dealer push. In other words, let a dealer deal you a few hands then go on your break. He'll remember who you were and since he dealt you some hands, he knows you couldn't have been gone for 30 minutes.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by eldiesel
^ What if his wife's in a coma?
+1 good point
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 04:59 PM
Preface: I am not a regular casino player. I'd like to be, but I don't have the roll for it. Also, I am not particularly great at poker (which might be related to the lack of the roll. You can infer causality if you choose to). I will be annotating this post largely because I will be making a few different observations, and I am an attorney, so I like citations.

Originally Posted by fizzypants
So there's this big-mouth regular at my local casino who [1] loves to loosen up the games he sits at by starting to go blind, [2] playing a little crazy initially to get action later, [3] calling out on nits, etc. who comes to my table everytime and [4] tries to kill my action by saying I'm the tightest player ever. Also, everytime I'm winning and gone for about 10-20 mins, I come back and see my chips racked up, because [5] the guy probably called the floor manager and said "this guy's been gone for over an hour/is not coming back/etc."

I laugh it off everytime since he's not a bad person or something and even talks to me. But he does this almost everytime.

How do I deal with this situation? I don't want to:

1) request him to stop doing this because he will do it more if he sees I don't like it.
2) go and complain to the floor managers to warn him and create a scene.

Is a solution to start playing looser and show some bluffs to recs when he does this, so they don't believe him? Or should I use this to my advantage and start bluffing more expecting everyone to fold? Regardless, I don't like the constant vengeful behaviour.

Or does his blabbering not affect the fish's decisions anyway and I shouldn't mind it?
One: The guy is loosening up the game? See 1-3. That is a good thing! We don't want to stop playing with this guy, and we really don't want him to stop doing some of what he is doing, if it is encouraging other players to loosen up and play suboptimally.

Two: However your post raises at least one concern: he may be a good player and this is all intentional. You state that that he is "playing a little crazy initially to get action later." Note 2. Does this appear to be an intentional act on this part? How good is he playing later in sessions? How good is his post flop play? Can he get out of bad spots? Note that you seem to think he is trying to get rid of you. Note 5 (I am inferring you believe he wants you out of the game). Again, is it because he wants a fun loose "GAMBOOL!" or because you are a threat to his win rate?

Three: A further issue related to Two, supra, is his warning off other players from you. This could be read as either proof that he is in fact a fun loving GAMBOOLER who thinks you are a wet fish, or alternatively him attempting to merely appear to be a GAMBOOLER. Only your analysis of his actual play will enable you do make that distinction. I note that your OP does not discus his actual poker skills at all. You should revisit this aspect and either update your OP if you have that information, or obtain that information so that a better plan of action can be developed.

Four: Ultimately, you do you do about it? This is a two part question, dealing with gameplay questions, and larger long term personality issues.

A) Gameplay.

First assess whether he is successfully convincing people you are a super nit. If people are convinced you are a super nit, hammer away any time you are in position. Three bet regularly, fire pot sized c-bets. If this other guy is successfully convincing them you've always got the nuts, use that! However be aware that if they show any resistance, you need to get out of the hand.

Secondly assess his own play ability. While you are hammering away on the rest of the table, you need to figure out whether this strategy will work on the talker. If he is actually a good player and this is a strategy on his part, he will get wise to what you are doing. If he is just a loud mouthed regular fish, and actually believes that you are as nitty as he is trying to convince the rest of the table that you are, then hammer him as well.

B) Long term development

Ultimately it is up to you if you want this guy to keep doing this. If played properly, it could actually increase your winnings, if you are willing to put in the effort to manage your image, and act on the non-gameplay information. However for some people that is excessive work, and they would prefer to merely play the cards dealt without thinking too much about these adjustments.

If you decide you don't want to keep playing this style of adjustment game, you either need to avoid this guy, or you need to actively befriend him. If he isn't a thinking player who is trying to act loose, (meaning he actually is a loose maniac), then remember he isn't your enemy. He should be your best friend. You want him to always be the one risking his money to loosen up the table, so that you can take advantage. This may mean taking fewer/no breaks, this may mean idle chit chat. This mean showing the occasional bluff against him just to prove to him you don't always play top 10 hands.

Whichever path you choose is really up to your preference, but both require work. It is just a choice about which kind of work.

Note that going to the floor to whine is the exact opposite of helpful.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Kobold Esq
Preface: I am not a regular casino player. I'd like to be, but I don't have the roll for it. Also, I am not particularly great at poker (which might be related to the lack of the roll. You can infer causality if you choose to). I will be annotating this post largely because I will be making a few different observations, and I am an attorney, so I like citations.

One: The guy is loosening up the game? See 1-3. That is a good thing! We don't want to stop playing with this guy, and we really don't want him to stop doing some of what he is doing, if it is encouraging other players to loosen up and play suboptimally.

Two: However your post raises at least one concern: he may be a good player and this is all intentional. You state that that he is "playing a little crazy initially to get action later." Note 2. Does this appear to be an intentional act on this part? How good is he playing later in sessions? How good is his post flop play? Can he get out of bad spots? Note that you seem to think he is trying to get rid of you. Note 5 (I am inferring you believe he wants you out of the game). Again, is it because he wants a fun loose "GAMBOOL!" or because you are a threat to his win rate?

Three: A further issue related to Two, supra, is his warning off other players from you. This could be read as either proof that he is in fact a fun loving GAMBOOLER who thinks you are a wet fish, or alternatively him attempting to merely appear to be a GAMBOOLER. Only your analysis of his actual play will enable you do make that distinction. I note that your OP does not discus his actual poker skills at all. You should revisit this aspect and either update your OP if you have that information, or obtain that information so that a better plan of action can be developed.

Four: Ultimately, you do you do about it? This is a two part question, dealing with gameplay questions, and larger long term personality issues.

A) Gameplay.

First assess whether he is successfully convincing people you are a super nit. If people are convinced you are a super nit, hammer away any time you are in position. Three bet regularly, fire pot sized c-bets. If this other guy is successfully convincing them you've always got the nuts, use that! However be aware that if they show any resistance, you need to get out of the hand.

Secondly assess his own play ability. While you are hammering away on the rest of the table, you need to figure out whether this strategy will work on the talker. If he is actually a good player and this is a strategy on his part, he will get wise to what you are doing. If he is just a loud mouthed regular fish, and actually believes that you are as nitty as he is trying to convince the rest of the table that you are, then hammer him as well.

B) Long term development

Ultimately it is up to you if you want this guy to keep doing this. If played properly, it could actually increase your winnings, if you are willing to put in the effort to manage your image, and act on the non-gameplay information. However for some people that is excessive work, and they would prefer to merely play the cards dealt without thinking too much about these adjustments.

If you decide you don't want to keep playing this style of adjustment game, you either need to avoid this guy, or you need to actively befriend him. If he isn't a thinking player who is trying to act loose, (meaning he actually is a loose maniac), then remember he isn't your enemy. He should be your best friend. You want him to always be the one risking his money to loosen up the table, so that you can take advantage. This may mean taking fewer/no breaks, this may mean idle chit chat. This mean showing the occasional bluff against him just to prove to him you don't always play top 10 hands.

Whichever path you choose is really up to your preference, but both require work. It is just a choice about which kind of work.

Note that going to the floor to whine is the exact opposite of helpful.
Nice post, although I wouldn't consider asking the floor to be reasonable about the amount of time before they pick up your stack to be whining.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by ThaNEWPr0fess0r
Nice post, although I wouldn't consider asking the floor to be reasonable about the amount of time before they pick up your stack to be whining.
I am making inferences (perhaps unfairly) about the OP's IRL behavior and personality based on how he has portrayed himself here. While perhaps unfairly, I suspect that is how he would be perceived by other players. If the floor must be involved, it should be done privately in such a way that other players are not aware of the floor's involvement.

There are other ways to avoid getting picked up, such as making sure your entire walking time occurs during a single dealer's down.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 06:12 PM
If you know you will be gone 30 minutes then wait for new dealer and just tell him you are taking a walk and may take 30 minutes. That takes all the ammo away from your guy.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 06:40 PM
There are so may way to exploit this situation towards your interests. The chip racking situation need to be handled with the floor people in a very clear, calm, professional way.
-"Why are my chips racked up?"
-"Who racked them up?"
-"I was gone for X minutes. What are the rules for kicking people off the table in absence?" Ect...

Concerning this guy hounding you and calling you a nit I always check my ego at the door when I walk into a card room. I'm not there to build my self esteem. I'm there to make money. If this guys calls you a nit and it kills your action then open up your range huge. You'll print money.
If he calls you a nit and it doesn't kill you action then who cares.
If this guys a winning player you can fight back if it's really getting to you. Say something like, "yeah, I'm the 2nd biggest nit in the room. But you're the biggest." Then call him out for doing stupid stuff in small pots to build a gambol image. You don't have to be louder then him, you just have to be right.
Lastly, the best advice in this thread was to rape this guy. No, not follow him home rape him. Keep cell phone notes on every hand he plays. Get into how he plays and thinks about the game. Then take his money. The final chapter of "Playing the Player" by Ed Miller cover this topic well.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 06:45 PM
seinfeld is win itt
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 06:48 PM
Looks like one thing this guy is trying to do is put you on tilt. Some people call out nits because it does annoy nitty players a lot. As a result, if you don't let his comments bother you then they won't be nearly as effective. On the other hand, if you sit there secretly steaming because the guy mentioned that you're a nit, then his approach is actually working because it's putting you on tilt.

Also, if you feel the need to say something back to him, that will tell him that he is getting under your skin and it will encourage him.

The fact that you started this thread and talked about him the way you did shows that his approach is working.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 06:54 PM
Is a solution to start playing looser and show some bluffs to recs when he does this, so they don't believe him?
Definitely not. You'll just be playing worse. This is an example of going on tilt because his table talk upset you.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by jesse123
The floor can't rack up your chips if you've been gone 10 minutes in most rooms. I've heard players request that guys be racked up, but the dealer and floor won't do it unless they can verify the player has been gone longer than the allotted time. I can't imagine any room in the US racking a player up after 10 minutes. That just doesn't sound plausible.

If any player is giving me ****, I put a bullseye on their back. It's kind of a blessing in disguise. It forces you to know every nook and cranny of a player's game. You should know this a-hole's game better than he knows himself. Make it a personal vendetta to soul own this guy every time you play with him.

Learn his pre-flop tendencies from every position. Learn his post-flop tendencies. Learn his bet sizing tells. Learn his physical tells. Learn his timing tells. Just go to work on the guy. It will improve your game if you make it your personal goal to make this guy's life miserable.

I had a bully who used to travel from LA to my game. He was threatened by me and would literally cheer at the top of his lungs whenever anyone won a pot against me. I just imagined that has name was Inigo Montoya and that he had killed my father. I literally haven't seen him in the last six months since I owned him for a whole weekend. Stand up to bullies and they go away.

Look at this guy as an opportunity not a crisis. I think extreme detailing of one opponent is a great way to improve your game.

The verbal stuff at the table, use to your advantage. The "being picked up" aspect; be aware of your time away from table, know the rules of the room, speak to dealer/floor when you leave and let them know you will be back and that you don't want to be picked up. Then continue to own this *******.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
Looks like one thing this guy is trying to do is put you on tilt. Some people call out nits because it does annoy nitty players a lot. As a result, if you don't let his comments bother you then they won't be nearly as effective. On the other hand, if you sit there secretly steaming because the guy mentioned that you're a nit, then his approach is actually working because it's putting you on tilt.

Also, if you feel the need to say something back to him, that will tell him that he is getting under your skin and it will encourage him.

The fact that you started this thread and talked about him the way you did shows that his approach is working.
That's exactly what he is trying to accomplish. He says this to me himself, lol. He's seen me play horribly when on tilt.

Also, the funny thing is he calls me nitty on one hand, but calls my bets/raises with absolute junk pre trying to win a pot against my monster and putting me on tilt. Also, he openly says I'm going to sit on this guy's left and jumps seats to get position on me, and I just laugh it off.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 08:40 PM
Having a guy trying to tilt us and put us off our game isn't so bad. Just keep playing your game.

Having a guy switch to our left to outplay us is pretty bad and requires defensive measures. Get the first seat change button and prevent it if you can.

If he does get on our left, we are gonna have to check/raise turns with our value hands when he predictably floats us. Strong ace highs have to be considered value hands when the flop is drawy and the turn is good (like a paired card).
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 11:16 PM
Sounds like you're letting it affect you too much, I'd just give it back to him lightheartedly. "P*** off Dave, you're the tightest player here"
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-25-2015 , 11:16 PM
I'll come's me.

so why are you such a nit?
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-26-2015 , 12:43 AM
Villian sounds like a great guy to have set the table. OP sounds like he doesn't have the social skills to interact nor react to this guy. So recognize your limitations and let the guy do the work of making a social game more social. Even you admit he is loosening up the game! When he calls you out for being a Nit, Just either ignore him or laugh and say, yeah, I only play aces, still waiting for them. As far as getting you racked up all the time... I mean, twice... I agree that it sounds like you are likely underestimating how long you're gone from the table. If not, next time you leave say something like, "it's 8:00 already? I haven't eaten since this morning. Dealer, please hold my seat, I'll be back in half an hour." Also tell the floor as you leave that you'll be back shortly. Personally, I'd be more direct with the DB and tell him to mind his own ****ing business, but a simple announcement will set expectations and document your departure time.
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
01-26-2015 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
I'll come's me.

so why are you such a nit?
Asks the biggest nit ever
Local guy killing my action and getting my chips racked if I'm gone for 10 mins Quote
