Hey guys, I have an interesting proposition for one or maybe even two of you if interested.
I'm a professional video producer and I'm looking for the right person to create YouTube poker vlogs for.
I started my own channel (different niche) back in April and have gained 17k subscribers since (and have made a decent amount of money) . If you know anyone that has created content for YouTube, you know this is no easy task. I really wanted to start my own poker channel on top of it, but with two young kids, there's just no way for me to spend that much time in a casino playing poker, and then come home and edit all of the videos on top of it.
So that brings me here... I'm looking to edit videos for someone that is interested in filming themselves at the table. If done correctly, there is a ton of money to be made in the long term. Here's how much Rampage Poker made last year with 100k subscribers:

Now, short term doing poker vlogs is very unprofitable. It could take 6 months to a year or more for any decent amount of money to start rolling in. (it takes 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time to just get monetized and the first 1000 subs are the hardest to get). You definitely have to play the long game. I'm looking to split profits of the channel 50/50, so I will definitely be working for free for awhile until the channel gains any traction.
I would love to create 1 or 2 videos a week for a vlogger. Consistency is KEY in the Youtube game, so I would need someone reliable that plays a lot of live cards.
Here's an example of the style of videos I would like to create:
You would have to film and do commentary. I will edit, color correct, add music, create thumbnails, titles, description, and publish the videos. There are very specific ways of doing things for the YouTube algorithm to catch on and get you views and I've done my research, trust me!
If you're serious and looking to partner LONG TERM, and would like to see my work or channel, please DM me for more details! I don't want to do this for someone for 2 months and have them bail on me. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE!!!