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02-13-2011 , 07:28 PM
I've been playing pretty nitty. Villain had been active and sat down with a huge stack (no table max) and I got the impression he was there to boss about while he waited for a higher stake table.

Straddle is on, 1 caller, villain makes it 45, I have 99 and call from the sb. The limper also calls. I felt confident that my pair was good as villain just seemed like he was after some action.

I have $450 and villain has me covered.

Flop is 3 6 T

Flop checks through. This leads me to discount overpairs, sets, flush draws and even good top pairs from his range. Still possible but highly unlikely IMO.

Turn 8

I lead for half pot. Limper folds. Villain raises me 2.5x.

Since I felt that he wouldnt check back the hands I mentioned, I thought this was a call since he could easily have picked up a gutshot. All I thought could really beat me was 68/88/79. Thought he could even raise with a pair plus gutshot eg 78/78/67/69 trying to get me off a TP hand and plan on firing a lot of rivers, even if the flush came since I did not think he would give me credit for taking into account the fact he wouldnt check flop with a FD most the time.

River 2

I check. Villain grabs a huge stack which more than sets me all in.

Anyone ever hero call here taking into account the reads/information stated?

Live 2-5 Quote
02-13-2011 , 08:34 PM
get it in pre given reads and it doesn't seem that close. I'd rather fold than flat for 10% of my stack oop I think
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02-13-2011 , 09:13 PM
Thanks for reply. But given the way the hand played out.. ?
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02-13-2011 , 09:23 PM
I would fold, this seems more like TT/88 to me even if you are discounting sets. But if you're really confident in your read I see no reason to not call the river then, the 2c doesn't change anything except gives him more of a reason to bluff, even though he may not realize that he doesn't have the flush that often if he thinks it's a good bluff card.. Also, what the poster said above, I would really 3bet or fold than call pre.
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02-13-2011 , 09:46 PM
How long was he active?
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02-14-2011 , 02:02 AM
Important aspects of the hand are:
1) How much, exactly, you bet on the turn
2) What, exactly his raise was to
3) How much you have left on the river

If your estimates are close, pot is 150 on the flop, you lead turn for 75, he raises to ~185.
If you call here, the pot is 520 and we have 220 left.
So, if you think he's FOS, shove the turn.

My other thoughts are:
- If there is a straddle in a 2/5 game with big stacks, I'd like to have more than 450.
- Flat call is fine preflop, especially if limper can be strong - where did he limp from?
- I might lead this flop for value, Most people aren't that likely to bet flops like this without some sort of piece, we don't really want to check through and we don't really want to face a ~100 bet with the other limper still effectively left to act.
- I think your turn lead is too small for this board.
- I don't know what to do on the river cause I'm never in spots like this. I doubt he's bluffing, particularly on this river, though.
- If I am villain, I am checking a lot of flush draws on the flop.
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03-13-2011 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Penguinz21
Important aspects of the hand are:
1) How much, exactly, you bet on the turn
2) What, exactly his raise was to
3) How much you have left on the river

If your estimates are close, pot is 150 on the flop, you lead turn for 75, he raises to ~185.
If you call here, the pot is 520 and we have 220 left.
So, if you think he's FOS, shove the turn.

My other thoughts are:
- If there is a straddle in a 2/5 game with big stacks, I'd like to have more than 450.
- Flat call is fine preflop, especially if limper can be strong - where did he limp from?
- I might lead this flop for value, Most people aren't that likely to bet flops like this without some sort of piece, we don't really want to check through and we don't really want to face a ~100 bet with the other limper still effectively left to act.
- I think your turn lead is too small for this board.
- I don't know what to do on the river cause I'm never in spots like this. I doubt he's bluffing, particularly on this river, though.
- If I am villain, I am checking a lot of flush draws on the flop.
Just realised I forgot about this thread.

So you would lead flop, dont you think thats quite spewy? (altho what I did was more spewy lol)

So you would probably fold turn (and river) based on the fact you think he could check a flush draw on the flop? I just really think he would bet one.
Live 2-5 Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:48 PM
flat pre-poor
call turn raise - poor
Cant even tell you how to deal with river after making so many errors.

If you REALLY think he is looking to spew bluff etc and has the ballz to do it, then this is a call.

If this is the type of player that you believe can do that, then the plan for the hand should have avoided allowing villain to have this much leeway. i.e. just chk call down.
Live 2-5 Quote
03-13-2011 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Texas Donald
I've been playing pretty nitty. Villain had been active and sat down with a huge stack (no table max) and I got the impression he was there to boss about while he waited for a higher stake table.

Straddle is on, 1 caller, villain makes it 45, I have 99 and call from the sb. The limper also calls. I felt confident that my pair was good as villain just seemed like he was after some action.

I have $450 and villain has me covered.

Flop is 3 6 T

Flop checks through. This leads me to discount overpairs, sets, flush draws and even good top pairs from his range. Still possible but highly unlikely IMO.

Turn 8

I lead for half pot. Limper folds. Villain raises me 2.5x.

Since I felt that he wouldnt check back the hands I mentioned, I thought this was a call since he could easily have picked up a gutshot. All I thought could really beat me was 68/88/79. Thought he could even raise with a pair plus gutshot eg 78/78/67/69 trying to get me off a TP hand and plan on firing a lot of rivers, even if the flush came since I did not think he would give me credit for taking into account the fact he wouldnt check flop with a FD most the time.

River 2

I check. Villain grabs a huge stack which more than sets me all in.

Anyone ever hero call here taking into account the reads/information stated?


This what is gonna happen when you call 10% of your stacks OOP with a medium pair. You know very well that in a raised pot it's very unlikely that 99 can win unimproved post flop. Even if you are at the moment with the best hand against AK you still be playing a coin flip and the trick is not just against the AK but any two over cards like JT, KT or AT, is the same thing. Playing for stacks with 99 in raised pots will definitely put you in red if you call 10% of effective stacks. Actually doesn't matter if the pot was raised or not, what matters is the amount of bet you call in relationship to the stacks involved in the hand. If the stacks are very deep and villain 2bet and you have 99 then you can 3bet or if he's 3bet you can 4bet as long as the bet is bellow 7% of stacks and you have position. Calling OOP 10% is not the way to make money. It seems to me that you've got not read at all when you said: "I got the impression he was there to boss about while he waited for a higher stake table"

Live 2-5 Quote
03-13-2011 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by AintNoLimit
flat pre-poor
call turn raise - poor
Cant even tell you how to deal with river after making so many errors.

If you REALLY think he is looking to spew bluff etc and has the ballz to do it, then this is a call.

If this is the type of player that you believe can do that, then the plan for the hand should have avoided allowing villain to have this much leeway. i.e. just chk call down.
so you would get this in pre?! that just seems a bit extreme/unnecessary w/99
Live 2-5 Quote
03-13-2011 , 06:08 PM
Well we don't expect to be getting it in pre, just that against this villain we want to three bet pre and will be willing to call a 4 bet.
Live 2-5 Quote
03-13-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Texas Donald
so you would get this in pre?! that just seems a bit extreme/unnecessary w/99
We're not really expecting to get it in, but getting it in pre against this villain is better than calling off a good chunk of our stack from oop and then basically making a mess of the hand because there's no really good way to play the hand in this spot. With the straddle on, we are actually playing 2-5-10 and have <50bb, so getting it in with 99 against a villain we perceive as very aggro isn't bad at all. Either make a committing 3bet pre or fold imo.
Live 2-5 Quote
03-13-2011 , 07:08 PM
Preflop: Which position did the raise come from? If it's from late position and you think your opponent is aware of your image you can give thought to reraising. Calling isn't bad, though.

Flop: Good.

Turn: There is merit to folding to the raise, but I like your play. Your opponent is highly unlikely to have checked with a lone T on the flop, and with the exception of 86s and he came in from lp 2 pair combos seem unlikely unless he's more wild than I'm reading from your description. This leaves overpairs, 86s, and sets as the hands that beat you, and you know his opening hand range is way wider than that. There's a good chance he's reading your half pot bet as weakness and is taking a stab. I would call with the intention of making a blocking bet of $110 on any river card that doesn't improve your hand.

River: Make the blocking bet. Unless your opponent is mindless he'll think you've put too much money into the pot to fold, so his raises will only come from hands that beat yours. Not many worse hands will call the bet, but it prevents you from getting bluffed off the best hand, which is a huge concern here.

Just my opinion...
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