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Last hand of the night... BB Calling range multi-way? Last hand of the night... BB Calling range multi-way?

12-28-2018 , 11:57 PM
Playing 1/3
7 handed
Effective stack is $300

UTG ($1k): ~75 years old, but by far the most competent man over 50 I've seen play in like 200 hours of live poker. Probably one of the best I've seen in general. Normally plays 2/5 but the game just broke. Seems to have a good understanding of bet sizes and ranges, has a tendency to punish capped ranges with large sizing. Opens wider than is probably optimal
His normal open with no limpers is $12-$15

UTG+1 ($600): OMC

UTG+2 ($300): Old guy who's fairly passive. He 3-bet me smallish from the button when I opened UTG and I folded. Limps/calls way too wide. Is somewhat aggro when he's RFI, limp/reraised me earlier and folded without too much thinking after I shoved.

Hero (BB, $800): Image is "the kid". TAG, doesn't cold call very often. Fold my BB very often compared to other players (I don't think I'm folding any +EV hands but whatever). Have played with these players for 2 hours or so, ran up from $400 over a series of medium-sized pots.


Last hand of the night (card room's gambling license doesn't allow them to play past midnight). I debate leaving before this hand so I don't have to pay the big blind but people spew out a ton on the last hand of the night so I stay to play it.

UTG opens to $20, UTG+1 and UTG+2 call

Folds to me in BB with T9s

Is this a call? I My pot odds are OK but I'm OOP and the raise size is pretty huge. I've been re-evaluating my pre-flop strategy online and have started to cold call way less, and it's helped my winrate a lot. What range are you calling with here? My immediate thoughts are something like:


Not sure how +EV ATo and 76s-T9s really are, interested in your thoughts on what calls are profitable in this spot
Last hand of the night... BB Calling range multi-way? Quote
12-29-2018 , 12:12 AM
109s easy fold, huge open size and you literally have some of the strongest ranges here to combat.

UTG 7x raise followed by +1 cold call and +2 overcall, your equity is garbage here.

ATo is a clear as day muck for me and same for 76s-T9s, same for AJo/KQo

22-99 fine.

Rest of the hands arent that playable since you'll be OOP to 3 players postflop who are passive and have stronger ranges w/ SPR of 3.5. We're put in a position where we have to fold TP when we flop it or just fold it vs strong ranges, and if we have to do that we might as well fold pre. Or we'll flop a weak draw or a weak pair and be forced to fold.

Probably getting flame but whatever
Last hand of the night... BB Calling range multi-way? Quote
12-29-2018 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Minatorr
109s easy fold, huge open size and you literally have some of the strongest ranges here to combat.

UTG 7x raise followed by +1 cold call and +2 overcall, your equity is garbage here.

ATo is a clear as day muck for me and same for 76s-T9s, same for AJo/KQo

22-99 fine.

Rest of the hands arent that playable since you'll be OOP to 3 players postflop who are passive and have stronger ranges w/ SPR of 3.5. We're put in a position where we have to fold TP when we flop it or just fold it vs strong ranges, and if we have to do that we might as well fold pre. Or we'll flop a weak draw or a weak pair and be forced to fold.

Probably getting flame but whatever
I think this is pretty solid advice. Do i always follow it though? Im playing a decent suited connector if i know its my last hand.. because.. last hand!
Last hand of the night... BB Calling range multi-way? Quote
12-29-2018 , 11:15 AM
I would rather have T9s then ATo but still not calling. AT/AJ/suited face cards are likely dominated after the large raise and multiple calls. I chuck the suited connectors here also, the big raise and multiple calls means a big pot and the one opponent deep enough to make me interested is the good opponent.

Really the only calls I have here are pairs I don't want to raise. For everything else the situation isn't good enough.
Last hand of the night... BB Calling range multi-way? Quote
12-29-2018 , 11:26 AM
It's tempting to play drawing hands when there's a big pot brewing because of some last hand spewfest incoming, but it's probably still -ev for several factors.

-You are OOP.
-Streets are unlikely to check through.
-Bet sizes are likely to go up.

While T9s and 33 are both "drawing" hands, there are huge differences in that one is likely to flop a draw that you might not get odds to chase, while the other will flop a nutted hand.
Last hand of the night... BB Calling range multi-way? Quote
12-29-2018 , 02:48 PM
Hell yes I'm playing this. If we fold, we lose $3 in the BB. If we play, we're giving up $5 in EV since we have a little over 20% equity against reasonable ranges for the villains while getting a maximum of 50:1 against the main villain. When you add in the last hand of the night factor which means people are going to stack off lighter, it is an easy call.

If you're folding this, you should have picked up before the hand was dealt.
Last hand of the night... BB Calling range multi-way? Quote
