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KQo shortstack KQo shortstack

11-20-2012 , 11:36 AM
So the game is £0.50/0.50, i have £30, 3 limpers in front and i raise to £4 in CO, folds round to limpers, all 3 call

Flop J108 rainbow

2 checks, Tightish guy leads for £12, i flat, two folds

Turn is a brick, check, i check

River brick, he bets £15 i fold.

What line would you guys take with this hand?
KQo shortstack Quote
11-20-2012 , 11:54 AM
Shove over his flop lead or fold. Don't call.

If you do call. Shove Turn.
KQo shortstack Quote
11-20-2012 , 12:08 PM
Revealing your hand would be helpful.
KQo shortstack Quote
11-20-2012 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by santiberni
Revealing your hand would be helpful.
Hand is in title of the post.

Originally Posted by Kingandtheduck
So the game is £0.50/0.50, i have £30, 3 limpers in front and i raise to £4 in CO, folds round to limpers, all 3 call

Flop J108 rainbow

2 checks, Tightish guy leads for £12, i flat, two folds

Turn is a brick, check, i check

River brick, he bets £15 i fold.

What line would you guys take with this hand?
With this kind of stack and hand you are either going all the way or you are folding outright. The call on the flop is bad. Either shove the flop, or fold it. If you are not sure why, let us know. We'll be happy to explain it.

Last edited by pjhpmc; 11-20-2012 at 12:28 PM. Reason: Clarity
KQo shortstack Quote
11-20-2012 , 02:55 PM
Yeah i felt i had no FE with a shove, but would be stacking off on turn/river with any K,Q,9,Ace, so figured i had possible 14 outs, did i have not have direct odds to call?
KQo shortstack Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Kingandtheduck
Yeah i felt i had no FE with a shove, but would be stacking off on turn/river with any K,Q,9,Ace, so figured i had possible 14 outs, did i have not have direct odds to call?
Here's my logic - We're putting in about 1/2 of our stack (12 of our 30) in pre if we're not shoving or taking this hand all the way then I'm folding pre. Period. Once we've called, our very short stack size will prohibit any effective use of fold equity. I toss FE out the window at this point.

As it stands on the flop you have two overs and a OESD - It's a great spot to be in with your stack. Just get it in here, and let it ride.

For the future, make sure you are considering the size of your stack in future streets. Have a plan for the hand, and make sure you think things through - Putting in half your stack with a substandard hand like KQ and not being aggressive when you flop a promising hand is a good way to lose your roll.

Yes there will be times when he calls and you lose, but there will also be times when he calls and you win, and even some times when he folds inexplicably . With 14 outs, the rule of 4 states we have a 56% chance of winning by the river. That's an edge.
KQo shortstack Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:17 PM
i raised to £4 pre, not £12.

the rule of 4 is not quite right, i believe we have less than 50% here, probs more like 46%, and thats if all our outs are clean. but yeah i agree i shouldve shipped or fold flop
KQo shortstack Quote
11-20-2012 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Kingandtheduck
i raised to £4 pre, not £12.

the rule of 4 is not quite right, i believe we have less than 50% here, probs more like 46%, and thats if all our outs are clean. but yeah i agree i shouldve shipped or fold
Ah, my bad. For some reason my eyes scream right over the british pound symbol when placed next to single numbers. I have no idea why. My apologies.
KQo shortstack Quote
11-20-2012 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Kingandtheduck
Yeah i felt i had no FE with a shove, but would be stacking off on turn/river with any K,Q,9,Ace, so figured i had possible 14 outs, did i have not have direct odds to call?
This is a massive Jupiter sized noob leak.

You can't call 30% - 60% of your stack on a draw. You just cannot do it. It is seriously -EV.

Whenever you are ever in a situation like this, you have to either shove or fold. Calling is just seriously not profitable.

Lastly, your flop shove will always have "some" fold equity. This FE combined with your Equity on the flop makes a flop shove your most profitable and optimal line and its not even close.

Incidentally, in these spots, if possible you want to shove first unless you have enough chips behind to generate FE w a c/r shove and are very confident that a villain will bet if you check...
KQo shortstack Quote
