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KQ vs AQ KQ vs AQ

07-11-2014 , 02:01 PM
Hero: $215
Villain: $300

Limp in on the button with KhQd off (bad move, i know), small blind raises to 20 preflop. Other limps fold leaving only me and villain.

Qs8s5h villain bets 35, call.

As turn, villain checks, I check

Turn Kd. Villain checks I bet 45. Villain calls after deliberation.

What would you guys have done?
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-11-2014 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Giznad16
What would you guys have done?
not limp the button
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-12-2014 , 09:19 AM
Assuming we are readless.

Limping OTB is indeed horrible with such a hand.
Your second mistake was to call SB's raise. Especially if this is a passive game, then your hand is likely dominated.

The rest of the hand is ok. The river bet is pretty thin as we are not likely to get called very light with the spade draw who got there. But I guess with such a small sizing we can get called by some AT/AJ or even some TT-JJ. We could also make him fold KQ sometimes.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-12-2014 , 09:52 PM
If you read the other thread, this is not how you post create a thread.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-12-2014 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Giznad16

What would you guys have done?
not post results in thread title
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-12-2014 , 11:00 PM
I assume this is 1/2? Please include pot sizes on all streets; it's a pain to keep track of when reading it (and impossible, when you don't tell us how many limpers there were). Do not post results. Include any reads/info you have on opponents, even if all you have is a basic description of what they look like. These things will all help you get better responses.

You recognize that limping the button here was bad. But you still did it. I suggest working on listening to that voice in the back of your head telling you that you're about to make a bad decision. Once you've limped, fold to the raise unless SB is a bad LAG. Flop & turn are fine. I might be ok with the river bet for thin value from Ax, but it really depends on SB's range and ability to fold.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-13-2014 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by Giznad16
As turn, villain checks, I check
What does this mean? Doesn't the V bet OTF. And then check OTT and you bet.
How many people limped in PF? You should raise OTB. What types of hands does V raise with from the blinds? How often does he raise from the blinds? What about from the other positions? Describe him. Describe yourself. Describe how you think he views you.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-13-2014 , 11:29 AM
Raise the button for starters.

AP---Fold to the blind raise if the idea was to play fit or fold with it.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-13-2014 , 11:38 AM
Assuming this is 1/2 then your biggest mistake of all was calling the raise to $20. I mean, WTF did you think you beat? You do have position, but he has aggression and his range crushes us. KQ is a reverse implied odds hand vs villains range.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-13-2014 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by BuffaloHound
What does this mean? Doesn't the V bet OTF. And then check OTT and you bet.
How many people limped in PF? You should raise OTB. What types of hands does V raise with from the blinds? How often does he raise from the blinds? What about from the other positions? Describe him. Describe yourself. Describe how you think he views you.
I think Hero explained this well enough to understand. V bet OTF, hero called. The turn went chk, chk.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-13-2014 , 03:07 PM
I do agree with most others that you should've raised PF ($12-$15). This will change V's action in the SB. Seeing that you limped and then the SB raised to $20, you need to figure out V's range before making this call PF. Once you determine V's range, you will know to fold in this situation because unless V is a super LAG, his range crushes your KQ.

As played, I think you made a solid value bet OTR.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-13-2014 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Giznad16
As turn, villain checks, I check
Ahh... I read this as a sentence with no punctuation. As I saw it I saw "As" as "as", as if. Ace of spades, got it.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-13-2014 , 09:30 PM
What's so bad about the $20 call? Hero has a premium hand.
He has a coin flip with lots of the V's range: all pocket pairs under QQ/Ax/10 J/J Q
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-13-2014 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by RickAversion
What's so bad about the $20 call? Hero has a premium hand.
No he doesn't. Not even close.

Originally Posted by RickAversion
He has a coin flip with lots of the V's range: all pocket pairs under QQ/Ax/10 J/J Q
The problem is that our hand has massive RIO. When a K or Q flops, we don't know whether we're ahead or not, and we make way more mistakes than any remotely competent opponent will. And he has TJ/JQ/KJ/KT-ish hands here basically never.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-14-2014 , 12:12 AM

Raise pf. As played, fold to the pf raise.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-14-2014 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by RickAversion
What's so bad about the $20 call? Hero has a premium hand.
He has a coin flip with lots of the V's range: all pocket pairs under QQ/Ax/10 J/J Q
One major problem is hero doesn't have a premium hand. It's a marginal hand at best. Notice that you didn't mention hero dominating anything in villains range.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-15-2014 , 01:16 PM
So, hero has KQo and the board shows K and Q, and you're saying he doesn't have a premium hand?

PreFlop, there are very few hands that dominate KQo.
Basically, AA, AK, KK. The rest are coin flips.
I'd call that a damn strong PF hand.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-15-2014 , 01:24 PM
Don't forget AQ and QQ
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-15-2014 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Giznad16
What would you guys have done?
I would've read the stickies before starting a thread. There, I would've learned to include vital information that would paint a much more detailed picture of the hand, including details like
* Stakes? (I guess 1/2)
* How many limps before you, so we have an idead of pot size?
* What reads do we have on Villain? (LAG, TAG, weak-tight, calling station, etc)

During the hand, I surely would've lost more money, because I definitely wouln't limp, might've raised flop, and certainly would've bet closer to pot otr with my 2 pair. Of course, I would've won more too if my 2pr was good.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-15-2014 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by RickAversion
So, hero has KQo and the board shows K and Q, and you're saying he doesn't have a premium hand?

PreFlop, there are very few hands that dominate KQo.
Basically, AA, AK, KK. The rest are coin flips.
I'd call that a damn strong PF hand.
If hero has 27o and the flop is 222, are you saying hero doesn't have a premium hand?

Do you see why your argument is not that strong?

Villain is raising very few hands that hero dominates (namely, none), so why should we want to play this hand for 10bb preflop without initiative?
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-15-2014 , 01:54 PM
Basically, the problem with this hand is that you played it too passively. Like everyone says, raise KQ on the button. Once you limp, fold to the raise. KQ is an easily dominated hand. I would probably even fold on the flop.

It's ok to bet/fold on the river since you hit 2-pair, but you never should have gotten there.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-15-2014 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by RickAversion
So, hero has KQo and the board shows K and Q, and you're saying he doesn't have a premium hand?

PreFlop, there are very few hands that dominate KQo.
Basically, AA, AK, KK. The rest are coin flips.
I'd call that a damn strong PF hand.

If you make a habit of calling 3 bets IP with KQ, it will be a constant drain on your roll.

You miss the flop 2/3 the time. He wins with initiative unless you know his postflop tendencies well and can play creatively as well. You will need a nice stack depth to do that though.

When you hit and he has you dominated, you will more than likely lose quite a bit before figuring that out.

If you hit and he has unders, you win very very little.

How will that paper out if you play it 100 times?
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-15-2014 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by RickAversion
So, hero has KQo and the board shows K and Q, and you're saying he doesn't have a premium hand?

PreFlop, there are very few hands that dominate KQo.
Basically, AA, AK, KK. The rest are coin flips.
I'd call that a damn strong PF hand.
That's results oriented thinking. We don't know what is going to come on the flop. If we knew a king and queen would always should up on the flop, then you would have a point, but we both know that rarely happens.

KQ is also an underdog to every ace, including hands like A6o and A3o. Against most aces its around 38-40 percent to win. If villain raises with AJ or AT then he is going to be ahead with something better than a coin flip.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-16-2014 , 09:42 AM
OK, so the big issue here is not the KQ cards themselves, but that the Villain raised 10BB pre flop indicating serious strength ?

If no one bet, and it limped all the way to Hero, then KQo is fine to either limp or raise with pre-flop, correct?

In fact, you're saying that Hero shold not have called, but should have 3-bet that 10bb raise? This doesn't make sense, b/c you're saying KQo is dominated all day long by anyone raising 10bb. So, what good does 3-betting to 40bb (or about $80) do the Hero. No chance in hell Villain folds pre-flop, so there's zero fold equity to someone who just raised 10bb. So, by 3-betting, Hero just loses a lot more than if he just called the 10bb raise.
KQ vs AQ Quote
07-16-2014 , 09:49 AM
Let's start with how to post on 2+2.

When posting a hand, you shouldn't reveal the cards of your opponents. Otherwise, we might be influenced by the results.

Limping the button is really terrible. I've never limped the button with a hand like KQ in my entire life.
KQ vs AQ Quote
