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KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3

04-04-2019 , 01:20 AM
Hero ($320) sat down about 30 mins ago. Got several premium hands in a row PF and have been betting consistently. No showdowns though so possible my image is a little loose.

Villain is Asian girl in her 20s. Has me covered and looks like she's playing seriously, probably good. Seems tight and is asking to see people's hole cards at river showdowns, even if they muck. Couple small stacks involved who are playing loose, gambling. OTTH

Folded to Hero in MP1 with KcKh. Raise to $15. 2 small stacks with about $70 each both call. I bet smallish hoping one would shove but no luck.

Villain on BTN raises to $50. Folded to Hero who reraises to $100. The two small stacks call to go all-in.

Villain seems very strong and not worried at all. Gives a 10 second stare at my chips, felt like a hungry look. Then pushes me all-in. Total pot is $560, call would be $220.

I'm guessing always fold QQ and worse but could you find a fold for KK as well?
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 07:43 AM
What blinds level is this game? Not that I'm really considering folding at any level, given effective stacks and that we've put in 1/3 of our stack already, but at 2/5 this is a super snap, and at 1/3 it's still a no-brainer. At 1/2, we can start to consider folding KK 150BBs deep, but I don't think this is the situation for it.

Sure, this is AA more often than not, but given reads her range is actually wider than average for a 5-bet shove (which is almost exclusively KK+ in LLSNL). She likely has a few combos of AKs and QQ in her range. I give her one combo of AKs (as you block two and I think she only takes this line half the time, so I threw out the other one) and three of QQ.

The math gets a bit weird with the protected pot, but your equity in the side will only be better than your equity in the main with the 2 shorties, who I gave pretty wide ranges (A7s+, A9o+, any two broadway, and PPs 22-TT) having a chance to bink it.

In the main pot, you have about 30.75% equity. The main pot is about $280, and you've already paid your share of it. Your EV in the main, therefore, is +$86.10.

In the side, you have 41.6% equity. The side will be $500 if you call, so your $220 represents. 44% of the side. You're overpaying for this part of the pot (EV=-$12), but you can only realize your equity in the main if you pay this, so overall it is still +EV to call by $74.

Even if we drop this to just one combo of QQ in her range, it's still a call. Now you only have about 25.4% equity in the main (EV=+$71.12) and 32.14% in the side (EV=-$59.30), but that still means you come out $11.82 ahead, on average, by calling here.
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 07:46 AM
Snap call. Not deep enough to fold KK you're only 100bb eff, plus some dead money from shorties can give you better odds if she has AA/also block her outs
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 07:55 AM
Ahh, I missed the 1/3 in the end of the title. Yeah, it's a no-brainer 100BBs deep.
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 09:23 AM
I hate that "show me ur hole cards" bs it's so bad for the game.
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 09:45 AM
Call. If you're beat reload.
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 10:22 AM
Grunch - 110 bb, young asian V, you’ve been aggressive, already dead getting close to 3:1, I think this never foldable. OMC V could be a fold, young Asian female, really probably snapping even knowing A’s are possible.
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 10:28 AM
I would call out of tilt equity alone
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 11:21 AM
Kinda weird spot. With us raising a lot and decent dead money in the pot and her on the Button, my guess is she doesn't have a hugely nitty 3bet range here; it can't be too out-of-line with the shortstacks involved but it's not like nit tight at this point. However, we just minraised 4bet, so it's pretty clear we're looking for action and not expecting folds, so this should change her 5bet range to pretty nit tight. Plus we block AK combos. And it's a 5bet in LLSNL pokr. Kinda gross spot with all the dead money. I've only folded KK preflop twice. For these stacks + dead money, I don't think I could make this my third time.

KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 11:44 AM
You can't fold KK for 100bbs unless its an OMC. Or a passive fish you've seen just flat call with QQ before.

There are several players in my room that are younger and still only 3! AA preflop. They flat everything else. I will snap fold kings to these players but that information I aquired through playing with them for many hours.

Here with an unknown i'm never folding.

Thats why playing at the same few casinos is important. Once you know the regular playstyles you can max exploit them, folding KK is exploiting someone if they only raise with aces.

Overfold to loose passives if aggressive, overcall against agressives and thin value betting loose passives.
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 02:29 PM
Thanks everyone! Yeah guess it's one of the situations where I'm more often beat than not, but between the size of the money and my equity it's still a call.
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 03:00 PM
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 06:10 PM
If you are the effective stack at $320, then when he goes all-in, it's $220 to win $780 (28.2%).

If you knew he had exactly AA then you shouldn't call because you would only be about 18-20% to win.

However, if his range is QQ+ and A/Ksuited then your equity is more like 50%.

If his range only has AA, KK, and AKs, it's more like 30%.

So, essentially, if you think he would ONLY do this with AA then it's a fold, but if he has AKs and/or QQ in his range then it's a call. Therefore, I think in most cases it's a call because it's really tough to say someone would only do this with AA. Either way, there will definitely be variance here.
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-04-2019 , 07:37 PM
I desperately dislike the min 4bet in this spot. Villain can't expect to have too much FE vs an UTG open with the 2 shorties in the middle, so she clearly has something. So get more money in. We never have AK or QQ for this sizing anymore also. I'm shoving 100% of the time vs a BTN squeeze in this spot.

AP, the same logic for wanting me to shove, makes me want to fold vs the 5bet also . She is getting great odds to complete in position in a somewhat protected pot vs our stupidly strong range, and still she want's to get more money in. I'd be surprised to see anything other than AA here.

Maybe I'm starting to become a nit at my old age, but I think we should fold.

Irl i'm obviously calling this off
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
04-05-2019 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Jasaka
If you are the effective stack at $320, then when he goes all-in, it's $220 to win $780 (28.2%).

If you knew he had exactly AA then you shouldn't call because you would only be about 18-20% to win.

However, if his range is QQ+ and A/Ksuited then your equity is more like 50%.

If his range only has AA, KK, and AKs, it's more like 30%.

So, essentially, if you think he would ONLY do this with AA then it's a fold, but if he has AKs and/or QQ in his range then it's a call. Therefore, I think in most cases it's a call because it's really tough to say someone would only do this with AA. Either way, there will definitely be variance here.
This is incorrect, as you are forgetting the two players who are already all-in.
KK versus 4-bet all-in from big stack. Even facing tons of strength, can you ever fold? 1/3 Quote
