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KK slowplayed pre KK slowplayed pre

01-21-2019 , 02:58 AM
Hi all,

1/3. Hero $160, V same. V is middle aged white guy, hasn't raised a hand since he sat down 40 minutes ago. He iso raises to $12 from MP1. I have red KK in MP2. I flat, the lone limper calls.

Flop ($29): 10-9-4dd. Pfr cbets $20. I raise to $65. Limper folds, pfr calls.

Turn ($159): 4s. He donks $25. I ship my last $80.

Played OK?

KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 03:14 AM
It’s fine, you only have like 50 BB. Normally I’d raise bigger OTF, but given the 1/2 pot bet you set up OTT I think 65 is good.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 03:33 AM
Yup, never folding here.

Although I'd still opt for a 3! as a standard. Make it like $30 and depending how many people call pre, you may comfortably shove most flops.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 04:00 AM
Looks fine given stack sizes but I like flatting better when you’re in LP and there’s less chance of going multi-way. EP and MP I think 3-betting is way better to fold out random junk/set-miners behind you.

On that flop/brick turn it can never be that bad to get it all in. Way ahead of QQ/JJ and he could get married to AT or something like that, just a cooler spot if he shows up with AA.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 04:14 AM
I 3! pre all day long here, don't like flatting premiums except in unusual circumstances. I think we lose fat value by failing to bloat pots as a huge favourite. Post looks fine.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 04:48 AM
Should have made this a pahwm
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 06:24 AM
Raise preflop. With a shorter stack, you don't necessarily benefit from the deception here. Also villain made a minimal raise so you arent even really trapping him, you are rewarding him by letting him see a flop for the price he wanted.

As played, your line postflop is fine.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Hi all,

1/3. Hero $160, V same. V is middle aged white guy, hasn't raised a hand since he sat down 40 minutes ago. He iso raises to $12 from MP1. I have red KK in MP2. I flat, the lone limper calls.

Flop ($29): 10-9-4dd. Pfr cbets $20. I raise to $65. Limper folds, pfr calls.

Turn ($159): 4s. He donks $25. I ship my last $80.

Played OK?

every HH you post seems to have the common theme
you are playing short stacked

do you not have the roll to chip up ?

short stack poker is very different style yet you try to play like you have a full stack
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 01:37 PM
For me preflop comes down to how often he's going to fold to a 3bet and how loose the rest of the table is. 40 minutes is only 2 orbits so he could easily be card dead and not necessarily raising a monster (the more monsters he has here the more we 3bet). If table is kinda tightish and a flat will often go HU/3ways, then I can't hate too much; if it's like always going to go 5+ ways with no 3bet I think we're more forced to 3bet. My guess is most will flame away on the flat but I think it's reasonable in certain spots.

We've went to an SPR ~5 flop on a drawy board with a disguised hand, meanwhile getting in a decent ~8% of our stack preflop. We should feel happily committed on this flop. I would probably just jam the flop with these smallish stacks behind.

Turn is standard.

KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
For me preflop comes down to how often he's going to fold to a 3bet and how loose the rest of the table is. 40 minutes is only 2 orbits so he could easily be card dead and not necessarily raising a monster (the more monsters he has here the more we 3bet). If table is kinda tightish and a flat will often go HU/3ways, then I can't hate too much; if it's like always going to go 5+ ways with no 3bet I think we're more forced to 3bet. My guess is most will flame away on the flat but I think it's reasonable in certain spots.

We've went to an SPR ~5 flop on a drawy board with a disguised hand, meanwhile getting in a decent ~8% of our stack preflop. We should feel happily committed on this flop. I would probably just jam the flop with these smallish stacks behind.

Turn is standard.

This table was super tight. No one (especially the players to my immediate left) was calling raises.

Results: V tank called, had AA! Of course.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by snowman
every HH you post seems to have the common theme
you are playing short stacked

do you not have the roll to chip up ?

short stack poker is very different style yet you try to play like you have a full stack
I buy in for $150 up to twice per session with a $5k roll. This limits my ROR and still gives me enough flexibility to setmine and 3!/ship most flops with my premiums. It's working out so far. (I used to buy in for $100 - I find $150 easier/more fun to play.)

I still get some practice playing deeper when I chip up (depending on how long I stay at the table, of course).
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 03:20 PM
Honestly I find it worth it to just buy in full if you are recreational and have a job. I also have a 5k roll and play 1/3 and I just top up to $300 all the time. Its pretty unlikely to go on a 5k downswing if you are a winning player at 1/3. If it does happen probably a good time to look at your game and see if you are a winning player and also you can replenish from your life roll.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by megamen70
Honestly I find it worth it to just buy in full if you are recreational and have a job. I also have a 5k roll and play 1/3 and I just top up to $300 all the time. Its pretty unlikely to go on a 5k downswing if you are a winning player at 1/3. If it does happen probably a good time to look at your game and see if you are a winning player and also you can replenish from your life roll.
I play much, much more than your average rec, but I wouldn't call myself a pro since I have a day job. I'd say I'm more like a "rec-pro," if that makes sense?

Current winrate is around 4 bb/hr over 800 hours.

I mainly just don't want to get coolered when I'm sitting on $300.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 03:34 PM
I mean...don’t limp KK.

Raise KK. Open raise KK. Open. With. Kings.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Hal N.
I mean...don’t limp KK.

Raise KK. Open raise KK. Open. With. Kings.
Who limped Kings in this hand? I think you mean 3!? Anyway if not, read the post before commenting.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Who limped Kings in this hand? I think you mean 3!? Anyway if not, read the post before commenting.
You’re absolutely bad, I misread.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 03:42 PM
If you aren’t comfortable playing $300 deep then that’s fine but understand it’s just another leak that you have to work on.

I 3 bet pre unless I have a reason to think he over folds to 3 bets.

Post-flop is well played.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
01-21-2019 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
I play much, much more than your average rec, but I wouldn't call myself a pro since I have a day job. I'd say I'm more like a "rec-pro," if that makes sense?

Current winrate is around 4 bb/hr over 800 hours.

I mainly just don't want to get coolered when I'm sitting on $300.
Yes you can get coolered but what about the times you cap your ability to win and cooler other people for 300$.

If you are a winning player you should cooler other people more than they cooler you in terms of being able to get away from hands others would call off and also stack someone when a worse player would get less.

I think it would probably improve your winrate as well but to each his own.
KK slowplayed pre Quote
