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KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5

01-29-2018 , 12:50 AM
2-5 effective 500. 7 handed.
Hero UTG with LAG image KKhd raise to 20. BUT tricky reg calls. (Villain plays tricky- he plays some hands backwards, and bets big with the nuts)
Heads up
(47) Flop J67hhh
Hero bets 20, BUT raise to 40. Calls.
(127) Turn 8c
Check check
(127) Riv 6x.
Hero bets 60, BUT raise to 160. Hero?
We’re getting 100:347, but this hand is played so weird it’s hard to put villain on a range.
Would you call?
Also we could bet 90 on the riv might avoid this... or make an easier fold at least. Repop the Flop?
Any thoughts appreciated

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KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 01:27 AM
I think I make the crying call. You are getting good odds and I think this smells like a busted draw turned into a bluff. It sucks you have the Kh but again I think this is Ah X enough times to make it worth the call
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 01:30 AM
You can definitely make it more on the flop. The way this hand played out it looks like the min raise was to get a free river. If he min bumped with a flush he probably continues betting turn.

As you can see we get into a lot of trouble betting the river and we're only getting value from top pair. Once we get raised his range looks super strong. I'm folding the river.
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 01:56 AM
We've shown no particular strength throughout the hand. We raised pre in EP as a LAG. That's not necessarily all that strong. We bet the flop less than half pot on a really wet board. If we really had a hand, why would we give such great odds? Maybe we were inducing, but then we just called the raise and checked the turn. We bet the river for less than half pot when V checked the turn back.

We're a LAG and V is tricky. I think his range for such a small raise OTR is highly polarized. Either he's got a monster and is hoping for a crying call from our weak hand or he's got nothing and is going for a cheap bluff. Why'd he check back the turn with a monster? We called the flop raise, so we have some interest in the hand.

Getting more than 3:1 on a call, I'm not folding against this V. If he were OMC, sure, snap it into the muck, but not against a tricky player when we've played a decent hand so weak.

Pre seems fine, though I'd raise more if it still got callers.

I'm cbetting this flop 35. I think when V raises, flatting and planning to x/c turn and x/c river is good. I wouldn't lead the river. What's the point? V is more likely to bluff his whiffs if we check and we don't really want to figure out what to do if he raises. It might be interesting to bet something like 90 to avoid a bluff, but I don't think we're really all that afraid of his betting the river when we check, and we're not going to be completely confident we're making a good fold if he does raise our river lead. And if he'll bet the same 90 we would, we don't gain much.
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Case2
Why'd he check back the turn with a monster?
He might not have a mOnster on the turn. His sets and 2pairs check back a lot of the time. He bets all of the flushes after min raising flop imo. Just doesn't seem like a line he takes with the A
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 02:21 AM
Check river
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 03:19 AM
X flop
Call river and lose to 77
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 05:40 AM
Cbet is on the small side.

Originally Posted by TrubyKGB
He might not have a mOnster on the turn. His sets and 2pairs check back a lot of the time. He bets all of the flushes after min raising flop imo. Just doesn't seem like a line he takes with the A
He'd be crazy to check a set or two pair back on the turn. Are we supposed to have a flush that bet $20 OTF, flatted a minraise and checked the turn?

This is one of those hands where villain's line makes no sense and it's impossible to put him on anything. River raise bluffs after checking the turn are really uncommon, so I think it's most likely he has a 6, but given the pot odds, the strength of our hand and how passively we've played this, he's going to have to show it to me.

Side note, you can't let him get away with this minraise nonsense, but nothing can be done this hand. Need to work some bluffs in against it.
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 10:42 AM
I'd check flop a good amount here, and am inclined to do it against a tricky reg. Definitely not betting 40% pot on this board.

I'd just call river. He reps like ... 76 and Ah6x, and he's giving us a really good price. It kinda just looks like your weird line made him put you on a marginal hand that he expects you to fold.
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Cbet is on the small side.

He'd be crazy to check a set or two pair back on the turn. Are we supposed to have a flush that bet $20 OTF, flatted a minraise and checked the turn? .
Yea checking a set here isnt likely but all of his 2pair checks. If he min raised us with a flush otf he is betting turn almost all of the time so I like ruling those out. So by the river hes bluffing with the A or just has a made non flush hand.

And the river donk just puts is in such a bad spot. If we play this passive throughout then river is a snap c/c.
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 02:55 PM
fold. he raised the flop and now is raising the river for a size he expects you to call
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by TenHighCallDown
I'd check flop a good amount here, and am inclined to do it against a tricky reg. Definitely not betting 40% pot on this board.

I'd just call river. He reps like ... 76 and Ah6x, and he's giving us a really good price. It kinda just looks like your weird line made him put you on a marginal hand that he expects you to fold.
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
01-29-2018 , 09:28 PM
I think button has exactly 67, and I’ll call his river raise to see it. You just don’t have a ton of better hands to call in this spot, and checking both turn and river because we got min-raised on the flop feels a little weak to me.

That being said, I think I would prefer to check flop usually.
KK overpair get raised on the river 2-5 Quote
