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04-15-2014 , 10:07 AM
2/5 FR Hero (900, FOS aggro donk image) raises to $20 over 2 LP limpers with KK. Only one V in LP calls. V stack is ~ 1800 and so far shown tendencies to limp call and take passive lines letting aggro players bet into him. Seems to be protective of his stack.

Flop ($52). KJ8

V checks. Hero checks.

Turn ($52). 6

V checks. Hero bets $45. V calls.

River ($142). 5

V checks. Hero bets $65.
V pauses and raises to $200.


Appreciate comments on all streets.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 10:28 AM
You've got the dream image and board for your hand. Missing out on value if you dont bet more pf, and bet the flop.

Preflop: 25 or 30 pf. I dont know what your standard raise is but it just looks so squeez-y when you raise otb that you def can get called lighter.

Flop: im guessing at this point youve got a 80% + cbet frequency since you are labeled as aggro fos. Especially when your V is someone who waits for other people to bet into him, you need to bet that flop. He will call with probably any pair, any draws at that point.

It's important to remember that when you are playing lag, bet your big hands like when you are hammering with air - that's when you realize the value on your image.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 10:34 AM
With a couple limps in front, I think $20 is small for a raise. Make it $30-35
I like a cbet on this board only to keep our "FOS donk image" going.
Turn is fine, although betting on flop would've made for a bigger bet on turn.
River... Why such a small bet into $145? Make it closer to the pot.

Just call
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 10:38 AM
Why give him a free card on the flop when there are straight and flush draws out there?
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 10:38 AM
You need to cbet that flop with your image. AP does he raise the river with sets and 2pr? If not it's probably a fold. Passive trappy guys aren't getting too out of line here.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 10:42 AM
I think checking back the flop against a passive V is a mistake, there are so many hands we can extract value from. Hearts, a jack, a king, some sort of QT/9T draw.

AP, You could argue that getting 2-1 with our image and an underepped hand its a call. But I don't think this guy is EVER check-raise bluffing here.

Ditch the hand.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 11:01 AM
Bet Bigger Pre, Bet Flop, Bet Turn bigger.

As played call the river bet and curse yourself for missing value if you win because I almost want to raise here.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 11:10 AM
Why didn't you bet the flop?

KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 11:55 AM
Raise PF is small, but I don't hate it. There are bigger problems here, such as...
BET THE FLOP. What are you doing? More than half the deck potentially gives V a nut-ish hand given his range.
Turn is ok as played.
River bet is too small and I snap the river c/r. People don't c/r bluff the river, but your hand is very disguised and I think he can be c/r worse plenty. If he backdoored you, so be it, don't play so bad in the future.

Last edited by hfrog355; 04-15-2014 at 11:55 AM. Reason: Tough love.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 12:05 PM
I always cringe when guys who have built an aggro maniac image decide to get cute when they finally make a monster. I'm shovelling money in this pot at every chance. Raise more pre over the two limpers, like $40. Flop bet is a 100% must - there's so much we're getting value from with our image. If our villain is paying attention then we're actually giving away the strength of our hand when we check back flop after trying to run everyone over in every other pot.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by pgcounty
Why didn't you bet the flop?


Pretty much this.

Flop is the one street that stood out for me: its almost criminal from my perspective to check back this flop with your image. Its so wet and smashes all kind of callingranges.

So much good can happen for your hand OP if you just C-bet this board as you probably would do with big parts of your opening range. Couple of quick examples and food for thought:

1) Your getting value from countless of worse hands like top pairs or two pairs combos/combodraws, flushdraws and starting to build a pot- wich is setting you up for biggger barrells on streets to come.

2) Your opening up the betting by C-betting when checked to: giving villain a chance to spazzraise your flopbet with anything from draws, air bluffs, two pairs and worse sets.

3)If he does checked to you with a monster like flopped two pair or smaller sets, you can loose huge huge amount of value if a scare card falls on the turn/river, wich can slow villain down, and you will loose the opportunity to get his whole stack. If you C-bet the flop your raising your chances of getting max value out of your monsterhand.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 12:22 PM
Yeah, on second thought if you have a drunk/aggro image, $20 PF is pretty bad. Much better to make it look like you're trying to "bully" them around.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 12:47 PM
It's pretty hard to get stacks in against a passive villain by checking the flop, which is what we should be looking to do when we flop huge (barring a **** runout). So, we should always be betting this flop hard, especially given our image.

Turn is obviously fine, however if we had bet the flop we would be betting $125 here.

River is an easy b/f against a passive villain, however I would bet closer to 3/4 pot to get the most value.

AP, just fold. I have a really hard time seeing a passive villain turning 2p into a bluff, which is really the only hand he can have which we beat (sets are raising the turn/he doesn't peel the river w/55).
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by SillyRabbit
Bet Bigger Pre, Bet Flop, Bet Turn bigger.

As played call the river bet and curse yourself for missing value if you win because I almost want to raise here.

if you feel like you have the deck crushed just bet 40% pot to induce a raise or a thin call or flat

also raise to 30 pre after 2 limpers

as played smooth call the raise and expect to see a flush about half the time
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 03:00 PM
Why are you not shoveling money into this pot from the outset? More pre, bet flop, bet turn. Pot, Pot, Pot. If V really has anything that beats us otr, so be it, but that is sooooo unlikely to happen if you bet.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 03:58 PM
Pre-flop: Raise more.

$20 is WAY too small over 2 limpers. $25-$30.

Flop: Bet.

Holy **** bro, bet this flop. There are definitely some situations when you would want to check top set. This is not one of them. For example, say you have TT on T62r. There's just not enough value out there (you really can't get 3 streets unless the chips are going in anyway, i.e. a villain has a set), and there's a chance if you check, a turn J, Q, K, A will help you get 2 good streets of value. Not remotely the situation here. You need to bet for huge amounts of value now from draws, pairs, pairs + flush draws, pairs + backdoor straight draws, etc.

Turn: Bet more.

Betting close to pot is good. May as well go $50. Am I nitpicking? I don't think so. Would you please send me $5 in the mail? I didn't think so. It's almost the same thing.

River: Bet more/fold.

Bet more on the river for more value. Doesn't have to be huge. $100. Either way, this is an EASY bet/fold son after you get check/raised big. The 5c completes backdoor flush draws and straight draws. He didn't river a set of 5's. You said villain is passive.. protects his stack.. his range on the river is like [75% clubs, 15% 97, and 10% something else].

I mean, I can see the self-leveling since we bet the river so small. But I would still give up to a river check/raise.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 05:26 PM
just play the hand the opposite of how you did and you should be good to go
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 05:38 PM
Grunch: overall thoughts- the only good reason to have a FOS donk image is to get paid huge on your big hands. You somehow managed to convince yourself hat you'd scare him away by playing aggressively all of a sudden. I don't get it.

Preflop- raise is way too small over 2 limpers. 25-35 is what you should be shooting for.

Flop- not only should you be betting for value, but you need to charge the 99 draws out there. If ever there was a time to bet, this was it.

Turn- you finally got the idea. Probably could have bet more given image.

River- you've obviously let him back into something. I don't know if I can fold but you probably should.

Bet when you have it. Especially when your image is that you don't.
KK OTB Quote
04-15-2014 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Willyoman
Flop: Bet.

Holy **** bro, bet this flop.
Haha, I loved this.
KK OTB Quote
04-16-2014 , 03:21 AM
Thanks all for the comments.

Hero tanks and is seriously contemplating folding but can't let go and calls.
Villain slow rolls A4 and asks "What, no all-in this time?"

Thanks for other street comments too.
KK OTB Quote
