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KK OOP - was there an alternative? KK OOP - was there an alternative?

05-03-2015 , 04:47 AM
NL $2/$3

V1: Unknown, only been at the table for 1 orbit so not much of a read. Limped a couple of hands, but that's about it. $225.

V2: Known villain. Typical loose station Peels wide both pre and post flop. Not really a factor in this hand. Covers.

Hero: Only been at the table for a few orbits. Reg with generally a tight winning image. $300.

Preflop: 6 limps to Hero in the SB with KK. Hero raises to $25. V2 in mp calls. V1 in CO calls.

Flop($85): T82r. Hero bets $50. V2 folds. V1 calls after briefly thinking.

Turn($185): A. Completing rainbow. Hero??

I think this is a pretty standard spot for the most part, but I'm just curious how others would have played it and any thoughts with regards to stack sizes and bet sizing.

KK OOP - was there an alternative? Quote
05-03-2015 , 06:26 AM
Id raise larger with that many limpers. You dont want the first guy calling, then second, then the third... Id make it in the 30-35 range, maybe more, depending on game history (but you dont have much to go off of here). V1 limps in the CO then calls your raise. His range is pretty full of small pairs here with some suited connectors mixed in. Suited Aces make up a small percentage of his range. With your read on V2, knowing he peels wide, Id bet more on the flop. In the 60-65 range should get called very often from this guy. But V2 folds, leaving V1. He should have a lot of small pairs here, and some straight draws. Probably not too many sets of 8's and 10's as hed likely raise pre with these hands, def the 10's. And he shouldnt have many A10's here as he should be raising pre with these late vs a lot of limpers. Leaving the only real A's making it to the turn being A8 and A2. But thats few and more straight draws are calling. So the Ace on the turn only makes a small part of his range. I think we are still beating enough of his range that we should be focused on v-betting and getting his stack. So either push or break his stack into 2 bets, with the majority of it going in on the turn and rest on river if you feel he will not put it all in on the turn.

KK OOP - was there an alternative? Quote
05-03-2015 , 11:45 AM
I go a tidge bigger pre and OTF. You're PF raise is pot-sized, but I'd add another few bucks for being OOP. $30, imo. Obv, that's a tiny quibble.

OTF, their continuing ranges should be pretty bet-size inelastic on this board, so I go for more value. Make it $65-70.

OTT, I can see checking for pot-control, or b/f $100 for value. I'd really want some reads on V, at least demographics, before deciding.
KK OOP - was there an alternative? Quote
05-03-2015 , 12:54 PM
Agree bigger pre and that the calls are inelastic post.

V1 started with only $225 so has $150 left. Not sure about b/f $100.

After the flop action, I think he has:
88, 22, T8s
AT, KTs, QTs, JT, T9, T8s
J9s, 97s

Some of these might be discounted. As always, there's some fudge factor for weird decisions resulting in weird holdings.

After the turn, we're behind 88, 22, T8s, AT
We're ahead of KTs, QTs, JT, T9, J9s, and 97s. We'd like to charge the straight draws. The hands with a pair of tens are going to be afraid of the ace.

With $185 in the pot and only $150 behind, we're pretty much committed without a good read.

We want the tens to call (which argues for a smaller bet) and to charge the straight draws (which needs $85+). I'd probably go $75 on the turn and the rest of the river.
KK OOP - was there an alternative? Quote
05-03-2015 , 04:30 PM
V1 started with only $225 so has $150 left. Not sure about b/f $100.
My bad. For some reason I got the Vs confused and thought Hero's $300 stack was effective.
KK OOP - was there an alternative? Quote
05-04-2015 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
I go a tidge bigger pre and OTF. You're PF raise is pot-sized, but I'd add another few bucks for being OOP. $30, imo. Obv, that's a tiny quibble.

OTF, their continuing ranges should be pretty bet-size inelastic on this board, so I go for more value. Make it $65-70.

OTT, I can see checking for pot-control, or b/f $100 for value. I'd really want some reads on V, at least demographics, before deciding.
Villain is 30s, white, not well dressed - very general initial read is that he is not the sophisticated type.
KK OOP - was there an alternative? Quote
05-04-2015 , 12:55 PM
I might just go an even $30 preflop so I can more comfortably stack off postflop with TP, but $25 is fine too.

I feel committed on the flop. The board ain't that drawy, and hands like J9 would seem a little unlikely. So I'd be cool with 3 small sucky bets (targetting the larger stack), or 2 larger bets (targetting the smaller stack). Whatever, imo.

Kinda bad card on the turn. Not that Villain should have an Ace (other than AT), it's just now less likely he's going to stack off with a worse hand. But I would probably lean towards shoving anyways. I'm still 100% committed, and just in case Villain is on a draw I'd hate to let him draw for free. If I had a history with Villain and he was bluffy, I'd be fine with checking to induce, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

If Villain put in 11% of his stack and outflopped us (or hit a 3 outer on the turn), nice hand sir.

KK OOP - was there an alternative? Quote
05-04-2015 , 01:12 PM
More PF? Giving $23 into $41 seems fine, but you could go with $30 into $48. At some tables they wont/dont look at pot sizes until Turn and River, but you do want to charge a premium PF to those who will have position on you for the rest of the hand.

AP .. V 'only' has $125 left (into $185). Against an unknown I think you can c/c,c/f or shove here based on the live read. V didn't really want to call the Flop so why not try to get a read off our check here OTT? GL
KK OOP - was there an alternative? Quote
