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KK IP vs Donk Bet KK IP vs Donk Bet

09-29-2016 , 01:51 AM
Live 1/2 game. 6 handed.
No info on opponent; session is 5 hands in and he's folded all his hands so far. I am 180ish bb deep and villian is 150bb

Fold, villian raises from HJ to $6, fold, Hero raises to $22 with KhKs. Folds around to HJ, who calls $16.

Pot $47

Flop: Jd9c4h

HJ bets $40. Hero?

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KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
09-29-2016 , 01:58 AM
Standard call. We can easily play for stacks on later streets.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
09-29-2016 , 02:40 AM
What kind of magic bullet answer are you expecting from an Internet forum in a readless spot with an overpair? Maybe you're beat, maybe you're not - but either way you're calling down until showdown.

Last edited by johnnyBuz; 09-29-2016 at 02:45 AM.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
09-29-2016 , 02:57 AM
Best way to extract more potential value is to flat
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
09-29-2016 , 04:31 AM
This is a very classic "i want to see where I'm at" bet. He probably has AJ. Just call so he still doesnt know "where he's at" on the turn and fires again.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
09-29-2016 , 05:33 AM
Flat and evaluate turn.

If you knew V were very tight you'd be thinking you are in trouble here already: nit V can flat AA and most of his flat vs 3bet is pairs and he won't lead flop without a hand. Therefore uber-nit donking range looks like: JJ 99 44 AA QQ AJs for 15 combos that beat you and 9 combos that you're ahead of.

These super nits are rare though so readless I'd assume V's range is more like: QQ AJ KJ and a small amount of QT. I expect most players will slow play their 2pair+ on the flop or at least go for a check/raise. I also assume most players 4bet AA OOP. Therefore you're good to just call this guy down.

I'd only get worried if V continues betting pot on the turn. I'd still have to mostly call him down though. Most players at 1/2 will be happy betting big with TPTK. Their biggest concern is getting outdrawn and they tend to err on the side of betting too big to shut out draws. This stems from them making reads via wishful thinking. Their AJ has value vs draws and weaker JX so they hope that you have one of these and then play to suit the scariest part of that range - your draws. They simply wish that you don't have QQ+ otherwise they wouldn't be able to bet their TPTK and that makes no sense. They have TPTK so they have to bet right?

If you have overpair+ you usually have a profitable call down.

Be careful if an Ace comes. Most 1/2 players play pretty ABC so if they bet with the Ace on board they have at least a pair of aces, if they check they don't have an ace. If turn is an Ace and V checks I put him on QQ/KJ and check behind to let him think we don't have an Ace so he can bet or call a bet on the river. Yes you'll sometimes get caught by a slow played 2pair so don't go calling an enormous river bet after turn Ace goes check check.

Last edited by Ragequit99; 09-29-2016 at 05:39 AM.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-04-2016 , 12:54 AM
Call, if R, you fold worse, get better to continue. Readless, you play for stacks, unless specialty in-hand reads come into play. He will have you some of the time, but can't be helped
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-04-2016 , 01:18 AM
Why not raise more PF?
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-11-2016 , 01:45 AM
lmfao at "maybe I'm beat maybe I'm not"... Hero is never beat at this juncture. Given stack depth, you can call or raise small since AJ is never folding.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-11-2016 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by meale
lmfao at "maybe I'm beat maybe I'm not"... Hero is never beat at this juncture. Given stack depth, you can call or raise small since AJ is never folding.
Hence why I advocated never folding. We can easily get stacks in with a call/call/shove line. There's really no need to raise the flop.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-11-2016 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by meale
lmfao at "maybe I'm beat maybe I'm not"... Hero is never beat at this juncture. Given stack depth, you can call or raise small since AJ is never folding.
huh? did you mean to say that we are never folding for 40 on this flop? because obviously there are many hands that beat us at this point.

but as played, just call. no real draw out there. if he would actually happend to have QT, we block two of his outs. if he has a set, we are crushed, so the value of raising is very slim.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-11-2016 , 08:53 AM
^ There are no hands that beat us on the flop. No sets or two pairs are leading flop this size like ever.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-11-2016 , 10:48 AM
I used to always raise the flop in these spots (since I expect the villain to have QQ, QT, T8, TT, Jx, 9x and 77-88 a lot here), but I'm starting to think that flatting the flop and then raising the turn is a better approach.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-11-2016 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by meale
^ There are no hands that beat us on the flop. No sets or two pairs are leading flop this size like ever.
huh? are you serious? H has all but announced that he has QQ+, why wouldn't V lead out if he has 2 pair +?
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-11-2016 , 10:36 PM
People don't lead QQ+ or 2pair+ on rainbow boards here.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-12-2016 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by meale
People don't lead QQ+ or 2pair+ on rainbow boards here.
You overestimate 1/2 players.

I've had a guy donk shove about $60 into a $30 pot with Q7 on a Q75 rainbow flop (I snapped it off with AQ and lost). People will regularly donk strong hands in live poker, especially when they get paranoid of draws.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-13-2016 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
You overestimate 1/2 players.

I've had a guy donk shove about $60 into a $30 pot with Q7 on a Q75 rainbow flop (I snapped it off with AQ and lost). People will regularly donk strong hands in live poker, especially when they get paranoid of draws.
Seems a little different in this example where v has $60 behind and in OP ef stacks is 150bb.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-13-2016 , 01:44 AM
A good V will lead out rather than c/r a set in this spot. Basically you're never laying down QQ+ to his b/b/b line here (probably even raising the flop) and he's not winning much from your air anyway. However, he risks losing you if he check/raises at any point in the hand.

However, majority of the population would never lead with 2p+ here and rather wait for you to cbet hu, so it's safe to assume this is Jx type hands almost always. Another possibility is the slowplay KK/AA, but doubtful.

Call/call/call and pay him off.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-13-2016 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by meale
Seems a little different in this example where v has $60 behind and in OP ef stacks is 150bb.

He is right. Some people definitely donk strong range as well.

Saying never is too extreme.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
10-13-2016 , 10:42 AM
Do whatever is required to make sure that 1 bet goes in on every street.

If he checks, bet, and if he bets call.
Print money.
KK IP vs Donk Bet Quote
