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KK: Facing tough decision on river KK: Facing tough decision on river

12-30-2014 , 03:45 PM
This was a tough hand over the weekend.

MD Live 1/2

Prehand Descriptions

Only one villain really mattered in this hand.

Villain 1: I have been playing with said villain for 10 hours. Both him and I respect each others games and have been battling it out. Well dressed Middle aged white guy maybe 40 years old?. TAG, plays around 20% of his hands.

He is an excellent player and was running very well.

Against him and two other good players, I started 3 betting light with a wider range. I cannot define his 4 bet range. He only 4 bet twice against me and I folded both times. He did not show. Both 4 bets were in the same hour, about 15 minutes before this hand.

Hero: Early 20s Asian, well dressed, been playing very TAG, very good image and running very well. Only real particular hand of note is when he over shoved on the river on a 4 flush, I had a 7 high flush and folded. He showed two pair.

His UTG raise range though is generally going to be tighter. But he has shown the ability to play outside his ranges from time to time. I thought his UTG open raising range would be 99+, J10s+, AJo+

$1/2 NL (10 handed)
Villain UTG (covers)
Hero - UTG +2 ($1100)

Hero is dealt Kd Kc

UTG Villain opens to $15.

This raise was a little odd as he usually raises 10-12, but I did not think much of this.
UTG +1 Calls, Hero tanks for 10 seconds 3 bets to $50. Folds around to Villain. He tanks for about 30 seconds. He 4-bets to $135. UTG+1 quickly folds. Hero calls.

I decided to call here because if I saw an A on the flop I would fold.

Flop ($280) Ks 8s 7s
Villain tanks for a bit, and bets out $200.
Hero debates raising vs calling but I was thinking he would only lead out on this kind of hand with only As. I put him on AA, AQs, QQs, AsKh.

I decided to call. I thought he was only going to chase the flush and I was planning to call him down. I think this may have been my mistake.

Turn (~$680) As

V checks and Hero checks back.(I did not think that I should have bet here at all given the wetness of the board, at this point I was hoping just for a showdown or maybe catch a pair to fill up.)

River (~$680) Ac

V checks, Hero gladly bets $200, Villain checks raises all in.

Hero has about 600$ behind.


Last edited by iraisetoomuch; 12-30-2014 at 04:13 PM. Reason: removed the results
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
12-30-2014 , 03:50 PM
Raise flop idk why I wanna give free equity to people rest of hand is w/e
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
12-30-2014 , 04:10 PM
We're beaten by exactly one combo. How is this not a snap call, particularly when you said Villain has been 4betting you more than once? His range is certainly wider than the one combo of AA.
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
12-30-2014 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by SwolyswoND
We're beaten by exactly one combo. How is this not a snap call, particularly when you said Villain has been 4betting you more than once? His range is certainly wider than the one combo of AA.
Why isn't AK in his range, or AK for that matter? It seems he will have that quite a bit here.
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
12-30-2014 , 04:33 PM
I'm raising the flop.

I'm betting the turn.

As played, I call. He could have AA or AK, but those are coolers.
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
12-30-2014 , 04:34 PM
Raise flop to stack AA/AK/XXss with ease before the board gets scarier or we get out drawn.

Turn check is meh, but probably fine. His range is likely mostly AA/AK, a few flushes and then weaker stuff that won't call a bet anyway. He has very few flushes in his range now that he As is out. That removes all AsXs combos that he might have been 4betting with.

River is a pretty easy snap call imo. Obviously if we lose to AA/AK it's just a cooler. He only needs 2 combos of pretty much anything else for this to be a profitable call.
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
12-30-2014 , 04:54 PM
Well this is his 3rd 4 bet? He could be 4betting hands like Ax because it's not a bad play when yo are deep.

I'm defiantly raising this flop. NO way am I just calling here and it's almost borderline bad to just call here. Not only are you losing tons of value vs worse hands but you are letting them draw for cheap and he almost never has a flush here.

As played you said he has gotten out of line before so you can call here. It's just rare to see someone check shove as a bluff and I would expect you lose this a lot. Too bad you weren't playing at horse shoe - you would of hit the mini bad beat lol.
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
12-30-2014 , 05:33 PM
Why are we 'gladly' betting out here on River? Who do you really expect to 'just call' that you beat? QsXx/AQs/88/77? That you would expect to see from a 4-bettor?

If you choose not to raise on this Flop, then you shouldn't be betting here on the River IMO purely because of the range that led you to flat the Flop ... you are beat!! The stack sizes here would keep me from betting out here as well. If we were both quite a bit shorter then gii and live with it, but you are basically putting 380bb out there when you open the betting on the River. And you should've decided what to do before he did it.

The crack in the armor here is the Turn checks perhaps. Can he put you on lessor 'value' hands like QsXx when you bet out here on the River? And allow him to raise with 77/88?

Even though you are deep stacked and good, long session players today ... it's still 1-2 and a move like this isn't really going to be weak very often.

For me ... it all goes back to who do you expect to 'just call' you on the River that would've 4-bet PF? ... and has a hand you beat here at showdown.

77/88 have to know you could have AK here ... did he panic after missing his Turn bet and shove? I don't like to bet when it's either going to be folded to or raise/shoved into unless I already know how I'm going to handle it. And with stacks this deep I'm not ready to risk that move based on my Flop read. GL
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
12-30-2014 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by andorrak
Flop ($280) Ks 8s 7s
Villain tanks for a bit, and bets out $200.
Hero debates raising vs calling but I was thinking he would only lead out on this kind of hand with only As. I put him on AA, AQs, QQs, AsKh.


V checks, Hero gladly bets $200, Villain checks raises all in.
Unless he's 4-betting AQo you're not ahead on the river when you gladly bet. Betting doesn't seem super profitable.

If he does 4-bet AQo, and he check-raises it a very high percentage of the time on the river, then bet/call the river.

Board: Ks 8s 7s As Ac

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 50.000% 50.00% 00.00% 3 0.00 { AA, QcQs, QdQs, QhQs, AKs, AKo }
Hand 1: 50.000% 50.00% 00.00% 3 0.00 { KcKd }

p.s. I may have misunderstood what you think his range is, but whatever, these spots are just math problems.

If I correctly understood the range you assigned the Villain I would have checked back the river.
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
12-30-2014 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by andorrak

I decided to call here because if I saw an A on the flop I would fold.
I'm not sure that's the right line to take given your history with this V. You've been 3-betting him light. He's 4-bet you twice in the last hour. I think you have to 5-bet bet pre playing this deep. His 4-betting range has to be wider than just AA. This is just not your typical $1/2 hand. This isn't your typical $1/2 V.

You seemed to have engaged in some kind of leveling war with this guy. Given that you're 3-betting him light, he's not giving you credit for KK when he 4-bets.

If you're planning to give up if an ace flops, than you seem to think AK (or maybe AQs) might be a big part of his range. So, you should be 5-betting pre to get value from AK.

If an ace doesn't flop, it sounds like you're ready to shovel money into the pot against AA anyways on most flops.

5-bet/folding sounds cuckoo for cocoa puffs in a $1/2 game; but given your history with v and the crazy deep stacks, I think this is the way to go. I think you lose less money against AA this way. Plus, you get value from worse (or take down 140 BBs pre variance free).

Also, if he's got QQ/JJ, you're giving him more than 8 to 1 to set mine if you don't 5-bet.

Last edited by jesse123; 12-30-2014 at 06:06 PM.
KK: Facing tough decision on river Quote
