Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I hardly think this is the perfect situation. We're deep and a live player just 4BET COLD. How often does someone 4BET COLD at your live table; do they ever not show up with AA here?
I actually think this is a really sucky spot. I would probably flat preflop and play purely for set value, thinking that if I do hit the K there is a good chance we stack the AA for all his chips.
Or I might just fold preflop cuz I've only got $10 invested and move on to a better spot.
GthinkingtherearebetterspotswithKKthanversusa4bett orpreflopG
Yeah later after the session, this is what I was thinking (except the part about folding to the 4 bet). I mean I didn't really have enough info on V2 to indicate that his 4 bet was anything other than Aces or Kings. Obv i hold 2 kings. Perhaps his range was wider but in hindsight I think I sort of got married to the Kings and allowed wishful thinking to widen his range.
We were about deep enough to go ahead and set mine with Kings. If he has AA and I did spike a K, I am pretty sure he stacks off. If I miss it cost me the $55 call. Also if I flat V1 definitely comes along which of course if I set up is a great spot.
Assuming I flatted the 4 bet and no A or K hits OTF is check folding to say a 3/4 pot bet with KK here a reasonable fold? It always feels gross folding overpairs even when it seems your beat.