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KK 3B flop, rvr raise KK 3B flop, rvr raise

05-14-2014 , 06:45 PM
1-3 NLHE - game is playing rather loose with seat one (Villain) opening a lot of pots but at showdown winning a lot with nuts or second nuts and getting paid off. Hero is playing fairly tight and mixing it up enough to not appear as a total nit.

V stack - $700
Hero Stack - $650
PF - Villain raises from the CO in an unlimped pot to 12 dollars and Hero makes it 40 with KK. The blinds fold and Villain calls

Flop (83): K5T

Villain checks and Hero checks back (insert comments here)

Turn (83): 8

Villain checks and Hero bets 45 and Villain flats

Rvr (173): 2

Villain bets 100

Hero ???
KK 3B flop, rvr raise Quote
05-14-2014 , 06:53 PM
Bet the flop.
KK 3B flop, rvr raise Quote
05-14-2014 , 07:10 PM
Even if he has something to make this bet there is no difference between raising to 250 and jamming. If he is gonna call he will call. I'm value jamming here looks more bluffy and induces a hero call.
KK 3B flop, rvr raise Quote
05-14-2014 , 07:19 PM
Always bet this flop unless you can eliminate almost all draws from villains range. If the only draw in their range to call the reraise is AdQd, and they have a lot of pocket pairs then checking sometimes is OK. When you do check flop, bet more on turn.

As played, what is the question? You have the nuts, no draw got there. Raise what you think you can get paid on. I like $250/$300 here to a call by two pair and if your lucky a reraise by a set. About half the time just shove. Expect a lot of folds, as villain is likely on a single pair or total air.
KK 3B flop, rvr raise Quote
05-14-2014 , 07:34 PM
bet as much as you think he will pay you off.

the faster you raise, the bluffier it looks and the less time he has to think about it.

I would pop it to 350
KK 3B flop, rvr raise Quote
05-14-2014 , 09:20 PM
Why are we checking the flop?

There are draws to get get value from.
Bet the turn stronger.

We are doing everything that we can to NOT get stacks in here.
That seems like a great way to get value..


But really.. play to get money in the pot.
For your own sake.

Raise the river to $350 or shove. 50/50 on which I'd prefer.
We took a really weak line, but if he has two pair, we are getting his stack here 90% of the time I think. I'm just not sure how often V has two pair.
KK 3B flop, rvr raise Quote
05-15-2014 , 12:04 PM
Preflop is not obvious, imo. Have we 3bet before? If not, we have perhaps turned our hand a little face up and also created a very awkward SPR pot of 7.6. Although on the plus side we are in position, so we can pot control postflop so as not to play for stacks (and I don't believe we want to play for stacks having offered villain implied odds of ~24x to stack us). If Villain is extremely loose preflop, I would consider raising to ~$105 or so (which will setup an easy SPR to stack off to postflop while offering Villain poor implied odds). Otherwise, if he's not going to call a huge 3bet, I would just flat, keeping in mind that there is still a very good chance this goes just HU with us in position (and maybe like 3wayish at worse if the BB comes along).

Oh, I see, our plan is to flop the nuts.

The flop check back is horrendous. There are so many hands that a loose player can call a flop bet with (flush draw, straight draw, pair + backdoor draw, etc.). Also, by checking back it will make it impossible to play for stacks by just betting the next two streets (and we want to play for stacks). Finally, there are a bunch of scare cards that could come to slow down the action. With this SPR, we can play for stacks with like 3/4 PSBs on each street, but with this drawy flop and a loose opponent, I would actually bet closer to PSB.

Well, at least we bet the turn. But again, I would bet larger. When exactly were we planning on building a huge pot with our monster hand?

On the river, I would just shove and let's hope he has something that will pay off. Plus we have way way way underrepped our hand so he might call off more lightly.

If you didn't shove the river, I dislike every street, tbh.

KK 3B flop, rvr raise Quote
05-15-2014 , 12:19 PM
title is misleading. In all seriousness, what's the challenge/question? Am I missing something?
KK 3B flop, rvr raise Quote
05-15-2014 , 03:05 PM
i meant 3B pf, in the title, my bad
KK 3B flop, rvr raise Quote
