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KK 1/3 KK 1/3

01-24-2020 , 12:20 AM
Hi all,

Hero should have a good image. Has 4! AA twice and went to showdown both times. This hand opens KsKh $15 in MP1 over EP limp, tighter V 3! $45 BTN - he hasn’t 3! much in 3 hours today - and hero elects to call $350 eff. I don’t think this V gets it in with worse than my hand pre.

Flop ($90): Q-4-6r. X/x.

Turn: 5d. Hero $25, V calls.

River ($140): 4s. Hero $35, V $135. Puke fold? The way this hand played out pre and post this is just QQ a whole lot. I will note that diamonds came ott and bricked.


Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 01-24-2020 at 12:40 AM.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk

This hand opens KsKh $15 over EP limp, tighter V 3! $45 - he hasn’t 3! much in 3 hours today - and hero elects to call $350 eff. I don’t think this V gets it in with worse than my hand pre.
You are 115bb deep and oop. You have 4b with AA twice and got to show it down, and in three hours v has at least 3b a little. Why on earth didn't you 4b?

That last sentence in the quote is just wrong. You don't have to jam and 3 hrs is nothing. Just 4b/gii and print.

The rest is silly. Don't do this to yourself.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 02:06 AM
What do you mean, “The rest is silly.”?
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 02:26 AM
Bet flop and I dont think it’s close. AP I fold vs general population.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 02:57 AM
4b, not close
turn/river sizes are ridiculous
snap ap, guy is repping 2 combos of A4s, which he might not even 3b
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 06:17 AM
4b pre. I kinda understand your sentiment about a tight V who doesn't 3b much not continuing to your 4b with all but the top of very top of his range, but you have KK OOP with just over 100bb. I'm much more likely to mix in some flats when I'm IP, and much more so with AA than KK.

Now that you flatted and don't have the betting lead, you let a great flop for your hand go x/x by playing in flow. I don't mind playing in flow given your PF line, but this goes back to needing to put in the 4b pre.

As played I'd fold river, even getting 3 to 1. This looks like a super standard line much of the 1/3 player pool would take with QQ, IP, in a 3b pot. Just can't see a call being right often enough, as there's pretty much no bluffs V can have aside from a random spazz. I also don't think V ever takes this line with a hand like AQ.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 06:52 AM
I'm fine with flatting pf if your strategy is that you'd flat AA as well. That's my default line.

The big problem with the hand is you bet small on the turn and river. That just looks weak. I'd put you on KQ or QJ. Of course, you aren't much better than that.

It comes down to whether the villain could 3bet KQs or worse pf. If yes, you have the odds to call. If not, then you fold. If he is 3betting about once an hour, you have to consider that KQs could be in his range.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 10:01 AM
I think bet flop is easy and standard, but I don’t hate a check assuming you were going to c/r, which I don’t love but can at least understand, targeting AK, JJ maybe. OTT your sizing is completely ******ed. You seem adverse to putting money into the pot and I don’t understand why? You should be working hard to GII here and you’re pot controlling like you have 3rd pair and a single bullet.

Last couple posts you’re really complicating this game.

AP i’m Calling the extra $100.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
What do you mean, “The rest is silly.”?
If I may... you have 100bb’s & K’s. Just shovel chips in every chance you get. Anything else is FPS and is over thinking it.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by branch0095
4b pre. I kinda understand your sentiment about a tight V who doesn't 3b much not continuing to your 4b with all but the top of very top of his range, but you have KK OOP with just over 100bb. I'm much more likely to mix in some flats when I'm IP, and much more so with AA than KK.

Now that you flatted and don't have the betting lead, you let a great flop for your hand go x/x by playing in flow. I don't mind playing in flow given your PF line, but this goes back to needing to put in the 4b pre.

As played I'd fold river, even getting 3 to 1. This looks like a super standard line much of the 1/3 player pool would take with QQ, IP, in a 3b pot. Just can't see a call being right often enough, as there's pretty much no bluffs V can have aside from a random spazz. I also don't think V ever takes this line with a hand like AQ.


At this point it’s hard to offer advice due to the questionable preflop play. I would lean towards a river fold as well since I expect TT/JJ to just call river and AQ to bet flop. Seems like you are up against a nitty / trappy 1/3 player with QQ or AA 90% of the time here. Fold and realize you probably lost the minimum.

Fwiw I don’t mind the small bet sizes you made because it’s targeting TT/JJ or AK. On the turn you are way ahead/way behind and you don’t need to protect much.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 12:28 PM
I would mostly overlimp to reraise but that's me. I'm assuming other guy doesn't call the 3bet preflop; if he does, then I think we have to 4bet. I'd be cooler with flatting with AA. Someone who "hasn't 3bet much in 3 hours" means he's 3bet some, which is actually a lot for some people. But I also don't hate flatting here and tarping dependent on whether an Ace comes. At this stack depth if he has AA I would mostly plan to lose my stack.

I'm ok with the flop check to continue tarping. Sucks that now QQ has moved ahead.

I'm fine with our small bet on the turn just trying to get action from whiffed Ax / underpairs.

Also cool with our small river bet, although I'd probably just go a smidge bigger so as not to induce a spazz since I'm not really planning on calling a raise. I don't mind puke folding here. All busted diamonds mostly cbet the flop. AA/KK/AQ/etc. typically ain't checking back the flop to throw a river tarp raise, they're pot controlling which they'll mostly follow thru with by just calling the river (unless they think the river bet is so small that they should attempt to go for a little more value). So this is what you think it is a decent amount of the time, imo.

KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
Fwiw I don’t mind the small bet sizes you made because it’s targeting TT/JJ or AK.
This would be my opinion too, so I don't think the bet sizes are nearly as silly as others do. I might go just a *smidge* bigger, but that's nitpicking.

KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
What do you mean, “The rest is silly.”?
I mean you are creating really stupid post flop spots by continually botching the most important yet simplest street to play.

I don't doubt you are a solid, disciplined player with good results, but you have a propensity for raging FPS that keeps getting you into spots where you think you should be making hero folds/calls when really the hand should be over pre or otf.

V has JJ+ AQs+, AK pre. You can either gii vs that range, or drive yourself crazy guessing post flop oop.

Also why invite extra variance when you are in a downswing? Just play ABC and get your mojo back.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 01:27 PM
Yeah, I have no problem leaning to the ABC 4bet preflop, but I don't think flatting is horrendous.

KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 05:25 PM
I had just run my AA into KK for a 250bb pot AIPF and lost, and I was quite sure in this hand he had QQ but called it off anyway. Oh wellz. It's hard to play your best when you're losing heaps! Thanks all.

Yes, the turn and river sizing were small so I didn't keep his range to just hands that beat me. I was going to GII on any flop except this one or ones with an A. Unfortunately my mind was clouded and I didn't sick with my read that Q-high flop was terrible given his 3! range. But I convinced myself he could have weird AQ or bricked AKdd (bdfd missed) and cry called. At least I am still a good hand reader...? :/
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
I had just run my AA into KK for a 250bb pot AIPF and lost, and I was quite sure in this hand he had QQ but called it off anyway. Oh wellz. It's hard to play your best when you're losing heaps! Thanks all.

Yes, the turn and river sizing were small so I didn't keep his range to just hands that beat me. I was going to GII on any flop except this one or ones with an A. Unfortunately my mind was clouded and I didn't sick with my read that Q-high flop was terrible given his 3! range. But I convinced myself he could have weird AQ or bricked AKdd (bdfd missed) and cry called. At least I am still a good hand reader...? :/
I got nothing but love for you, but i think you need a vacation and some sunshine and fresh air. You seem to be grinding in your last several posts. There is more to life than poker. Go run on the beach and you will come back with your A game.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 06:54 PM
Thanks. Will try to get some r&r.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 06:55 PM
Not a bad suggestion really. Dumbo's volume likely dwarfs anyone's here.

KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 08:15 PM
GL DT. Keep posting.
KK 1/3 Quote
01-24-2020 , 08:27 PM
+1, I appreciate your posts.

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KK 1/3 Quote
