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01-14-2015 , 09:55 AM
villain has been pretty loose i had seen him lose about 1000 so far in the space of 1-1.5 hours calling off very light.
I had 2 previous hands with him one where i pushed with J10 on J high flop and he called with the a flush draw he said, misses and i get a double up.
The second was where he called preflop against button raiser flop is 553
checks all round turn is a Q i bet out 2/3 pot with KQ river is a 6
I check he bets out 55 into about 100 pot i call and he tables quads

stacks are about 600

villain in EP makes it 11 to go
hero is in Mp with K(hearts)J(diamonds)calls
I usually let these type of hands go but decided to play this time as i had postion, I knew a few other people will call, I knew the villain was on tilt after just stacking some other guy a few hand earlier

2 other caller
BB calls

pot 56

568 all hearts

villain bets out 25

I raised here as i felt that this was rather weak from him if he had a decent hand that he was happy with he would usually bet pot or overbet it. I thought that if a heart comes there is a decent chance of it being good.I was also just hoping to raise it up as the people behind me where going to fold to villains bet of 25 and take it down.I thought that if i get called i will be shutting down and just let the hand go as more often than not am getting crushed

hero raises to 67
all fold to villain who calls

pot is 190

turn is a 9 hearts
villain looks at me then checks

I elect to check and see what happens on the river as i dont see me getting much value from worst and there might be chance that he has got the Ace of heart.

hero checks

river is a 10 clubs

villain checks again

I felt like a have the best hand but have seen the villain slow play a monster before and get paid off. if he led out on the river depending on the size i might have paid it but the check really threw me off. If he didn't have the Ace i felt like there was a pretty good chance that if he got the Jack or Queen that he will call a decent size value bet.
what would be the best thing to do here?
value bet??? check behind???
KJ Quote
01-14-2015 , 10:06 AM
As played, you can bet/fold the river for like $80-$100. This guy sounds like a slot machine waiting to pay off. You've said he's called the river light in the past and lost a lot of money. So, give him a chance to lose some more money on the river by calling with a worse flush.

I would either 3-bet or fold pre-flop. Isolating against villains like this with position is rarely a bad thing.

I'm not sure why you check'd the turn. Against a guy who is stationing off thousands of dollars, you want to extract value. This isn't the time to be mubsy. Just bet. You absolutely can get value from worse based on your description of V. You don't have to bet the house, just pick an amount you'd think he'd call with a mid-heart.

It's hard to lose $1000 in 1.5 hours playing $1/$2. This guy is special. Value bet Vs like this to death. Forget that he ever had quads. Don't let that hand enter into your mind. He just got lucky on one hand.
KJ Quote
01-14-2015 , 10:31 AM
If your doubting if you can make money in this situation then you should have folded on the flop. Unless he has shown he will fold in this sort of situation, I don't like the flop raise because I don't expect to have much FE against a tilting villain.

With a more normal villain I might check the turn, as I don't expect to get two streets of value from worse hearts on a 4 flush board. This guy appears super stationary though, and I would bet/fold both turn and river. He will have the ace occasionally but he will pay off with any heart for at least one street and likely two with a decent one, given your description he is likely to call one street even without a heart. As played I like $100 on river if he has any fold button at all, if he doesn't then $150. If I was betting turn and river I probably go $75/$80 on turn and $150 on river if he has a fold button and $100 turn, $300 river if he doesn't.
KJ Quote
01-14-2015 , 10:47 AM
Efective stack size?

You butchered this hand. If deep.

Pre is bad. If we are in late position then we can isolate the whale. But in MP it a little risky with K-J. If we over call we are stuck on tough spot if people call or raise behind us. 3betting light here we can isolate. So if I was to play hand I would 3 bet small.

Flop we have King high with 2nd nut draw. With bad position. Vilain bets. We raise having little to zero fold equity vs a tilting players open and c-bet. Three players behind us on mono-flop. We could very likely run into a made hand.

No fold equity+Bad Position=fold

Turn: Now we made our hand vs a Villain who doesn't like to fold. We need to bet.

River:We have 2nd nuts. Against a Vilain who doesn't like to fold and on tilt. We need to bet big!!!!!

Chances he has Ace of hearts is small. Chances he has a heart or other hand he will pay us off with is huge.

If checking even crossed your mind on River, after checking the turn. Then your call pre and raise on flop are super spew!!!!
KJ Quote
01-14-2015 , 11:11 AM
I really thought I had the best hand so I bet 87 he just called showing the Ace I was kinda shocked he just called then told me he was afraid of the 7 for the straight flush!!!
KJ Quote
01-14-2015 , 12:07 PM

Prelop: I think you misplayed this. I understand that we want to play hands with V, but flatting an EP raise with a reverse implied odds hand from MP is not the way to do this. The chances that you are A) dominated by an EP raiser's range or B) about to get 3!'d behind and will need to play the hand out of position make this hand a long term loser in this scenario. Folding is better than Raising which is far better than calling imo. At least if you raise, you take the initiative in the hand and hopefully ISO with V. If he comes back over the top, you can easily dump the hand. That being said, I still think folding is far superior.

Flop: I don't like this raise here. Are we raising for value or to get a better hand to fold? From your description, it doesn't sound like we have very much Fold Equity. If there's very little chance he lays his hand down, we're just bloating the pot. Interestingly, If we held the Ace of hearts I don't think i'd mind a raise as the Ace has some showdown value by itself along with the obvious NFD.

Turn: We need to bet here. We played this hand so we can get villains money in the middle when we're strong since he's a station. Our hand is strong, start shoveling money in.

River: This is an easy bet. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why we are not taking this V on a trip to value town. If he comes back over the top, so be it. I don't think V is check raising anything but the NFD or a ridiculous Straight Flush. Not bombing this river is hemorrhaging value and negates the entire reason you played the hand in the first place.
KJ Quote
01-14-2015 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by winadil
I really thought I had the best hand so I bet 87 he just called showing the Ace I was kinda shocked he just called then told me he was afraid of the 7 for the straight flush!!!
This is exactly why you need to value bet hard against this sort of villain to get paid off. They will never do your work for you because they are never betting anything that isn't the nuts or very close to it. Yes, that means you will value own yourself sometimes when they show up with the nuts, but if they will pay off way wider then your costing yourself money when they don't have the nuts. Against very passive/stationary villains if your not value owning yourself sometimes then your not betting aggressively enough.
KJ Quote
01-14-2015 , 12:30 PM
A one card straight flush on 5689 is just as combinatorically likely as a one card nut flush on any four heart board (well, perhaps slightly less likely as people play Ax hands more frequently than 7x). There's nothing "ridiculous" or especially unusual about it when you're playing against people who know the hand rankings and how to read the board, other than the absolute hand strength being on the high side. In this hand your K high flush is essentially the same as a Q high flush and you should play it as such, which would seem to entail vbetting against this villain.
KJ Quote
01-14-2015 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Brian O'Nolan
A one card straight flush on 5689 is just as combinatorically likely as a one card nut flush on any four heart board (well, perhaps slightly less likely as people play Ax hands more frequently than 7x). There's nothing "ridiculous" or especially unusual about it when you're playing against people who know the hand rankings and how to read the board, other than the absolute hand strength being on the high side. In this hand your K high flush is essentially the same as a Q high flush and you should play it as such, which would seem to entail vbetting against this villain.
While I agree with this, I find it very unlikely that V raises in EP with a hand containing a 7. That's all i meant by the statement. Regardless, we both agree that you have to bet this river.
KJ Quote
