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12-26-2019 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Merry Christmas Everyone! Thank you for the responses so far.

The above discussion on mixing is extremely interesting and insightful, but I won’t share my thoughts so that we can move on.

Hero raises to $23. MAG calls in MP and MAWW calls right after. Both are relatively fit or fold from what I have noticed. MAWW has put significantly more money in than the MAG but usually has a solid piece of the board when doing so. Has about $500. I cover.

Flop: $70. KJ5hh. Checks to me. Sizing?
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-26-2019 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by ionutd
mixing is used when regulating the composition of our ranges vs opponents who use optimal ranges to begin with and as a way to expand board coverage w/o significantly weakening our ranges (again vs competent opponents in tune with correct pre flop play)

it would be irrelevant in this scenario
I personally sometimes use “mix” and “it depends” interchangeably. I do a mix of raise and limp behind (usually raise) here because it depends on the villains. If they are the type to limp pretty tight and mix in a lot of AQ/KQ etc into their limp range I’m not raising. If they limp call T6s then I’m always raising. Mix can also be a reasonable answer because it can depend on game flow and how a particular villain has been playing or perceiving me at this given moment.

As played I would bet around $45-50 on the flop unless they have a lot of aggressive tendencies in which case check back can be good.

Last edited by Badreg2017; 12-26-2019 at 09:21 PM.
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-27-2019 , 12:30 AM
Thank you everyone for the responses so far.

Flop: $70. Kc-Jh-5h. Checks to me. I bet $45. MAG calls, MAWW folds.

Turn: $160. Kc-Jh-5h-10h. What a turn. MAG checks. Hero?
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-27-2019 , 01:15 AM
$75 and fold to a shove from the nit.

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K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-27-2019 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Thank you everyone for the responses so far.

Flop: $70. Kc-Jh-5h. Checks to me. I bet $45. MAG calls, MAWW folds.

Turn: $160. Kc-Jh-5h-10h. What a turn. MAG checks. Hero?
We don't need to balance vs super nit. We can bet 50 and shut down or bet tiny on blank rivers. Nit will make things easy for us
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-27-2019 , 04:39 AM
You don’t have to bet flop, x back is viable. If betting small looks good.
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-27-2019 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Thank you everyone for the responses so far.

Flop: $70. Kc-Jh-5h. Checks to me. I bet $45. MAG calls, MAWW folds.

Turn: $160. Kc-Jh-5h-10h. What a turn. MAG checks. Hero?
I think this is an easy spot. Bet something like $60-$70 and fold to a raise. You need to bet in case V has a heart or a Q for an OESD. Since V is tight, he makes life easy for you, a raise will generally be a flush or a set.

Being in position matters a lot, since you can check back or make sure one more bet goes in on the river.
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-27-2019 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Thank you everyone for the responses so far.

Flop: $70. Kc-Jh-5h. Checks to me. I bet $45. MAG calls, MAWW folds.

Turn: $160. Kc-Jh-5h-10h. What a turn. MAG checks. Hero?
Bet/fold $75 - $80. He's almost never raising with worse than KT here, but he might call with worse. I also want him to pay a little to call with a draw.
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-27-2019 , 10:54 PM
Thank you everyone. I really screwed the turn up.

Turn ($160): Kc-Jh-5h-10h. Hero bets $135. Villain shoves for $150~ more. I think he has some KQ here, and I’m live vs a flush. After betting so much what do I do?
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-28-2019 , 01:23 AM
Not being a dick but what range do you put him on, how much equity does that give you and how much do you need?
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-28-2019 , 04:31 AM
we can have straights, flushes, sets, and plenty of pairs drawing much more live. our worst two pair here is a pretty easy laydown. I think we butchered the hand at every point postflop.
K10dd PAHWM Quote
12-28-2019 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
Thank you everyone. I really screwed the turn up.

Turn ($160): Kc-Jh-5h-10h. Hero bets $135. Villain shoves for $150~ more. I think he has some KQ here, and I’m live vs a flush. After betting so much what do I do?
This bet is a big mistake against THIS player. Remember, V is nit. He is going to give you perfect information. He's calling your bet if he has a marginal made hand or a draw, and he's raising/shoving with a made flush. A nit is NEVER shoving this card without actually having the flush. So why bet $135 which in return gives you 4-1 odds to call when V shoves? Betting $70 like most suggested, gives you 2.5 to 1 pot odds when V shoves. Much easier to fold to that shove. You essentially paid too much for that information.

You already threw away 20 big blinds by betting too much on the turn. Don't compound that error by throwing away another 50 big blinds by calling the shove. You have only about 7-10% equity in pot, depending if V holds the Kh. Calling is a very negative EV play. FOLD and cut your losses.
K10dd PAHWM Quote
