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Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL

12-18-2013 , 09:02 AM
I know what you are thinking, limp reraise from old guy is an instamuck of most anything. However, this is from a live pro whose game I have respect for!

Table is early morning pretty nitty and dead table, pretty much marked by the competent players isoing fishy limpers and cbetting to take down pots. Hero has played with villain a lot, who probably regards him as a tighter thinking player who doesn't get out of line much but is capible of moves. Stacks are 100bbs.

Villain limps UTG2, Hero has AKo to his direct left. Hero raises to 10, button calls, Villain raises to 38. Hero calls, button calls.

Flop QT6r. Villain makes it 50. Hero does ?

Should I have 4bet pf? Am I folding to a 5bet? What would be my sizing? What are you doing on the flop?

Just have never been limp raised by a compentent player before. What are ways I can work it into my game? Just a weird situation that I felt super lost in,
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 09:46 AM
That depends on many factors. For example do you balance your raising size/range? Or do you predictably opening narrow early? If the latter and he knows it, then i wouldnt 4bet.
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 10:30 AM
No to 4bet. No to 5bet.

OTF Hero folds.

While it is a 3bet, in this case it came after your small bet of 10. Feels like JJ+ to me.

We whiffed the flop, just let it go.
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 10:33 AM
Fold flop. Villain could easily be on a c-bet here, however if villain isn't you likely have few outs and villain has bet too much to consider sticking around.

Preflop is villain dependent. At a nitty tight table with lots of isolation raises, I suspect a lot of AK/JJ/TT type hands where villain figures to be good a lot but is happy to take the pot without a flop. However, this will vary from villain to villain a lot.
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Raidion
I know what you are thinking, limp reraise from old guy is an instamuck of most anything. However, this is from a live pro whose game I have respect for!

Table is early morning pretty nitty and dead table, pretty much marked by the competent players isoing fishy limpers and cbetting to take down pots. Hero has played with villain a lot, who probably regards him as a tighter thinking player who doesn't get out of line much but is capible of moves.
First, get it out of your head that competent players never limp/reraise. You just described the ideal table conditions for it: when there are a few players who are frequently raising preflop with almost all the hands they're playing, and there are also people willing to call the 3bet (like both you and the button in this hand). The difference between the nit who only shows up with AA here and the competent player is that the competent player can do this with any hand he would have liked to 3bet with if he were in position.

The fact that you feel lost here is exactly why good players should be doing it. It's taken you off your game, which gives him an edge. Just treat it the same as if he were 3betting from the BB.
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:23 PM
I've started to work this into my game in very specific spots. Ironically I don't really ever do it with AA/KK. I use it as a bluff against good players who will read as AA/KK. The couple of times I've done it, they actually called preflop and then meekly folded to cbet a on low boards. Obviously can be overused or misused but I've taken chunks out of decent but not great regs who otherwise would not tangle with me. Vern is right. It's so unexpected from me tht they have no idea what to do with it and end up folding.
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:32 PM
spike, you play in a tighter game than I do if they are folding on the flop. When I do it, I often end up getting all-in preflop or on the flop. One time someone called my flop jam with unimproved 33. Another time, I got called by unimproved 99. Another time someone jammed on me after I bet the flop.

In games like that, why in the world would I not have a limp/reraise range that includes nutted hands? (Of course, sometimes they do all fold. I try to mix up when I want value and when I want folds. Just like any other play I make.)
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:34 PM
for 100bb I am 4bet/shoving to this type of player. you will get more value seeing 5 cards, and he is not limp calling AA or KK

"this is from a live pro whose game I have respect for!"

and this was 1/2?
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by CallMeVernon
spike, you play in a tighter game than I do if they are folding on the flop. When I do it, I often end up getting all-in preflop or on the flop. One time someone called my flop jam with unimproved 33. Another time, I got called by unimproved 99. Another time someone jammed on me after I bet the flop.

In games like that, why in the world would I not have a limp/reraise range that includes nutted hands? (Of course, sometimes they do all fold. I try to mix up when I want value and when I want folds. Just like any other play I make.)
Let me clarify. I've only done it a couple times and only vs. very specific players. The vast majority of players aren't worth the move I'm talking about. I might consider it with nutted hands as well but the times I've had someone bad enough/tilted enough to go to the felt with it, I haven't picked up the hands. I'd say the vast majority of the time the quickest path to stacking off is still just PFR bet bet bet.
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 06:15 PM
Weird spot but I'd play it just like you did and fold flop.

What would be tough is a flop with QJx or Kxx. Then I'm not sure how it would play out but at least we have position

Last edited by xxGreat1xx; 12-18-2013 at 06:29 PM.
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
12-18-2013 , 06:23 PM
I would fold or 4bet vs described villain . If you've noticed he's 3bettih 88 99 aq Ak TT and is capable of folding (is weak tight or a thinking player who doesn't just think of his own cards) yiu can fold out hands you beat . But if he's a super bit I would fold and wait for a Bette spot
Just got limp reraised. 1/2NL Quote
