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J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) J'S on the button straddle help(2/5)

08-04-2015 , 09:00 PM
Need some help with this, would appreciate any constructive criticism on how I played this out.
WPT was in town, juicy, deep games pretty loose table, avg is about 1.5k.
H (3k) late 30's Mexican/American moved to this table about an hour ago with about $3.5k. I was playing pretty LAG, and got involved in some decent hands, one being against V.
V (2k) is late 30s Asian guy, seems very loose and gambley. Was involved in a decent pot with him about 20 min. earlier where I (7,6s)turned bottom end of straight on
a A,8,9 Flop. Turn was a 10. V had bet Flop and turn(I put him on an A,X type hand) I raise turn, he calls, river is a 7 he bets about 3/4 pot size bet. I call, he turns over A,J scoops about $1200 pot. I shouldn't have called, sorry didn't want to get extremely detailed with that hand.
VX..random villains not much significance in hand.
On to the hand ...Dallas straddle was in effect.(ultimate last action )
H(OTB) straddles $10
VX(MP)raises to $25
VX (MP1) calls $25
V(CO) calls $25
H looks down at J J
and I make it $90 total. Looking to either get this heads up or scoop it now.
Only V calls
Flop($240) A, A, Q
V checks
H cbets $125
V calls
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-04-2015 , 09:18 PM
What are you looking to get called by? What better hands are you looking to fold out? Do you think he's limp/calling QQ/KK and folding to a bet?
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-04-2015 , 09:21 PM
Would you give detailed analysis on why you are betting this flop?
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-04-2015 , 09:26 PM
With eff stack deep and $92 of dead $ pre, I'd re-raise to $120-$130.

Flop - think this is an easy check-back, then evaluate the turn. Your perceived image does not help in trying to turn your hand into a bluff.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-04-2015 , 09:33 PM
I absolutely hated the cbet, especially after his call.
Here I was hoping he didn't have an A, since the 2 on the board drastically reduce his chances of having one(and myself ). I tried to rep something along that range.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-04-2015 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
What are you looking to get called by? What better hands are you looking to fold out? Do you think he's limp/calling QQ/KK and folding to a bet?
No I don't put him on KK, QQ hand. V can almost show up with suited connectors but more than likely a broadway type hand or mid pp.
I know that doesn't help with my decision on cbetting.

Last edited by poyo; 08-04-2015 at 09:55 PM.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-04-2015 , 10:32 PM
V checks
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 01:43 AM
PF sizing is too small. There's already over $90 in the pot when it gets to you. I'd make it $125 in this spot.

As played, flop c-bet makes no sense. You're never getting better to fold and rarely getting worse to call (and that worse is hands like KdJd that have plenty of equity and will sometimes be able to steal the pot since you can't really continue in the hand).
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by poyo
V checks
I think realistically you only beat AK, since a lot of pp would have folded otf imo. So I say check back.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 03:25 AM
Preflop is too small. I'll open to $90+ in some 5/T games. Obviously this won't play just like a 5/T but that's just to put it in perspective....given the straddle and the stack depths you gotta raise more.

Flop cbet is terrible. As played bet turn for value.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 04:50 AM
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 09:06 AM
Bet 1/2 pot on the turn to get action from back door hearts, Broadway and AK/AT.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 11:06 AM
Agree the flop bet was terrible, and as soon as he called I thought, we'll there goes $125. If he were to raise there, I'm more than likely folding.
V checked the turn
H bets out $250 (too small, check?)
V pauses for only a moment and calls
River($990) 6
V checks
H ?
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 11:23 AM
B/puke fold $300 to target Ax and Broadway.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 07:54 PM
I bet $350 on river...very small, realized after the fact it was only about 1/3 pot.
He called me so I flipped 1st (he paused waiting on me to show) stood up, tilting and cussing throwing his cards face down in the muck, never seeing his cards.
I'm assuming trips or probably a straight?
What I needed help on was my line in general. I know my flop cbet was terrible, but kind of got lost from turn on. I kept hoping he didn't show up with AQ.
The check calling kinda stumped me, but glad for it.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 10:38 PM
Bet a lot more on the river. Given his passive line we have the best hand the majority of the time but villain is never folding Ax here.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-05-2015 , 11:45 PM
100 bucks of dead money and that deep, I might make it 195 pre.

As played. check flop. call turn, or if checked to, bet turn.

if called, C/C river.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-06-2015 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
100 bucks of dead money and that deep, I might make it 195 pre.

As played. check flop. call turn, or if checked to, bet turn.

if called, C/C river.
can't c/c river, we're OTB.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-06-2015 , 01:37 PM
I don't totally get the hatred for the c-bet here. I'm normally anti-c-bet, but why is it worse here than anywhere else?

Villain doesn't have AA, AK, KK, or QQ. He would have raised instead of calling $25 pf. He later called $90, giving him another chance to raise, another chance that he turned down. I think he was chasing a longshot hand with his first $25, then couldn't get away from it when the bet was raised to $90. QJs? JTs? It's possible he has an ace, sure, but not as likely with two aces on the board ... ATs? At the point where I see the flop, I'm putting him on all sorts of hands that I can force out with a c-bet. My guess is he's pretty sticky, but there's enough money in the pot that the absolute value of a c-bet might scare off a sticky player.

Does villain seem like the type to slowplay? I doubt it. He wasn't slowplaying pre, I don't think he's slowplaying post, either, meaning his check is a legit sign of his strength, or lack thereof.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-06-2015 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by JamesFrancis
I don't totally get the hatred for the c-bet here. I'm normally anti-c-bet, but why is it worse here than anywhere else?

Villain doesn't have AA, AK, KK, or QQ. He would have raised instead of calling $25 pf. He later called $90, giving him another chance to raise, another chance that he turned down. I think he was chasing a longshot hand with his first $25, then couldn't get away from it when the bet was raised to $90. QJs? JTs? It's possible he has an ace, sure, but not as likely with two aces on the board ... ATs? At the point where I see the flop, I'm putting him on all sorts of hands that I can force out with a c-bet. My guess is he's pretty sticky, but there's enough money in the pot that the absolute value of a c-bet might scare off a sticky player.

Does villain seem like the type to slowplay? I doubt it. He wasn't slowplaying pre, I don't think he's slowplaying post, either, meaning his check is a legit sign of his strength, or lack thereof.
The point of a c-bet is to get called by worse (value), or to get better to fold (bluff).

What hands that we beat will call?

What better hands fold?

That should give you your answer.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-06-2015 , 03:35 PM
Just because you are not getting called by worse doesn´t mean you have to give free cards. Holdings like KT, TJ etc. have a lot of equity against us.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-06-2015 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by GermanGambler
Just because you are not getting called by worse doesn´t mean you have to give free cards. Holdings like KT, TJ etc. have a lot of equity against us.
Actually, they don't.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-06-2015 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by GermanGambler
Just because you are not getting called by worse doesn´t mean you have to give free cards.
Is the plan to give him two free cards? That seems unnecessarily generous.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-06-2015 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by NeverLosesAtPoker
Actually, they don't.
Originally Posted by GermanGambler
Just because you are not getting called by worse doesn´t mean you have to give free cards. Holdings like KT, TJ etc. have a lot of equity against us.
He'd have to specifically have JTdd or KJdd for V to have significant equity against us. We block all other Broadway combos so he is skewed towards an ace, a queen, or a weak flush draw. There are very few combos of flush draws in v's range compared to made hands so a check back makes more sense.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
08-06-2015 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
He'd have to specifically have JTdd or KJdd for V to have significant equity against us. We block all other Broadway combos so he is skewed towards an ace, a queen, or a weak flush draw. There are very few combos of flush draws in v's range compared to made hands so a check back makes more sense.
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
He'd have to specifically have JTdd or KJdd for V to have significant equity against us. We block all other Broadway combos so he is skewed towards an ace, a queen, or a weak flush draw. There are very few combos of flush draws in v's range compared to made hands so a check back makes more sense.
I'd be giving this V a pretty wide (bad) flop calling range after he called twice PF, but still agree flop bet doesn't do much with JJ - once called on flop, you're happy check to SD unimproved. AP, 3/4 to PSB ott and Riv to target all his Suited Ax, str, FD on turn (size larger as this V may still see value in calling his FD, and might as well mix that in with bigger VB ott).

AQ, QQ are pretty unlikely (call twice PF?) and the single AJ combo is tough to find. Id take all of those away once he only X/c ott anyway - realistically, even this V has no x/r hands in his range as even A6cc (that filled up OTR) may elect to just x/c.
J'S on the button straddle help(2/5) Quote
