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JJ Villian Cold Calls 3 Bet Line Check JJ Villian Cold Calls 3 Bet Line Check

01-08-2016 , 02:37 PM
Prehand Descriptions

Villain 1: Projects an image of competence and appears to be moderately tight, moderately aggressive. Has been opening a lot of pots. I perceived this to be a good response to a tight table.
Villain 2: Also projects an image of competence. Has been more loose and agressive than villain 1, and has also shown himself willing to vary betsize quite a bit.
Hero: I have 3 bet 3-4 times in the last ~90 minutes and none of these hands have gone to showdown. I have been somewhat active because of the tight table.

$3/5 NL
Effective stack size ~ $400.

Hero is dealt JJ

Action folds to HJ (Villian 1), who raises to 20. Villian has been somewhat active in his opens and I believe myself to be pretty far ahead of his range, so I 3-bet to 55.

Villian 2 cold calls OTB. I am unsure whether villain's range is typically (for the games I play) quite tight for cold calling a 3 bet (perhaps TT+ AQ+) or if he was calling much wider preflop believing he can successfully use position against me.

Villian 1 folds.

Flop ($130) 3s,7s,9c
I bet $65, V2 calls.

I bet here because I am concerned about giving a free card on this board and think I may be ahead. I think my bet sizing is a problem here because it doesn't look very strong to bet only half pot into a draw heavy board like this. I think checking here could be better than betting but am concerned about projecting weakness with a check on a draw heavy board. This could put me in a position where I have pretty bad reverse implied odds and there are many turn cards that give villain good betting opportunities.

Turn ($260) Qc

Hero checks, V2 bets $70. V2 has a little more than $200 behind after bet, perhaps $210-$220. I fold.

I felt that this card was when I needed to decide whether I was committing to the hand or not because the pot would be $400 if I call and I'd be facing a river bet of about $200. I fold very unsure of where I stand with my medium strength hand.

Thanks in advance for comments & questions!
JJ Villian Cold Calls 3 Bet Line Check Quote
01-08-2016 , 04:02 PM
Overall, I think you played fine. A 3! cold-call is a pretty strong move even for a LAG on the button.

I'd consider going for a CRAI on the flop. A LAG might bluff with AQ/AK. It's risky because if it checks through you have to fade 3 overcards. Villain's flop calling range is TT+/AsQs/AsKs. Maybe he floated with a couple combos of AsKx/AsQx. You're about 25% against his range on the turn. Given his strength preflop, I think it's fine check for a showdown and give up if he bets. You're not committed yet and folding is the safe move. You get 4.5:1 odds to call the turn, though it looks like a setup for a river shove. Really good bet by villain.
JJ Villian Cold Calls 3 Bet Line Check Quote
01-08-2016 , 05:35 PM
I would have shoved over his weak turn bet. This sizing doesn't look strong at all. If he had a hand worth protecting from the multitude of draws out there he would have bet more. Plenty of AK/TT in his range here, among other things.
JJ Villian Cold Calls 3 Bet Line Check Quote
01-08-2016 , 05:53 PM
I check flop, this board isn't that draw heavy.. Is he cold calling with a FD combo? T8? no way. I disagree that you're ahead here all that much, maybe if he cc's with AQ or AK. Tough spot post flop.

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JJ Villian Cold Calls 3 Bet Line Check Quote
01-08-2016 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
I would have shoved over his weak turn bet. This sizing doesn't look strong at all. If he had a hand worth protecting from the multitude of draws out there he would have bet more. Plenty of AK/TT in his range here, among other things.
I thought about that too, especially given hero's relatively small 1/2 PSB on the flop. Villain could have read the bet as weak and floated with AK/AQ. But what draws should villain fear with made hands? Hero isn't 3! with JT/T8/86. Hero would have bet again on the turn with AK spades or clubs. I'd strongly consider a crai if villain had a bet sizing tell of betting small when weak and big when strong. Hero mentioned villain mixed up his bet sizing, which tells me a small bet could very well be strong here.

It sucks to lose 30% of your stack. But I estimate hero only has about 25% equity against villain's range, at the moment. I'd rather save my remaining chips.
JJ Villian Cold Calls 3 Bet Line Check Quote
01-08-2016 , 06:31 PM
Hero has been 3! roughly 7-10% of his hands (5x in 90 minutes) so if I was villain I would assume he doesn't always have premium holdings and thus can have potential draws here and size my bet accordingly.

Absent a hell of a read, betting small to induce is incredibly FPS and stupid. I'll take my chances with JJ here and reload if necessary with the added benefit of seeing how he plays his cards.

The queen is a relatively neutral card so if you thought you were ahead on the flop this really doesn't change anything.
JJ Villian Cold Calls 3 Bet Line Check Quote
01-08-2016 , 06:57 PM
Not a fan of getting such a favorable SPR, flopping an overpair, putting more $ in on the flop, AND then folding.

I'd either pot the flop and shove the turn, or, AP, x/shove the turn seems fine.
JJ Villian Cold Calls 3 Bet Line Check Quote
