Jeez, please tell me my lay down was justified. 2/5 NLH
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 292
2/5 Live no-limit
EP - Raises $15
Me - MP - AhKh - Reraise to $45
HJ - Calls
CO - Calls
EP - folds
Flops comes As7s4c
Me - MP - raises $75
HJ - Raises $225 (has $250ish left) OK player / Tight Passive
CO - Raises $450 (has $200ish left) / Total fish
ME - MP - Fold
Turn and river 5d9h . They check it down. The guy in the HJ, takes the pot with KING HIGH. Now. Here's what I was thinking. I wasn't afraid of a set. Even with the two spades on the flop I didn't think a set would be betting like that. I thought one had A7s, maybe the other was on a pair with a nut flush draw. But with that kind of action on the flop someone HAD to have a decent hand right? The guy in the HJ was shaking from his toes to his neck. So my read was he had connected with the flop pretty hard. Hind sight being 20/20...he was bluffing and was shaking because of the BIG pot he had started then got re-raised. I'll save that read for next time. SO! The question is...did I make a bad fold?
Last edited by Wetworks; 04-18-2014 at 01:39 AM.
Reason: spelling
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 20,102
To get the best advice it is best just to provide a hand history with no results.
With that said, in general, folding TPTK when someone cold 3bets the flop will be the correct decision the vast majority of the time. A fish doing it makes it a less of a fold, but the raise by the tight passive is concerning.
I wouldn't be results oriented here and would forget about this one. However you may want to rethink your read on the HJ.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 19,252
Listen to what Uncle Skippy said...
Also, BBV is that way ------->