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Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Jammed on Turn with Top Pair

11-02-2022 , 05:39 PM
1/3 NL

Villian CO raises to 20

Hero on BTN calls with KsQh

Villain UTG calls 20

Both villians are quite tight with about 100bbs

Flop: Kc 6c 5d

UTG bets 30, CO calls, Hero Calls

Turn: 3d

UTG shoves All In 225, CO folds

Hero: ?

Last edited by TheGingerBredMan; 11-02-2022 at 05:49 PM.
Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
11-02-2022 , 05:51 PM
What are the other stack sizes and any relevant reads? Against the general 1/3 population it's probably a fold. Doubt he's shoving after getting called by two players without TPTK. If he's the type to try this with a nut flush draw here I guess you have to call it off.
Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
11-02-2022 , 06:29 PM
So UTG limped PF, called the raise and then donked half pot on the flop.
I guess there are a few hands that beat you that could have played this way. 55, 66, K6s, K5s
Probably only a couple that you would be beating KJdd, 78cc
Would he shove the turn with Axcc?
If you're behind you're in rough shape
If you're ahead it might still be not much more than a flip
I fold
Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
11-02-2022 , 07:03 PM
Facing a 1.5x overbet, we can wait until we have 2-pair+ to call.
Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
11-02-2022 , 07:12 PM
Fold. You are ahead here probably 1/3 the time but even then he will have 10 or 12 outs
Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
11-02-2022 , 07:21 PM
You can't call such a large open if you can't stack off with top pair here. What were you hoping for, an OESD?

I'd fold now, and I would've folded most of the time pre. This is not a small leak.
If I were to play I'd want a read that the CO is opening light and I'd prioritize KQs rather than KQ offsuit.
Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
11-02-2022 , 07:34 PM
Appreciate the replys

I ended up folding

UTG who jammed showed Ac4c, so Nut flush/open ender draw

CO who folded had AK

Last edited by TheGingerBredMan; 11-02-2022 at 07:42 PM.
Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
11-03-2022 , 11:03 AM
Against a quite tight player raising to a large 7x over a quite tight limper (even in LP), I'm probably just making a nitty fold preflop.

Dumb flop spot. SPR is only ~5 and board is drawy and two players are in for 1/2 PSBs. You could probably make an argument that we should consider committing here if we're going with the hand, and raise to do so. But I don't hate just using our position to see what happens on the turn before making that commitment decision either.

Any reads on this guy other than quite tight? Most players of this ilk don't overjam turns against multiple opponents with draws. So this is mostly just a hand that thinks they are best and scared about someone hitting their draw. And KJ ain't played like this. So I fold.

Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
11-03-2022 , 03:11 PM
Uncomfortable. I assume UTG limped pre? or straddled? Depending on V in CO I would 3bet here some of the time. Call is fine. OTF I think calling is best but we would really need more info on the players, tight what? aggro? I'm raising flop against anyone loose who is over cbetting. But if they're tight then just call. Turn sucks to fold but basically all you can do. Its often combo draws or pair+draws like 67s,78s,A5cc type stuff.. those are like 25-35% against you while sets and 2pair have you drawing 0-8%, say 90-100% against, meh fold. theres better spots.

I had a hand like this the other day.
Drunk V had taken a call OOP pre, bet bet bet line on a Q6372 runout and I called down with 99 and won, he went 3/4 pot otr. Later I opened AA IP and he called and led flop on a 9h-8h-5s board and then barrelled turn AI for 2x pot on a 6h, I folded AA no h and didnt show, he showed 8c.
Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
11-03-2022 , 03:33 PM
3bet or fold pre; the more tight he is I fold, and if he's got an average CO opening range I 3bet.

fold the turn
Jammed on Turn with Top Pair Quote
